Orange Box - "Gifts"

I would like to have the original half-life 2, if anybody still has a gift for free. I would realy appreciate it. ( account name: IvoVisak ).
If someone would donate some cash to me, Id be glad to give my extra games to them! :D
I would like to have the original half-life 2, if anybody still has a gift for free. I would realy appreciate it. ( account name: IvoVisak ).

Sending the gift your way! :)

EDIT: It cant find your Steam account name...
I have a HL2 and EP1 to give away. PM me.
I am requesting a HL2 gift, so add me (nekomomo) on Steam, Thanks ^^
Damn, I have the 'gifts', but I don't think we should just give them away... maybe the folk that get them should donate a couple of bucks to a charity of somethin before we let them have them.. its a good cause like and 2 dollars for 2 awesome games is hardly asking a lot.