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  1. Dave

    Inumod Job Offerings

    Models look pretty cool!
  2. Dave Interviews Jurassic Rage!

    Ooh, that second picture is just a little joke. The velociraptor was mistakenly scaled far too small, and thus we just had to take a photograph of it because (well, at the time at least), it was quite hilarious.
  3. Dave

    Collectors Edition will include... Er. HOW MUCH

    Oh wow look I'm back ^_^ Anyhow, £80 does seem a bit steep, but depending on the amount of HL1->Source conversions that comes with, it may well be worth it? Half-Life 1 on source would make a brilliant game, TFC, CS and any others would probably mean I wouldn't have to buy another game for...
  4. Dave

    To or not to [btw, IM BACK BOYZ!!!]

    Well said. Basically, if it isn't broke, why fix it?
  5. Dave

    Metal gear etc.

    I recently bought Splinter Cell 2 for my Xbox and I must say, it is a worthy adversary to the Metal Gear Solid series. It has missions concerning both Urban and Jungle warfare, and they blend together well. Tom Clancy is a fantastic author. There is no doubt about that. I still think however...
  6. Dave

    To or not to [btw, IM BACK BOYZ!!!]

    I said no, then gave my reason why. What kind of response were you expecting? :)
  7. Dave

    Anyone else getting sick of hearing about Hilary Duff?

    In my opinion she wears way too much makeup sometimes. I saw her on Des n' Mel the other day and you could barely see her face under all that makeup. I really don't think she needs all that makeup personally, she isn't bad-looking, but she came close under all that mascara and whatever. I...
  8. Dave

    To or not to [btw, IM BACK BOYZ!!!]

    No, you see, if I can go back to 1930, I can go back to 1900. I would do this and then stop Adolf from being born in the first place. Ingenius.
  9. Dave

    Site's up.. who's found their way back?

    I'm still here.. Wo. What's new.. Er, I resubscribed to Horizons.
  10. Dave

    There is no Infinity.

    Won't our heads explode if we try to bring the concept of Octal, Binary, Hexadecimal, etc bases into this too? :D Anyhow, I was thinking, you know when people say 'Blah * infinity'? Isn't that just a redundant statement? 'Blah' would never be multiplied since infinity would never be...
  11. Dave

    Midget Bullfighting!

    lol, that was funny.
  12. Dave

    what's better ps2 or xbox ?

    Nintendo 64! Play it the most out of my Gamecube and PS2 :D
  13. Dave

    Is that Duck Tape?!

    Always thought Duct Tape was black.
  14. Dave

    GTA4 not to be called Sin City

    Yes, it should be London.
  15. Dave

    GF FX vs ATI As you can see.. Nvidia are the clear winners unless you're using AA/AF. And you probably won't be using AA/AF for HL2. Also worth noting that Nvidia cards have the best DX9 performance, therefore it makes sense they...
  16. Dave

    Silent Hill 4

    "Expansive areas to explore, including a forest, prison, and hotel" It's going to be good. Beast : I would say that the series is alot scarier than the Resident Evil games, but no where near as scary as System Shock 2 (which IMO holds the crown for scariest game ever, even when you play it...
  17. Dave

    Farcry beta

    Yeah I got into the beta. Not recieving it until January though.
  18. Dave

    What is in your CD Rom drive right now??

    Diablo II: Lord of Destruction in D: Nothing in F:
  19. Dave

    PS2 Question...

    The Xbox is also 'free'..?
  20. Dave

    This is where HL2 is going

    Yeah, it is pretty bad, but meh. If you don't like Valve support GSC Game World and STALKER instead. I did. Oh, and nobody better dare turn this thread into a STALKER vs HL2 thread. I'm just posting my opinion. If you want to argue against my opinion PM me telling me what a moron I am to...