what's better ps2 or xbox ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter beast
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what's better ?

  • ps2

    Votes: 27 27.3%
  • xbox

    Votes: 33 33.3%
  • game cube

    Votes: 23 23.2%
  • /me hate console

    Votes: 16 16.2%

  • Total voters


hey, im gonna buy a console soon just wondering which is better.

ps2 have lot of games but what about graphics ?
This entire thread is asking for it, flame-wise.
I love my little gamecube, with excellent first party games and its a on of fun with friends for only $99. Can't beat that.
I say Xbox - Xbox Live is a good enough reason alone, and the support for it is excellent and can only get better :)
beast said:
what's better ps2 or xbox ?

How long's a piece of string?
It's all down to personal preference.
in my personal opinion i prefer my X-box, and i've got the ps2, psone, X-box and gamecube.....

but that could just be me :rolleyes:
Yeah i go for xbox, and if your computer isn't all that great you can get halo, halo2, half life 2, doom 3, far cry, ninja gaiden, fable etc and they all look pretty good (cept i haven't seen any half life 2 xbox media yet, but they say it looks almost identical to the pc i dunno) on ign.com they have a huge list of all they games they are looking forward to this year... check it out.
xbox. yeah it is my opinion. i used to have a ps2, but honeslty the xbox's harddrive is what did it for me.
personnally i prefer the feel of the xbox control, and the games seem suited to my desires.
Anyone else find it dumb that you can't get a plain ol' X-Box anymore? You have to buy at least some kind of bundle.
I like PS2, this is cause i dont really like the gamecube games, and all the xbos games are either for PS2 or PC as well. i like gran turismo, its special to me.
Direwolf said:
Anyone else find it dumb that you can't get a plain ol' X-Box anymore? You have to buy at least some kind of bundle.
thats just a holiday deal, it should go away shortly
I have all 3 and I like the PS2 most because I like the games for it more. Can't wait 'til MGS 3 ;)
Rigged I tell you!!!!


My PS2 works fine, and i couldn't ask for more.
I couldn't afford more, anyways.
The Grand Theft Auto series and Gran Turismo series had it for me. ps2 all the way
off topic but, Nice avatar, tunk, and welcome to the forums.
But why does it have one giant blinking eye and two small mouths?
Murray_H said:
I say Xbox - Xbox Live is a good enough reason alone, and the support for it is excellent and can only get better :)
You do realize you're talking about a Microsoft product, right ?

And the PS2 hard drive is due out in a few months..
AudioRage said:
You do realize you're talking about a Microsoft product, right ?

And the PS2 hard drive is due out in a few months..

Yes, roughly 3 years after release. :hmph:
Sorry, but it seems pathetic Sony can't get it's act together...
Even within a year of the release of PS3, Xbox2, and N5.
Thadius Dean said:
The Grand Theft Auto series and Gran Turismo series had it for me. ps2 all the way
gta series is out on xbox now, so thats one of the thigns to scratch of the list
GhostValkyrie said:
Yes, roughly 3 years after release. :hmph:
Sorry, but it seems pathetic Sony can't get it's act together...
Even within a year of the release of PS3, Xbox2, and N5.
I never said Sony had their act together, I've been waiting for the PS2 HDD forever, but I still don't think "microsoft" and "good support" should be in the same sentance, let alone the same thought.

for the gran tourismo series and i like the controllers alot more.
I love my friendly little GameCube. No arm-tearing weight, and it doesn't look like some kind of cooling system. And it has METROID PRIME :E!

Oh, and I got it half price :E:E:E.
Well i got a ps2, but i would say that xbox is better, the only thing that ps2 has over xbox in my opinion is final fantasy which is one of the main reasons for me buying a ps2. But xbox has all ps2 games - ff + halo and shit
Nintendo 64! Play it the most out of my Gamecube and PS2 :D
yay!!! go brian damage!!! metroid prime owns, and gamecube 0ws ass!!! all other consoles can burn in hell- they sux0r!!! Xbox has no decent games and the PS2 breaks. i had 1, and 50% of my m8s including me have had their ps2 break. the other 50% never played theirs nayway.
i only really get either nintendo games for my GC or multiplayer- 4 m8s and mario kart is one heell of a fun night. even if u only have 3 controllers (like me) coz u can do 1+1 vs 1 or 1v1v1 and 1 on my 0wnage pc. but seriosly, pc rule.
Suicide42 said:
yay!!! go brian damage!!! metroid prime owns, and gamecube 0ws ass!!! all other consoles can burn in hell- they sux0r!!! Xbox has no decent games and the PS2 breaks. i had 1, and 50% of my m8s including me have had their ps2 break. the other 50% never played theirs nayway.
i only really get either nintendo games for my GC or multiplayer- 4 m8s and mario kart is one heell of a fun night. even if u only have 3 controllers (like me) coz u can do 1+1 vs 1 or 1v1v1 and 1 on my 0wnage pc. but seriosly, pc rule.

Ya what he said !!!
JonTheCanuck said:
gta series is out on xbox now, so thats one of the thigns to scratch of the list
only those 2 games... :hmph:
the 5th (or as sum dissapointed people call GTA 4) will be PS2 exclusive again.... then ported to the PC... no x-box this time.... at least thats speculation...

but i say GC... best value... great games, etc... if u wanna follow the crowd like a LAME-O... get a PS2, but NEVER an x-box... just.. no :|

I'm gonna go play ratchet and clank 2 now :P
I've been playing Ratchet and Clank 2 for months, and I'm still going. So much replay value in challenge mode its not funny.
My PS2 definitly comes in a close second for its exclusives like the Metal Gear Series and Gran Tourismo, god of racing games. X-Box just doesn't have enough exclusives that I can't find elsewhere (I own pretty much everything else) to get me to buy one yet. Halo 2 might change that though.
i'm loyal to nintendo, therefore the gamecube
i like ur style. that is the truest quote ive heard all day. Nintendo actually CARE about games and their customers :P their console doesnt break like the ps2 or look like a poshed up pc like the xbox...
**cough** x-box = brick
I have a PS2 and never use it, the graphics are too bad for words. If I had a light gun then I might have some fun with it but I don't so meh.

If I had money to burn then i would buy a game cube but I would rather have a new sound card, as for Xbox I would rather throw my brothers PS2 out the window then pay for a new one.
I think Xbox has a brighter future than PS2 does...but right now.. PS2 wins

EDIT: I have had absolutely no problems with my PS2 or my Xbox...my friend however has had numerous problems with his GC.... mainly that he can't find any good games apart from Double Dash :rolleyes:

Just had to take the stab...
PS2 is much better. I already have a good PC, that eliminates the need for an X-BOX. X-BOX only gets ports of PC games that looks considerably worse. The few good X-BOX games are ported to PC with better graphics and/or also released on PS2. X-BOX Live is crap, simply because it requires a monthly fee - PS2 online is free and as of right now has better/more online games.

If you already own a good PC, IMO it is a waste of money and redundant to buy an X-BOX. If you don't, then look at the games from PS2 and X-BOX and make your own decision, I think PS2 games are much better.
AmishSlayer said:
I have had absolutely no problems with my PS2 or my Xbox...my friend however has had numerous problems with his GC.... mainly that he can't find any good games apart from Double Dash :rolleyes:
I haven't had any problems with my PS2 either, nor has anyone I've known. And apparently your friend is insane. :imu:
The most common problem people, which most people consider "breaking", is that their laser lens is dirty on the PS2. This is when your PS2 can't read any of the CDs you put into it. Most people are like, "WTF! My PS2 is broken." But alas it is a simple problem that can be solved in minutes. Just take a Laser Lens Cleaner CD (the CD has tiny little brushes on it) and stick it in there and run that sucker and you should be set. Problem solved! Dance party at my house. BYOB.
were can I find a Laser Lens Cleaner CD ?

Is it sold in the market and stuff ? How much?
You can find them almost anywhere like Wal Mart or Best Buy. They range from 10-15 dollars depending on where you get them.