what's better ps2 or xbox ?

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what's better ?

  • ps2

    Votes: 27 27.3%
  • xbox

    Votes: 33 33.3%
  • game cube

    Votes: 23 23.2%
  • /me hate console

    Votes: 16 16.2%

  • Total voters
/me in Portugal...there is no Walmart or Best Buy....

Don't you know any e-shop that can ship one to EU?
I'm sure you can find one at any store that sells records, they're dumb little things that come in handy.
Also on the PS2 theres the Disc Read Error, when none of the discs will read right. If you don't care about the warranty you can open up the PS2 and fix that rather easily.
I had both of those errors...
And I sold my PS2 b/c of them...

At least I hv an XBOX now!
lol you sold your PS2 and it didn't work? I'd be pissed if I had bought it.
im gonna xbox the edge here
xbox live.
halo 2.
nuf said
I brought a Gamecube, it was alright but the severe lack of any game other than Nintendo branded ones began to get irritating. SO I bit my Lip and Brought an X-Box.

Best Idea I ever made. I've been glued to it. It is simply in my opinion one of the most balanced consoles ever designed. And considering that it was MS's first console thats fairly good.

Oh and Metroid Prime was alright and then it got so horrendously irritating that I gave up during the Phazon mines. I've never gone back to it and the save is now wiped. It was great for like 5 minutes. It's like poking yourself in the eye, fun for a while then a massive pain.
I really liked it the whole way through... the world is just so... detailed. The only hard parts in my opinion were Flaaghra, Meta-Ridley and Metroid Prime.
well I got ps2 and lots of games but I like it that they have a lot of games but there too short to me I was told a a few xbox games are long . Ive always wanted to play fable and marrowwind and any other coolpc game but my computer cant hack them. well xbox gots some games that are good and Im thinking oof buying a used xbox from gamestop that a good idea or worth the money?
Xbox is the most powerful, but It depends on the games you want. If there are 5 games for a particular system that you want that aren't available for the other systems then go with that one.

I like Colin McRae Rally 2005 for Xbox. That game is ****in sweet. The best car racing game I have ever played. (haven't heard anything if 2006 is coming out)

And I owned all 3 systems by the way. If your PC can't play games like Fable, Morrowind, Colin McRae, and Half-Life 2 (among others) then I would say get an Xbox, but if you have a good PC than I would pick from the other 2 systems.

/me hates console.
Panzer Dragoon Orta. Best reason for an XBox right there. PS2 has more good games, but the other more exclusives, except for the two FF games.
waistedlife said:
well I got ps2 and lots of games but I like it that they have a lot of games but there too short to me I was told a a few xbox games are long . Ive always wanted to play fable and marrowwind and any other coolpc game but my computer cant hack them. well xbox gots some games that are good and Im thinking oof buying a used xbox from gamestop that a good idea or worth the money?
Why did you find a 2 year old thread and revive it?

No it is not a good idea consdering the 360 is backwards compatible. If you like Eckybocky games get a 360 and have some room for future development.
I didnt even know threads lived for more than two years of no activity. His first and so far only post was the revival of a decayed corpse of a thread.
Innervision961 said:
Yeah i go for xbox, and if your computer isn't all that great you can get halo, halo2, half life 2, doom 3, far cry, ninja gaiden, fable etc and they all look pretty good (cept i haven't seen any half life 2 xbox media yet, but they say it looks almost identical to the pc i dunno) on ign.com they have a huge list of all they games they are looking forward to this year... check it out.

HL2 on xbox looks crap.. :/
PS2 for me has the most exclusives I want.

The gamecube is the best hardware/price wise, plus if you don't play games excessivly it's library has enough incredible games to keep you satisfyed.

The x-box has the best harware, plus x-box live, but for me it has the least amount of exclusives.
I own an Xbox, but I would take a PS2 if I had to choose again, they have GT4, MGS, Shadow of the Colossus, and of course the whole EA sports line-up (which for some reason feels better suited for the PS2)
I hope consoles go extinct:flame: . Long live teh PC empireseh, lolz
I think the PS2 wins this round, just. It's like the bloody energizer bunny - the Xbox and GC have been dead for a while (especially the GC) but the PS2 keeps pumping out game after game.

Still, for someone adopting a console now, i'd go for the GC. It may not have the AAA titles the N64/SNES/NES enjoyed, but the magic is still there and the price can't be beaten. Just make sure you pick up the original Super Moneky Ball, RE4, Metroid Prime, and Zelda WW :)
Well, since the PS2 is now only $30 more than the GC, I would have to suggest getting that one (as if he hasn't gotten one in the last two years this thread has been around! :eek:).

The main reason is that Sony is still giving massive support to it whereas Microsoft has all but abandoned the original xbox in favor of the somewhat backwards compatible 360 and even Nintendo seems to be looking more and more toward the future rather than the present.

Everyone who has spoken about preference previously is right though. It just depends on what kind of games you like. For my money, the PS2 has the biggest selection and therfore makes the most sense (plus the backwards compatibility with the PS1 gives you easy access to some of the best games of all-time).

This thread will have to be resurrected again when the PS3 and the Rev hit the market!!:thumbs:
The Gamecube is old faithful imo, it has some great party games and pretty innovative ones too.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Mario Party series
Super Monkey Ball
Mario Kart : Double Dash
Resident Evil 4

The PS2 definately wins in the amount-of-games department though...
Not all of them are good, but most are.

Hell I'd pick up a PS2 solely for the SOCOM series.

I've only played an XBOX at a friend's house...
He had Halo 2 and Conker Live & Reloaded... both were pretty fun.
But good ****ing lord, XBox Live seems like a whiner's paradise... everyone bitches about something... "OMFG U STOLE MY GHOST!" "OMFG DUNT SHOOT I TESTING THE VEHICLES!" etc. x.x
beast said:
hey, im gonna buy a console soon just wondering which is better.

ps2 have lot of games but what about graphics ?

I would say Xbox for Raw power, but then PS2 has more games going for it.

But I don't have a console so I can't really tell you specifics
Meh, I like PS2's more than Xbox's..for 2 main reasons

1.) Controller. I'm not holding an elephant cock as I am with the Xbox.
2.) Games. I find there are many many more enjoyable games on the PS2 than the Xbox...
I have a PS2 and a Gamecube, and I must say, I've gotten FAR more enjoyment out of the cube. The games are just... much better by my standards.