wow.... i noticed absolutely no lag when i played last night.. guess im just lucky or on a good server. the game is VERY unbalanced tho, resistance pwns oppression every single time =/ and this on 5 v 1 servers not the 11 v 1s.
imo this looks way better than TF2, but then i havent played either, and i will definately be trying both. :) GL to you and the rest of the team, i cant wait to actually play it!
This is a call for help as i'm in the middle of the most frustrating computer system i have ever bought.. If you know any possible solution or fix to my problem please reply, and if you dont mind, email me also (blinking .DOT halo @AT gmail .DOT com) I just recently bought a computer from a...
Hi all,
I just recently got a new system with the following specs:
AMD X2 4200+
Asus A8R32 MVP Deluxe Mobo
Geforce 7900GTX
300GB HD
All my newest games run perfect, however CS:S and CS do not! I have read about problems with AMD dual core systems before, however while these...
AL youve been playing on the wrong servers. This mod is actually much better than i expected it to be, its loads of fun. The only real gripe i have with it is the lag. Every server i can find is 200 ping+
hey im thinking about buying this, but id like to know how big the preload is before i just go dumping the gigs on my puny harddrive, currently the gcf is at 1.3gb, how big does it get?
CSS Over Bf2
* BF2 has an absolutely shitty server browser
* BF2 doesnt allow proper name changing without creating a new account
* BF2 requires shitloads of people to play it the way it was meant to be
* BF2 bots suck ass and only work with 16 player maps
ladders do not work by default, the mapper has to include the right brush.
valve included ladders deliberately
its a bug
im thinking no. 2
hmm im not getting any noise out of the env_spark... the 'silent' box is unticked.... =/
as for the cubemaps it was a simple matter of reloading the map after building the cubemaps.. stupid me :P
Hi again, resident noob mapper here.
1) I have an env spark set up just the way i like it, it sparks every few seconds etc etc all fine -> how do i go about linking an ambient_generic sound to it so as to make a spark noise every time the sparks fly?
2) I have a number of env_cubemaps in...