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  1. Z

    Rock, Paper, Shotgun interview Erik Wolpaw

    While that last answer was hilarious, he really dodged a major question that made me really curious what they are being secretive about. Great Interview.
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    To those getting gold in the challenges, I'm impressed. I just started, the speed ones I get going so fast I lag, but even so I doubt I could pull it off with a decent PC. The steps one, I can barely get out of the lift without taking 5 steps. How some only manage only 10 is really impressive...
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    Was it all part of the test? (spoilers)

    The last part with the cake is misleading. It goes with the song and makes you wonder if she's still alive. All those replacement eyes, suddenly reactivating, in a room with a cake. I took it as more of a humorous thing then reality, the one truth is that there are no humans there waiting for...
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    Advanced Mode Walkthrough?

    I used a camera to take out the gun on the closest right. Then I jumped to the far left one from high up on the wall. Fling myself behind the close left one then finally took out the far right one. Was pretty weird doing it but in the long run it worked. I bet Brick has some crazy thing...
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    Advanced Mode Walkthrough?

    I think there's a few ways to do this level, I got up that cliff ok, but was stuck on that platform above it for awhile until I came up with a solution. Then later with the turrets, my solution was probably pretty unorthodox and most likely not the "right" solution. I'd really like to see what...
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    Ignis Solus - Team Fortress 2 Machinima

    Yeah, surprised at the low attention spans of some people. It was somewhat artsy and the music to go along with it was fantastic, it suited it so well. Most Machinima tries to emulate humorous red vs. blue situations where this one just went somewhere else entirely. Nice video.
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    Meet the Demoman

    I found that amusing too, the change must have come after they had already started on the video.
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    Pre-Purchase Orange Box at Amazon and GoGamer for Special Price

    A lot of people still like having some material version that they can hold on to, collect boxes. Personally I like the download, plus I avoided taxes and paying Canadian prices... which haven't really become accustomed to the whole on par with the American dollar scenario.
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    Valve to Evaluate Episodic Approach

    I wasn't as much a fan of the episodic approach, they are few and far between and they are pretty short. I know it takes time to make a game but episode 1 is essentially a mod, and the reason it took so long is that they are a small group of people working on numerous projects at once. Episodic...
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    Steam Team Fortress 2 Update

    Bah, I really hope they fix friendly fire. It's one of the few negatives I have against the game is that you can just shoot everybody when you're paranoid about spies.
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    TF2 Beta unlock time

    This won't be the last time I buy off steam, it will be the last time I sit idly by expecting to see it any minute, next time I'll just play it a day later then everyone else.
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    TF2 Beta unlock time

    me too, small world.
  13. Z

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    If it's anything like the rate of people viewing these forums, the number is only getting higher.
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    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Maybe not with the game itself, but for steam and prepping for the mass influx of traffic they will get the moment it goes live? Probably. I'm sure they are all working hard to get things rolling and not just sitting around doing nothing while people sit there waiting for the game.
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    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Reasoning like this is why a lot of games get released when they aren't ready. Personally, I'd prefer to wait. They said today, today isn't over... be patient. Being a product of Valve, when it does come out you can take comfort that it will be a solid game.
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    Orange Box for PS3 Trailing

    It is harder to code for in the sense that you delegate work to different processors and such. There's no room for argument there even though I do support the PS3. If you do this sort of programming from the onset, it's sort of "easier" to do in the moment and at the same time when you port...
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    Happy New Year

    Yeah having a stroke will do that to you. Apparently he spent the year learning to walk and talk again, still getting up there and osting was pretty brave if you ask me. Happy New Year.
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    L0ckdown Announced

    If they didn't do these laughable media updates then you guys would have nothing to whine in complain about on these forums to aff meaning to your miserable lives. One mans garbage is another mans treasure... looks aren't everything and a single player mod could be neat. I am so sick of...
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    Half-Life 2 not to port to Playstation 2

    I know, my jab was just a pathetic attempt at humor.
  20. Z

    Half-Life 2 not to port to Playstation 2

    The whole Valve staff is on a mission to confuse the heck out of us. Maybe in December they'll go all silent for the month then on Christmas Eve release info saying. "There never was a HL2, where did you hear such rumors?" I of course HOPE that I am joking... but one never knows.