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  1. W

    How does Steam work?

    Here's the thing. I have two computers, one for work, the other for gaming. My work computer is an Apple Titanium Powerbook, which I use every now and then to surf the net - my connection is a slow 56K one. My gaming computer, a PC, is only connected to the internet when I need to download...
  2. W

    Any news on patches?

    Waiting for a hub to load doesn't bother me. Stuff that goes wrong when game is actually playing - that bothers me. If these laggy bits can be patched, then for god's sake, patch them. If Activision is just waiting for us to all go out and buy 5 GHZ systems with 4 GIGs of RAM, then screw...
  3. W

    What an abuse of Next gen engine

    It's a mistake to argue that because Vampire and Half-Life2 were produced using Source, then the two games, at least on a production level, should be of the same caliber. An engine is just an engine - you have to take into account the people who are working with the engine. If Game Company...
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    Vampire The Masquerade Screenshots

    Those are the best Vampire screenies I've ever seen. Wow - look at the reflections on the floor in the second shot. How are the framerates holding up? Looks taxing?
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    And besides, having more RAM makes for better visuals. 1GB gets you the highest detail textures. 512MB will knock you 1 mip level down. You'll probably need more RAM soon enough anyhow.
  6. W

    Halflife2 Vs. Halo2 threads can be put to rest.

    What is this? - the Official Thread Ending All Debate Between Half-Life2 And Halo2. What? - has Adolph Hitler arisen from the dead? Are we going to live in a state in which people aren't allowed to form their own opinion and express their own views? Great. You're experiencing the high that...
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    Halflife2 Vs. Halo2 threads can be put to rest.

    Great minds think alike.
  8. W

    Halflife2 Vs. Halo2 threads can be put to rest.

    LOL! You want the Halo2/Half-Life2 debate put to rest - so what do you do, you create a thread about that very topic, thus inviting somebody to challenge your own statement and commence a debate regarding the very thing you don't want to see. Okay. I'll buy that.
  9. W

    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    Here's the official reason why you'll want the extra RAM: "1GB gets you the highest detail textures. 512MB will knock you 1 mip level down." So there it is. I have no idea what that means?
  10. W

    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    The IGN reviewer did NOT play Half-Life2 with a computer outfitted with an X800 XT video card. Nevertheless, I'm guessing that Half-Life2 will run better with at least 1.0 GB of RAM - we'll find out soon enough, anyhow.
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    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    The point is, the IGN reviewer played the game on a machine with a 9800PRO video card. Wouldn't Half-Life2 run better on an X800 XT video card - of course it would. How could you say that it wouldn't?
  12. W

    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    Oh, it makes it load faster. Wouldn't a faster video card make Half-Life2 look better and run better? Why the hell didn't Valve stick in an X800 XT video card into their system? Wouldn't that aid in providing an even more robust gaming experience for the journalists? Isn't Vavle trying to...
  13. W

    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    I knew that people would re-state that no game really needs that much RAM. But... ... it doesn't really answer the question, does it? The people at Valve are incredibly astute. They went out of their way to provide a system setup that wasn't outfitted with one of the 4 fastet available...
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    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    I'm a journalist. I see conspiracy everywhere.
  15. W

    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    To state the obvious: there are 4 flavors of video card that are more powerful than the one that the reviewers played on at Valve's headquarters - there's the X800 pro, the 6800 GT, the X800 XT, and the 6800 Ultra. Based solely on the evidence, Valve is basically saying: 'You won't need an...
  16. W

    Valve's Demonstration Computer

    The Valve demo system that the reviewers of Half-Life2 played on had these specs: * ASUS P4C800-E dlx motherboard * Intel P4 3.2GHz CPU * 2.0GB DDR400 dual-channel RAM * Radeon 9800PRO 128MB video * Creative Audigy 2 ZS sound * Western Digital 160GB SATA HD What's interesting here is...
  17. W

    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    This is silly. Are you guys saying that your enjoyment of Half-Life2 will now be diminished because Gamespot awarded the title with a score of 9.2? That is just... like, go visit a therapist or something.
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    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    It was a good review. Gamespot wasn't afraid of saying that the story was weak - maybe it is, maybe it isn't - but at least they voiced their opinion on the matter. It is their website, after all. There was a very famous journalist here in Vancouver who was extremely controversial - people...
  19. W

    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    Some people continue to advance the idea that the score is meaningless without the words - I can sort of understand that. And yet, isn't the score supposed to reflect the words?
  20. W

    Why Do Reviewers Not Disclose Their System Specs!

    You're entitled to your opinion. Judging by the number of people at this forum who are upgrading their system - or are even buying a brand new system from scratch - I would say that you're in the minority. I suppose that, yes, you could take the gameplay in Half-Life2 and overlay it onto a...