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  1. silentbob

    Suggestions for my ocean warefare map

    there are many rock formations already in HL2 as models, just add them to the side of cliffs and stuff to make it look realistic. just be sure not to have any part of that model in the water.
  2. silentbob

    Problems with HDR skybox and then Bigger problems later

    OK my map has been uncompile-able for about 4 months now and i cannot figure out why. CSS just crashes to the desktop while "Aquiring resources" (after i tried to start the map through the in game "Create Server") with no errors. after compiling just part of the map i finally got some errors...
  3. silentbob

    For the new mappers out there

    nice refrence... That page has many links to HLFix, does anyone use that? and how would i go aboout using is... whats a RMF file and where can i find it?
  4. silentbob

    For the new mappers out there

    fix link pls
  5. silentbob

    Ships in teamplay

    if you dont need movable ships etc have you thought of just making the ships stationary and have the scenery move around them. Then you can have ship boarding battles without and flying props.
  6. silentbob

    CSS HL2 log?

    update: I tried loading CSS then creting a server with my map and the progress bar reads "Establishing connection to the server" then crashes... any ideas? and yes CSS works fine with any other map, custom or not
  7. silentbob

    CSS HL2 log?

    Im having a weird problem and i have no idea what's causing it. Does CSS (HL2) log its actions? Becuase CSS crashes while loading my map and i was wondering if it would give me a clue as to whats the error? CSS just crashes to the desktop and give me the "Sorry for the inconv.... report to M$?"...
  8. silentbob

    Sequence Help

    FYI: Register in your sig is splet wrong... i have no idea about the zombie thing
  9. silentbob

    yellow boxes

    Yeah thats how you do it, listen to JFry
  10. silentbob

    My first "official" map

    yeah i most def agree... if you notice on other maps you usually have to jump over a one-way sand bag barier or something to get out of spawn... try something like that
  11. silentbob


    on the same track of fire.... i cant seem to get my flames to deal 0 damage to players on touch. The damage multiplier is set to 0 but it still does damage... not sure whats up there... btw its env_fire i think
  12. silentbob

    New Editor Help

    whoa... what is that... i guess you can try dissabling the new redering models in 2D boxes but i dont think that will fix it.. but thats the only major thing i saw that change the default. (disable it by clicking the button 2nd on the right on the top toolbar.) Truthfully, i have no idea...
  13. silentbob

    Sliding Doors

    off the top of my head id say its your "lip" value... the lip value is usually how far to leave the door from 90 degress in a swinging door. So for a sliding door i guess its the distance the door will move.
  14. silentbob

    When I try to load my map in game...

    it might be after all the updates some old files are messing up the game if run with teh new ones... mayeb they just need to go back and make sure you have all recent stuff... but then again thats what steam does each login, hence the automatic updates.... i dunno
  15. silentbob

    When I try to load my map in game...

    i was wondering around the internet and found this: Dont know what it actually does, according to teh date its old but who knows.... maybe that will fix it...
  16. silentbob

    When I try to load my map in game...

    i dont know... I ahve the same problem. As for now im just using the Create a game button. Anyone else have a solution?
  17. silentbob

    overly shiney surfaces fixed

    w00t no more metal trees!
  18. silentbob

    Counter stike map test fail

    i have the same problem... I just click Create Server and choose the map i just compiled
  19. silentbob

    hammer crashing

    i noticed the alphas inverted and hammer does crash each time i test the map and return to hammer (no error though) That alpha thing is weird...
  20. silentbob

    New Original Physics Concept!

    logic entities. Seems to be easy but when i was making my map that was not hte case.. i just used a simple func_door and have it open close to each floor... simple enough especially for CSS