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  1. C

    Difficult math problem

    True, it doesn't have to be a battlefield wound, but the likelyhood of it being from disease is highly doubtful. As for the flu, all American Soldiers get a flu shot every year. However, they could get sent there for such things like broken limbs that are non-combat related or even an...
  2. C

    hard to resist posting this

    Well, At least we haven't slump to this level: Don't get me wrong things happen in war. When you are facing an enemy in the crowded streets civilian deaths are not your biggest concern as to staying alive...
  3. C

    Big release suprise!!!???

    I remember reading somewhere that they were going to wait a while before releasing DoD:S because they were wanting a little more than a port of a mod (Like CS:S) I don't think it will be an extra chapter to HL2 or even any type of announcement of an expansion or HL3. I also don't think it...
  4. C

    Is Gman Gordon Freeman in the future?

    lol, nuff said
  5. C

    Big release suprise!!!???

    CS:S is a gimme. And if we could guess the suprise then it wouldn't be a 'Suprise'.
  6. C

    Video: kid beats his hl2 with baseball bat

    lmao, funny....
  7. C

    I'd like to see the video described in this thread

    F***ing Outstanding Video Jacen! I really enjoyed it! Best HL2 Vid Ever.
  8. C

    HL2 Kodak Moments (spoilers)

    A couple of my favorite Screenshots I made...
  9. C

    HL2 Kodak Moments (spoilers)

    lmao, I love the one with the train heading right for you, classic.
  10. C

    Half Life 2 - Warezed Again

    I was hoping it wasn't just me! My preformance has degraded severly since the last patch. Aside from longer load times, my fps dropped big time. Was at 60, now at 35-40..............
  11. C

    How long do you think it will be untill HL3?

    Hmmm.... I dunno. I'm not too sure that valve would use source for HL3. Don't get me wrong, I love the engine, but I think valve needs to do slightly better to out do the upcomming competition...
  12. C

    Goof in Half-Life 2

    lol, I've got to look up that thread. It's funny how such trivial things spark up the biggest conversations.
  13. C

    How long do you think it will be untill HL3?

    Wow, I'm very surprised to see that most people think it will be in less than 4 years.......
  14. C

    Goof in Half-Life 2

    Too think that this thread got this many replys over a power outlet :D
  15. C

    Half Life 2 - Warezed Again

    Very True, I believe that Valve's release of HL2 was very sucessful. It took the warez kiddies 2 weeks to come up with a crack. In those 2 weeks Valve sold tons of copies of HL2, moreso than what they would have if they didn't go through all of their precautions (activation servers, ect). I'm...
  16. C

    Video: kid beats his hl2 with baseball bat

    Funny. I feel soory for the box tho...
  17. C

    Funny Half-Life 2 video!

    No, It looks like he just used some sv_cheats in the begining of the game.
  18. C

    How to sell your copy of Half Life 2 for dummies

    (I would never sell my HL2...)
  19. C

    Competition for UnrealEngine3 and Reality Engine

    With a better engine comes more detail. With more detail come more calculations. With more calculations comes the need for better video rendering. With Better Video rendering comes better games. With better games comes..... better stuff to do.... Right....
  20. C

    HL2 vid in the making.

    Yes you do see 2 frames at once in a couple of the segments... I'm not sure wether or not it was all of the movement being calculated or the actual recording... but my framerate was at a constant 30-32 fps while recording... It's not that I have a shaky hand, rather I don't like to move it...