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  1. S

    I need the assistance of the community

    It really, really sucks that this happened... But one question... Why was a machine with access to the source code connected to the Internet anyway?
  2. S

    Can we talk about Hosting?

    Why not just use an open-source CMS? There's tons out there (I like
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    A Direct Link To Latest Movie

    Yes, Mozilla takes control over the websites pipe - doesn't matter even if they pull the plug, Mozilla puts it back! Uh, yeah.
  4. S

    New Video

    I thought the reflection effect was a bit overdone and annoying, actually.
  5. S

    Steam Website Back!

    Forum has been down with that message since this morning
  6. S

    New Video

    images of video http://mcdonalds.nm***/hafalafa/halflifemasturbation/
  7. S

    Steam bad for Australia

    Oh, it's coming... it already hit Canada, and US ISPs are all *very* interested.
  8. S

    A question for you techies

    Quadro's are not really designed for gaming, anyway..
  9. S

    New mod idea for team that wants it.

    Go ahead and make it then, you're not going to get recognition for anything if you don't do it yourself.
  10. S

    P.C Specs What is a C128?

    Hehe funny you should say that, I actually remember my friend paying $2K+ for a 386.
  11. S

    Please dont say HL2 is £10 a month mutliplayer

    minh is my love puppeh
  12. S

    No Steam for me

    What guarantee do you have that Doom3 won't install a trojan that will spy on you? What guarantee do you have that HL1 didn't install spyware that spied on you? What guarantee do you have that notepad.exe doesn't log everything you type into it and send it to Satan?
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    No Steam for me

    I don't understand why people are so worried about Steam and privacy. Let's compare to HL1. 1) HL1 A. You install software on your computer B. You play online by connecting to a master server that authenticates you. Information is transferred from your computer to the master server. C...
  14. S

    Will you play in Widescreen?

    Yeah, until I can find a way to hook it up to my powerbook, I'll be stuck in 4:3 too :P I hope other games follow this lead though, I've always shied away from 16:9 monitors because no games support it.
  15. S

    Best Video Card for HL2? Under $200

    If you can scrape up another $50 I'd definitely get a 9800NP.
  16. S

    desert eagle

    But it's not a whole lot more complicated either :)
  17. S

    best OS for games?

    Yeah I agree, XP is junk, especially home. If you really must, must have XP at least get Pro.. who wants to pay $100 for a neutered OS? I'd go with Win2k Pro.
  18. S

    Still thinking in buying nVidia hardware for HL2?

    I'm really curious to see what all of you are going to say once the HL2 benchmark is released and it runs 30%+ faster on everyones 9800s. We already know it will, because Gabe has said so. Will everyone still say 'it's just one game, who cares?'
  19. S

    Still thinking in buying nVidia hardware for HL2?

    I just don't see what 5900 has to offer over 9800 today. Apart from a few more FPS in some DirectX 8 games, I don't really see a benefit to owning a 5900. The whole ATi driver thing is just not even worth going over nowadays, their drivers have been fine for a while... but each to their own :)
  20. S

    Steam Goes Gold

    Here's the actual release, in case PHL didn't post it. Steam Beta Ends, Full Version Ships Next Week The Steam Beta has delivered several Valve games and popular Half-Life MODs to over 300,000 gamers, and will come to a close Tuesday evening (Pacific Daylight Time). The first full...