No Steam for me



I am a newbie here but I did fall in love with the original Half Life.
That is the game that got me finally into pc games.

My brothers always liked them but I thought them boring. One day my brother Tim begged me just to see the INTRO to Half Life so I sat in front of the computer and was hooked! I still think the Intro to Half LIfe is the best I have ever seen.

The next day I went out and bought Half Life and have been playing pc games ever since.

I loved Half Life but grew out of it and today I would call Deus Ex the best game I have ever played because of its total immersion factor and interactivity.

Then I saw the movies for Half Life 2 and was hooked all over. I am definitely planning on purchasing it. :)

Sorry for the history I know its kind of boring :) The point is this if there is a point:

But I won't purchase STEAM. Its not for me anyway. :) I never played CS but I DO play some multiplayer. I am morally opposed to subscription based software of any kind and to the big business guys taking over the internet and freezing out the people who STARTED the internet but Microsoft has every intention of doing that and so does apparently Valve.

That's how it looks to me. I may be wrong. Half Life was created by valve. BUT It was made into something tremendous by YOU GUYS. It was you who made beautiful mods, and took Half Life to another level.
Is Valve going to pay your for your work? If they want to commercialize Half Life with subscription based gaming then they should at least pay the people who TRULY made Half Life. YOU GUYS.

Just my 2 cents


Tammy :)
Errr.... it's as if you were talking about abortion or legalizing gay marriages...

If you'd rather stay in the stone ages while the others move on that's your problem.
Don't have to purchase steam, Steam is free...

read something before you ask it.
I don't see it as a problem for me but if you do then thats YOUR problem :)

not mine

OGM!!11 Evil corporations are selling FREE software!!!111
There is NO charge for Steam and as for the subscription,that is simply one way for valve to deliver their product.The monthly subscription they were talking about is for dl'ing new content not playing on-line.
Steam is just for people who want to get their things IMMEDIATELY basically.

You can still buy the game(with mp/sp) at stores and buy the mods that will be sold on steam from some stores I'm sure, or at least from the internet. But not all mods will cost money, the majority will be free like it was in HL1
and what about paying $9.95 a month to play Half Life online?

Steam is another manifestation of RENTING a game. The updates will come to you if you pay for them. This is what Bill Gates wants as he wants us to be squatters on the internet.

If I am incorrect in my reading then I do stand corrected.


You do NOT have to pay monthly to play Half-Life 2 online. Steam is a way of automatically getting updates quickly an easily as well as purchasing Valve products (such as Half-Life 2) over the internet rather than buying a boxed version at a store.
Originally posted by RakuraiTenjin
Steam is just for people who want to get their things IMMEDIATELY basically.

You can still buy the game(with mp/sp) at stores and buy the mods that will be sold on steam from some stores I'm sure, or at least from the internet. But not all mods will cost money, the majority will be free like it was in HL1

Okay right now I am being set straight by my boyfriend who says you guys are right and I am wrong :flame:

So maybe I am misunderstanding the situation Maybe you are right and I should have waited and read more before posting on this issue.


Originally posted by Alzxul
You do NOT have to pay monthly to play Half-Life 2 online. Steam is a way of automatically getting updates quickly an easily as well as purchasing Valve products (such as Half-Life 2) over the internet rather than buying a boxed version at a store.

OH dear


I guess I am totally wrong. Sorry. I will wait and see and I am sorry if I offended anyone.
Tammy u really need to get with the program
ps. tell your bf that he is a dick for giving you false info and making an ass of yourself
So maybe I am misunderstanding the situation Maybe you are right and I should have waited and read more before posting on this issue
No maybe about it Tam :cool:
Originally posted by peasoup
Tammy u really need to get with the program
ps. tell your bf that he is a dick for giving you false info and making an ass of yourself


My boyfriend is an ANGEL and he didnt say that I thought it up. He is the one who told ME that you guys were right and that I was misreading the posts and that steam was not a subscrription program.

Please dont call him names because then I get mad and you woudln't want that ;)

Tam :)
Originally posted by scrollall
No maybe about it Tam :cool:

Okay well I AM WRONG :)

THAT was easy. Making a fool of myself was the hard part :)

I am actually VERY relieved.

I have been SO looking forward to Half Life 2

Tammy :)
Way to go Tam, not many here would admit to being wrong.You go up many notches in the more rational portion of this community.:cheers:
Originally posted by scrollall
Way to go Tam, not many here would admit to being wrong.You go up many notches in the more rational portion of this community.:cheers:

Thanks but what an AWFUL introduction to this community LOL :)

I am always opening my mouth before I think so I am used to admitting I am an @ss :)

Well, I didn't mislead Tammy (I am her boyfriend btw, lucky me) in any way about this, in fact I have been telling her Steam is not subscrbtion based. But it IS a way of making subscribtion based content available. And one of the 4 ways of buying HalfLife 2 is via subscribtion on Steam.

The question one have to be asking oneself is more, what are the future plans of Steam exactly - is it farfetched to think FPS's and other games may only be available to subscribers of steam? From a buisness point of view if would be a good solution, it would secure a steady income. But maybe we as customers could also win by this when a game wont be rushed out before it is done, with loads of bugs - as so many games are these days.

My primary concern with Steam is merely privacy, subscribtion content is something we can accept or not as customers.
too much ignorance, too much ignorance, self destruct sequence commencing.
Steam is intrusive MALWARE. Slows down load times, spies on you, memory leaks.
Ha. You guys beat up on a girl.
Welcome anyways Tammy.

Steam is like a beefed-up WON. I think it is awesome that they have created this software - I hope Gabe is right, that it will help with all of you monkey hacker-wannabes that cheat in multiplayer games. If that keeps some of you from cheating your @$$3$ off then I will be majorly grateful.
I have the smartest, sweetest bf in the whole world :)

Originally posted by ZenZei
Well, I didn't mislead Tammy (I am her boyfriend btw, lucky me) in any way about this, in fact I have been telling her Steam is not subscrbtion based. But it IS a way of making subscribtion based content available. And one of the 4 ways of buying HalfLife 2 is via subscribtion on Steam.

The question one have to be asking oneself is more, what are the future plans of Steam exactly - is it farfetched to think FPS's and other games may only be available to subscribers of steam? From a buisness point of view if would be a good solution, it would secure a steady income. But maybe we as customers could also win by this when a game wont be rushed out before it is done, with loads of bugs - as so many games are these days.

My primary concern with Steam is merely privacy, subscribtion content is something we can accept or not as customers.
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
Ha. You guys beat up on a girl.
Welcome anyways Tammy.

Steam is like a beefed-up WON. I think it is awesome that they have created this software - I hope Gabe is right, that it will help with all of you monkey hacker-wannabes that cheat in multiplayer games. If that keeps some of you from cheating your @$$3$ off then I will be majorly grateful.

Thanks they have been alright :) Youre right we should all pay for the privilege of playing HL2. If the graphics are half as good as they look then it will be too amazing.
Yay, we have converted another! ;)
anyway, yes, many people are mis-understanding steam and its purpose, unfortunetely this is down to just a few morons who can't read and then proceeded to bitch about it in these forums. This led to others reading false info, of course the new people see these ovr our posts because a moron bitchin' sadly makes more noise than the rest of us :(

Any questions about steam or the planned SKU's ill be happy to try and answer, i hate people having the wrong info, it winds me up :(
Well I would love to hear precisely what safeguards we will have about Steam and privacy ?
Ouch!! :)

I am sorry to say I am one of those morons. My apologies to everyone. But reading this post may actually clear things up a bit for others don't you think? I am hoping so anyway :)

Benjie is right tho. There are questions that need to be asked and nice goodnatured debate is fine but I am just sorry to be a moron.


Originally posted by MaDMaXX
Yay, we have converted another! ;)
anyway, yes, many people are mis-understanding steam and its purpose, unfortunetely this is down to just a few morons who can't read and then proceeded to bitch about it in these forums. This led to others reading false info, of course the new people see these ovr our posts because a moron bitchin' sadly makes more noise than the rest of us :(

Any questions about steam or the planned SKU's ill be happy to try and answer, i hate people having the wrong info, it winds me up :(
yes tamarelle you have to read before you post. Steam is a free program for delivering software and is soon going to be the backend for ALL Valve games. It has nothing to do with "renting" nessesarily, that's just an feature that is optional. All HL games are being converted to Steam, and whether you buy HL2 at the Store or thru Steam itself, it's backend will be Steam. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing.
Originally posted by ZenZei
Well I would love to hear precisely what safeguards we will have about Steam and privacy ?

Me too................

tamarelle, you are far to patient!

most people would leave or shout back after getting yelled at...

c'mon guys, we ARE here to help stomp out misinformation, but please, can we not do it in a kinder manner?

Anyhoo, welcome to the forums, the beer is in the fridge, and the nuts are all over.
Originally posted by tamarelle
Ouch!! :)

I am sorry to say I am one of those morons. My apologies to everyone. But reading this post may actually clear things up a bit for others don't you think? I am hoping so anyway :)

Benjie is right tho. There are questions that need to be asked and nice goodnatured debate is fine but I am just sorry to be a moron.


its okay.. don't be too hard on urself.. at least u admit to being wrong/not reading the forum..

theres pple that visit this forum that create delay threads without reading and searching and then get mad when pple point it out..

anyway, good to have u here, hope to hear from u more :)
I can pretty much gurantee she will be frequenting these forums a bit - she is just that kind of girl (lucky me)
I don't understand why people are so worried about Steam and privacy. Let's compare to HL1.

1) HL1

A. You install software on your computer
B. You play online by connecting to a master server that authenticates you. Information is transferred from your computer to the master server.
C. You play.

2) Steam

A. You install software on your computer
B. You play online by connecting to a master server that authenticates you. Information is transferred from your computer to the master server.
C. You play.
its the possibility of 2,D that I am curious about.
What safeguards do I have as a customer that steam wont do anything spy on my habits, spawn popups, or other nefarious things ?
What guarantee do you have that Doom3 won't install a trojan that will spy on you?

What guarantee do you have that HL1 didn't install spyware that spied on you?

What guarantee do you have that notepad.exe doesn't log everything you type into it and send it to Satan?
Originally posted by Shirow-DG
What guarantee do you have that notepad.exe doesn't log everything you type into it and send it to Satan?

OMG, you just made my day!
