No Steam for me

Originally posted by Shirow-DG
What guarantee do you have that Doom3 won't install a trojan that will spy on you?

What guarantee do you have that HL1 didn't install spyware that spied on you?

What guarantee do you have that notepad.exe doesn't log everything you type into it and send it to Satan?


stop, ur scarying the pple that are paranoid about installing Steam ;)

the lesson of the day? in life, there are no guarantees so better to just laugh it up :p
Question about STEAM here. Will it constantly be downloading crap I don't give a damn about? Is there an option to download what you want/need when you want to?
Originally posted by SuperSlappy
Question about STEAM here. Will it constantly be downloading crap I don't give a damn about? Is there an option to download what you want/need when you want to?

Yeah, you can do with that Steam beta right now. Right click on any of the games/programs in the popup menu and select properties. There'll be a box that says 'autmatic updates' and next to it the option of selecting either 'always keep this game up to date' or 'do not automatically update this game.' So, when you get Half-Life 2, its probably an assured thing you won't be playing much of TFC or HL DM, so you can select the latter option for those.
Thanx for the quick answer, but what about non-game stuff like the Bink videos lately? And of course with this, I hope there's no spy-ware, but I really doubt Valve would ever consider it.
Can you get updates without paying a monthly fee?

I mean is the ONLY advantage of Steam is if you don't have patience to wait?? that's rediculous but there's enogh tards to do it i suppose if there's people that buy game characters on ebay.
Originally posted by ZenZei
its the possibility of 2,D that I am curious about.
What safeguards do I have as a customer that steam wont do anything spy on my habits, spawn popups, or other nefarious things ?

Good question, because some dialogs in Steam feature ad banners...
Originally posted by TripleDES
Good question, because some dialogs in Steam feature ad banners...
Yes, but the banners are from the people who run the content servers. You've got to give them something in return for however many gigabytes of bandwidth they're providing...
Originally posted by tamarelle
and what about paying $9.95 a month to play Half Life online?

Steam is another manifestation of RENTING a game. The updates will come to you if you pay for them. This is what Bill Gates wants as he wants us to be squatters on the internet.

If I am incorrect in my reading then I do stand corrected.



Man this is a classic example of an idiot.

alright just read a few post and he calls himself a moron...Im happy now
Well, just to take the "exelent" notepad-spyware argument - as far as I know, notepad dont exactly run as a service all the time your PC is on.. doesn't on mine anyways, maybe you got another setup.. but I doubt it ;)
But, Steam is a service, build to run all the time - this seperates it from all of your rather amusing examples. I am not saying they ARE putting anything like that in, but stranger things "have" happened - and it would be a goldmine for any dataminer/marketing firm to have access to that much data. Still I am not saying its planned or happening at all, I am just asking a simple question - do we have any safeguards? and if so, which ?
Much kudos to tamarelle for not flaming back to the people who flamed her. Such tolerance and patience is rare on these forums.
Originally posted by Koldfire
Steam is intrusive MALWARE. Slows down load times, spies on you, memory leaks.
Steam is neither intrusive nor malware.
The final version of Steam will be able to download everything you need before you start playing SP... so the load times between areas will be like they were in HL.
Steam does not spy on you... and if wasn't running so incredibly slow right now I would direct you to a rather lengthy post in which I explain exactly how this whole rumor got started.
The memory leaks should be fixed in the final version... due to be released in a little more than 4 hours.
Steam runs all the time when it doesn't need to.

Have you never used someone else's PC and shat yourself in horror at the 20-odd program icons down next to the clock?!! "I can't understand why I'm only getting 20fps ... ?" he says

Just wait for the day when you need to plug your toaster into the internet and pay a subscription just to toast a bloody sandwich.

Cynical?? no, its started already... Sky+
Steam doesn't have to run all the time... just right click on the tray icon and click Exit.

Steam runs as often as you want it to.
I, personally, keep it running when I'm not playing games (except Steam games) so it will check for and download updates so that I won't have wait for a patch to download when I decide I want to play one of the games.
Some people use its Friends thing as an Instant Messenger... with good reason... you can not only use it in the same way you would AIM, you can also use it to contact people that are in a game (without them having to quit to see who sent the message), during a long round of CS where you and your friend both died early on you can play a game of chess (or something else) until the next round starts.
You can also use it as a server browser like GameSpy... in fact, it has all of the features of GameSpy Arcade, and much more... while not looking so damned flashy.
uh please dont say gamespy arcade
Ill wait for the MP in HL2 to download Steam.
Which will only be when i finish the game
Yeah, I hate GSA, too... I avoided it as long as possible. Then they made that GameSpy Tunnel (for playing XBox over the net for free)... I only use GameSpy Arcade for that and playing the occasional game of Quake II (specifically the QPong mod).

... but I actually like Steam.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
Steam doesn't have to run all the time... just right click on the tray icon and click Exit.

funny but it still lists itself in my "processes" list (win2k).
Originally posted by MrD
funny but it still lists itself in my "processes" list (win2k).

try this

Start menu > Run

and type in msconfig then press enter

if Steam is listed there and is checked and u do not want it to run all the time, then uncheck it and problem solved..

if that doesn't work.. im not sure whats wrong.. remember Steam has been a BETA until now.. so if it acts weird, don't be too surprised..

in general: pple complain about Steam having errors and bugs (my mouse pointer doesn't work in CS1.6 *shrug* it doesn't matter too much right now) but forget very quickly that it has been in BETA and not all problems are magically gonna get solved right away.. it takes time.. give it time..