god damn you cheap kids buy a dvd drive already... I got a combo cd rw/dvd drive from sony for $60 CDN... that was 2-3 months ago.. I think its like $40-50 CDN now.
I really would have loved a UT style HL2DM (with better physics!!). I dont understand why valve decided to keep the old CS. I am tired of that style of mp gameplay (same with many other HL fans). Oh well.. at least the sp wont disappoint :).
Unfortunately, I dont fit into any of those categories you have suggested. I cannot believe it myself but I have completely lost interest for this game (at least for the time being). But I will probably buy it if I have enough time to play games during my first year in university. Right now it...
I am running doom3 on high details at 1024 x 768 no AA. It runs better than expected. probably about 30-40fps. My comp is p4 2.4c, 512mb pc3500 ram, radeon 9800 pro 256mb. This game is really really dark. Its sometimes annoying to switch between flashlight and gun but I guess it adds to the...
Typical handgun bullets are made of copper-clad lead or lead alloys. They simply don't create bright flashes of light when they strike objects, even if the objects are made of steel (physics.. go do some research before you babble about things you dont know). Discussion over.
if you're talking about realism, bullets should NEVER produce sparks. The type of materials that real bullets are made up of will never produce sparks like you see on movies, games, and etc.
what the heck is wrong with your eye? I can DEFINATELY tell the difference between 30 and 70fps (same with everyone else I know). There was a program that actually helps you test how much fps you can tell untill it didnt matter anymore. I got up to about 83fps and then I couldnt tell the...
LCD has much higher refresh rates than CRT!! Its one of the major reasons why people buy LCDs
And to the original poster, flatscreen or monitor?? Flatscreen is also a monitor, a flatscreen monitor. I think you mean CRT, flat CRT, or LCD. I would recommend flat CRT unless you have a lot of...