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  1. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    Most I do not like and scrap, the others I just play with friends, I never really want to release a level unless its perfect and has no errors in it, but most of the time I start a new map without finishing.
  2. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    Mmm, good point, I will see what I can do with some preview levels and concept art then post them here once I am done.
  3. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    There must be some staff on this site looking for work on a MOD.
  4. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    There's not much that has not been done yet. Heres a screenshot of a 2D game level I made, some of you will probably recognise the game its from. Sorry for the size, my editor would not optimise it for some reason and it seems to have lost a bit of color and detail.
  5. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    How can I make something out of the ordinary without a new tileset? All I am looking for is staff, I do not want a debate about how much work I should be showing when you, or any potential staff, have shown me nothing of yours.
  6. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    I showed them becouse I think they show a really nice, clean level. I would rather wait for custom textures before starting on a concept map.
  7. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    Yeah they are generic, plus they are a year old, but once I get some more texture and model staff I can make some great ones for the MOD.
  8. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    Sorry for the delay, my computer would not load this website for some reson. Heres some screenshots of a level I made about a year ago, I still think its a really good level, it was for DM, but very small.
  9. H

    Is Lamarr Actually Tamed?

    Aww, I want a headcrab now.
  10. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    I have never released any maps publicaly, I will get some screenshots up of one of my levels that I have on my computer in a while.
  11. H

    Half-Life 1 Combine & Story Relation

    So Gordans a murdering maniac who killed the poor slave creatures that managed to escape from the combine just to be innocentely slaughtered by a crappy scientist? O_O XD
  12. H

    Help finding a MOD

    Sounds familier, but I dont think it was a well known mod, plus that Brain Breed looks completely different, then again it was 2 years ago, but still, does it have a nail gun that can nail actuall boards to the wall or just a barracade system?
  13. H

    Barney, which one?

    It is a mod, a full conversion, but still a modification of the half life engine, it did not use its own engine.
  14. H

    Is Lamarr Actually Tamed?

    But headcrabs have claws, the ones out front, they have 4 legs, 2 at the back, and 2 at the front that are smaller and you cant see them very well, they also have 2 claws that they hold out in front of them when they walk, how do you think they walk with their claws raised? Or two back legs...
  15. H

    Help finding a MOD

    Interesting, but nope, it was a custom MOD, I remember one other thing about it. They did a april fools joke a few years ago by saying that the owner was sued and sold the game to someone else, turned out to be a joke though, but that might refresh someones memory of the game.
  16. H

    Is Lamarr Actually Tamed?

    I had a question about Lamarr. Kleiner said that Lamarr had been debeaked and was harmless, and ate water melons, but even if she had been debeaked, how come she was friendly? She should still attack people and have her original behaviour, just without inflicting damage, but she seems very...
  17. H

    Barney, which one?

    Yes it is the one from Blue Shift, if you play Blue Shift you can see the name on his locker is Calhoun, and everyone calls him Barney. But the name was not originaly planned, back when the first game came out the name 'Barney' was a generic name given to all security guards, before they decided...
  18. H

    Help finding a MOD

    Hi, I need a bit of help finding a MOD. It was for Half-Life 1, I think, and it was where you played as a group of players that had to fight of loads of AI zombies. The main feature of the game was that you could nail boards to the doorways and windows to keep the zombies out. When I last...
  19. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    Its our fault, all of us, and of course it would be, who else is to blame? The players?
  20. H

    New Horror/Defend Mod Needs Staff

    No of course not, nobody can make that guarantee until they have something to show for it. But we have other commercial projects on the way so staff will be paid one way or another. And if the MOD does not get excepted then obviously I hired the wrong staff team. EDIT: Oh and if it helps, I am...