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  1. D

    what branch of the military should I join?

    Please dear god dont join the army. They are poorly trained and have a higher casualty rate. I recently joined the marines, i have done alot of research and found them to be the most professional and the best. Also dont JOIN BASED OFF AN HL2 POLL. Go to each recruiting station and find out which...
  2. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    thats a load of crap, and even if those statistics were remotely true, are they factoring in who killed the civilians! oh looks like most of those will becoming from the insurgents side. And dont bullshit me with "WELL IF WE WERENT THERE THEN THEY WOULDNT DO THAT." people who attack Coalition...
  3. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    However nat, invading and going through a country and liberating them from a dictator isnt immoral is it. Nor is shooting at Insurgents that shoot at you first. Id also like to mention the majority of Insurgents are indeed from across the border.
  4. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    first off you cant join the military with out a high school diploma and it is very hard to join with just a GED, so does your friend have either of those. Secondly your color blind buddy how color blind is he? my grandpa is color blind (cant see the shades of green) he served in vietnam and came...
  5. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    Stern that article is skewed, its not like they deliberatly attacked civilians, when they see some one shooting at them they shoot back. In split seconds you cant just sit down and examine the whole situation. As far as the wounded enemy combatants, thats war, they wouldnt have been shot if they...
  6. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    I dont think you guys understand that you have the option of becoming computer programmer, chemical engineers (not sure of the correct term so i used chemical engineers for lack of a better term.) there are many mechanic positions, aviation fixed and rotar, diesel trucks. etc
  7. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    Well we all know the army makes promises it cant keep, and that is why it makes the military as a whole look so bad. And yes stern I can tell you why im joining the marines, and why I am willing to go to Iraq. I have wanted to join the military my whole life, i dont know why, it has just...
  8. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    HAHA ok stern that guy is NO WAY A MARINE. hes a army bitch haha. No wonder he got screwed, even i hate the army. that would never happen in the Marines, you know what you are getting into when you join the marines, every marine is a rifleman.
  9. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    Is this your only reason, because you feel ashamed of your familys heritage.
  10. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    And why are you considering this give your reasons please.
  11. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    I dont think you are going to get out of your parents basement with that attitude.:rolleyes:
  12. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    No i respect your view of anti war, but i dont respect blatant ignorant comments such as why would you join all your going to do is die.
  13. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    So is he in the army, or a marine, because they are two completely different things. Also he should have known that you dont choose where your stationed, and alot of times engineers as they call them do see combat. Secondly if he wanted to ensure he didnt go to war he should have done an...
  14. D

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    Hey guys I have enlisted in the marine corp. I am trying to get my friends to join up, because one i will get a promotion and two I honestly think its a good way to start off a persons life. Now before all the anti war morons come in here saying OMFG your going to die, please head this, THERE...
  15. D

    Pakistani Cleric: $1 Million to Kill Cartoonist!

    every religion will have lunitics. it just happens to be that the muslims have hundreds of thousands, willing to kill people over a cartoon.
  16. D

    how bout the athlon 64 3800+ x2?

    buy the 3800x2 64 and over clock it 400$ cheaper, and quite easy to overclock to 4800 standards.
  17. D

    Internet connection problem : [

    i think i may have figured it out.... the NVIDIA firewall was ****ED UP jesus ill never use nvidia for that stupid shit again.
  18. D

    Internet connection problem : [

    all the other systems run flawlessly and have the green led light on.
  19. D

    Internet connection problem : [

    :dozey: yes my ip starts with 192, and there are no driver conflicts. I am running Nvidia fire wall and Norton, but i have both disabled right now
  20. D

    Internet connection problem : [

    yeah i installed the ethernet drivers that came with the mobo