what branch of the military should I join?

Which branch of the (US) Military should I join?

  • Air Force

    Votes: 26 46.4%
  • Navy

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Army

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • Marines

    Votes: 14 25.0%

  • Total voters
How about you don't join up and live a few more years?
Please dear god dont join the army. They are poorly trained and have a higher casualty rate. I recently joined the marines, i have done alot of research and found them to be the most professional and the best. Also dont JOIN BASED OFF AN HL2 POLL. Go to each recruiting station and find out which is best for you, if you are genuinely interested.
Join the coalition of the willing, or in other words, join the death march.
dantewilliams said:
Go to each recruiting station and find out which is best for you, if you are genuinely interested.

We don't know anything about you kelt'ar, we can't make your decisions.
First off don't listen to these anti-military people. They are horribly mis informed...well 99.99% are.

If you want something technical and skills/college that will last you after your out then go air force.

If you want to be badass and kick a lot of butt then go marines.

If you want to do the above but don't want to have to put the effort forth, then go army, they still give you a gun whether or not you know how to use it.

If you want to be stuck on a ship and live in a 4x6 room for 6 months at a time then go navy.
Glirk Dient said:
First off don't listen to these anti-military people. They are horribly mis informed...well 99.99% are.

If you want something technical and skills/college that will last you after your out then go air force.

If you want to be badass and kick a lot of butt then go marines.

If you want to do the above but don't want to have to put the effort forth, then go army, they still give you a gun whether or not you know how to use it.

If you want to be stuck on a ship and live in a 4x6 room for 6 months at a time then go navy.

I totally agree. Just don't go to Iraq. :)
Glirk Dient said:
First off don't listen to these anti-military people. They are horribly mis informed...well 99.99% are.

If you want something technical and skills/college that will last you after your out then go air force.

If you want to be badass and kick a lot of butt then go marines.

If you want to do the above but don't want to have to put the effort forth, then go army, they still give you a gun whether or not you know how to use it.

If you want to be stuck on a ship and live in a 4x6 room for 6 months at a time then go navy.

Yes... cause we all know that people don't die in wars.
Don't listen to most of these fart-faces. I'm a proud member of the Canadian Army. We don't have "marines" per-say, but if I was American it'd certainly be appealing. You should really take a good look at what you're looking for. The recruiting centers can certainly help.

Army - Camping with guns.
Navy - Being on the water for loonnggg periods of time with nothing to do :D.
AF - Being lazy (j/k I wouldn't mind being an Apache pilot 0_0)

If you are afraid of deployment then DON'T JOIN.
SixThree said:
Yes... cause we all know that people don't die in wars.

If you do die it's "For your country" so to speak. That was true during WWI and WWII. Right now that statement is not very well recieved by many people.
SixThree said:
Yes... cause we all know that people don't die in wars.

Thanks for being a fine example of how ignorant some people can be. Now...tell me how a recruiter is going to be sent to the front lines of Iraq? His job remains in the states during peace or war time. Same with many many technical jobs...hence the "Chair Force"

If you are really interested ill let you do the research on your own. Go and find out how many armed service members we have in total...now find how many total are in Iraq. You don't have to be a genius to figure out it is only a fraction.
Uriel said:
You forgot to mention the reserves.

They don't count. They aren't a branch of the military. They are an option of the above. Your either active or reserve. However the national gaurd we missed...and a few others. All of the rest are the girl scouts of the military.
Glirk Dient said:
They don't count. They aren't a branch of the military. They are an option of the above. Your either active or reserve. However the national gaurd we missed...and a few others. All of the rest are the girl scouts of the military.

Oh so what your saying is, if a reserve dies, it's not "for the country". Is that what your saying? You know sometimes I think, the only way to get respect in the military is to die. :hmph:

So if a very experience soldier dies in a war and a reserve dies in a war, the more experienced guy should get more respect?
I can't even figure out where you got that from. I said your either active(ie. full time) or reserver(ie. one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year).

So I don't see how that has anything to do with respect and dying.
Air force. The flyboys rock. My Uncle flew in c-130 hurcules.
Glirk Dient said:
I can't even figure out where you got that from. I said your either active(ie. full time) or reserver(ie. one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year).

So I don't see how that has anything to do with respect and dying.

You also stated that the reserves don't count. To me that's giving them less respect than the full time militants. So it is in turn, a respect issue, even between branches of the military. The marines get more respect than soldiers, so I've heard from people in the military. I've even heard people say they rather die as a marine rather than a soldier. So it is a pretty big respect issue.
Uriel said:
Short Recoil can bench c-130's.

Maybe with all that strength, he could pump some originality into your responses!

But anyways... why isn't the coast guard on the list? They're a branch of the military, I think.
dream431ca said:
You also stated that the reserves don't count. To me that's giving them less respect than the full time militants. So it is in turn, a respect issue, even between branches of the military. The marines get more respect than soldiers, so I've heard from people in the military. I've even heard people say they rather die as a marine rather than a soldier. So it is a pretty big respect issue.

Yep...marine boot is the hardest, therefore among the hardest to get into. Hence they get a lot of respect for accomplishing that feat.

Active military members put a whole lot more and comprise up the majority of the military, hence they get more respect for putting more time in rather than one weekend a month just to get through college. More dedication means more respect here.

I guess it depends on the person, but I treat members of the military the same, just if someone tells me they are a marine that is a whole lot more impressive than hearing they are in the national gaurd reserves.
Glirk Dient said:
Yep...marine boot is the hardest, therefore among the hardest to get into. Hence they get a lot of respect for accomplishing that feat.

Active military members put a whole lot more and comprise up the majority of the military, hence they get more respect for putting more time in rather than one weekend a month just to get through college. More dedication means more respect here.

I guess it depends on the person, but I treat members of the military the same, just if someone tells me they are a marine that is a whole lot more impressive than hearing they are in the national gaurd reserves.

Not to be a troll or to be offensive or anything, but if a reserve dies during duty, does he/she get the same respect as an active duty would if they would sacrifice themselves for their country?

EDIT: OOPS double post.
dream431ca said:
Not to be a troll or to be offensive or anything, but if a reserve dies during duty, does he/she get the same respect as an active duty would if they would sacrifice themselves for their country?

EDIT: OOPS double post.

I never said anything for dying. If they were killed on active duty its all the same. They most often were killed defending/fighting for their country. No matter what branch, active or reserves they died for their country.
Glirk Dient said:
I never said anything for dying. If they were killed on active duty its all the same. They most often were killed defending/fighting for their country. No matter what branch, active or reserves they died for their country.

Thanks for the answer. Some people get angry if I'd asked them the same question. I'll stop with this topic now.
hey kelt'ar, you'd be alot better off joining the only army that truly fights for freedom and justice, the peoples liberation army.
American are you? well, then http://www.cpusa.org/ is the place for you to look :)
Anyone...DUMB enough to want to join the military....

Should be allowed in.
Hectic Glenn said:
Anyone...honorable and self-sacrificive(ok, maybe thats not a word) enough to want to join the military....

Should be allowed in.

I think when Glirk said that "reserves don't count" he meant don't count as a branch of the military (Army, Navy, AF). Reserves are a necessary component of the military and they do the same job as the active guys, and warrant the same amount of respect.

Anyways, another line you can think about, "I'd rather die the death of a soldier". At least at the gates you can say your life as well as your death had meaning.
fighting a war that was a lie, participating in the destruction of a nation and deaths of hundreds of thousands of iraqis is not something to be proud of
well, I'm Canadian.

That aside, the US is doing something good for the Iraqi's. Saddam was no bunny. A lot of the people in Iraq were happy that the US took him out. The insurgents aren't necessarily Iraqi's. I'd say most of them are from other countries.
CptStern said:
fighting a war that was a lie, participating in the destruction of a nation and deaths of hundreds of thousands of iraqis is not something to be proud of

Uh... what about that you fought for the nation's interests?
15357 said:
Uh... what about that you fought for the nation's interests?

the nations interests? is making it more dangerous for americans in the interest of americans? Is fighting an unjust war based on lies in the nation's interests?

no none of this was out of american interests ..at least not ones that have to do with security ..if you're talking imperialism and the road to global domination through the military I agree ..it's in their interest, not the nation

Synthos said:
well, I'm Canadian.

and as a canadian you are participating in the war on terror, canadians have gone from peace keepers in afghanistan to actively joining the americans in combat ..a lot more of will die because of a lie

Synthos said:
That aside, the US is doing something good for the Iraqi's.

by destroying iraq? by killing thousands of iraqis? for what? it was all a lie

Synthos said:
Saddam was no bunny.

the americans didnt seem to care when it suited them

Synthos said:
A lot of the people in Iraq were happy that the US took him out. The insurgents aren't necessarily Iraqi's. I'd say most of them are from other countries.

not true
the nations interests? is making it more dangerous for americans in the interest of americans? Is fighting an unjust war based on lies in the nation's interests?

no none of this was out of american interests ..at least not ones that have to do with security ..if you're talking imperialism and the road to global domination through the military I agree ..it's in their interest, not the nation

eee, well how about oil?