What would keep you from joining the military?


Dec 10, 2005
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Hey guys I have enlisted in the marine corp. I am trying to get my friends to join up, because one i will get a promotion and two I honestly think its a good way to start off a persons life. Now before all the anti war morons come in here saying OMFG your going to die, please head this, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS THAT DONT INVOLVE COMBAT. So please post why you would or wouldnt join, and what your pre-conceived notions are about the marines, or the military in general. With the last note, may i remind everyone that this is not vietnam.
1.) I hate work
2.) I hate doing stuff
3.) I hate change
4.) I dont wanna go anywhere
5.) I'm Anti-(aiding killing ppl)
I was going to join the royal marines, i was so close i had filled in all the forms and everything.

My dad talked me out of it, he was obsessed with stopping me going in......constantly going on.
I still wish i did join in some ways but i think i might have too much of an attitude for the forces that would cause serious problems......i think the authority above me would make me flip out.
dantewilliams said:
Hey guys I have enlisted in the marine corp. I am trying to get my friends to join up, because one i will get a promotion and two I honestly think its a good way to start off a persons life. Now before all the anti war morons come in here saying OMFG your going to die, please head this, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS THAT DONT INVOLVE COMBAT. So please post why you would or wouldnt join, and what your pre-conceived notions are about the marines, or the military in general. With the last note, may i remind everyone that this is not vietnam.

I listened to an interview with a former marine who when he signed up he made it explicitly clear he wanted a non combat role as he was a mechanic and welder in real life and wanted to get a trade in the army. The enlisting officer assured him that he would be stationed on a base that wouldnt go to iraq ..a few months after joining he was sent to iraq. 9 months after witnessing as he put it "atrocities" committed by his fellow soldiers, he went awol and is now trying to reman in canada

the main reason why I would never join the military: I'm not a pawn in somebody elses game ...let them risk their lives for their goals, I'll have no part in it
dantewilliams said:
Now before all the anti war morons come in here saying OMFG your going to die, please head this, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS THAT DONT INVOLVE COMBAT. So please post why you would or wouldnt join, and what your pre-conceived notions are about the marines, or the military in general. With the last note, may i remind everyone that this is not vietnam.

You cannot expect us to respect your views if you absolutely fail to respect ours.

I do not want to join the army, because the army participates in war, and wars kills thousands of people who do not deserve to die.
CptStern said:
I listened to an interview with a former marine who when he signed up he made it explicitly clear he wanted a non combat role as he was a mechanic and welder in real life and wanted to get a trade in the army. The enlisting officer assured him that he would be stationed on a base that wouldnt go to iraq ..a few months after joining he was sent to iraq. 9 months after witnessing as he put it "atrocities" committed by his fellow soldiers, he went awol and is now trying to reman in canada

the main reason why I would never join the military: I'm not a pawn in somebody elses game ...let them risk their lives for their goals, I'll have no part in it

So is he in the army, or a marine, because they are two completely different things. Also he should have known that you dont choose where your stationed, and alot of times engineers as they call them do see combat. Secondly if he wanted to ensure he didnt go to war he should have done an adminstration job. Also i dont know how valid this report is, it would be nice to see a name and rank, im not calling you a liar, but there are alot of bogus reports out there.
NotATool said:
You cannot expect us to respect your views if you absolutely fail to respect ours.

I do not want to join the army, because the army participates in war, and wars kills thousands of people who do not deserve to die.

No i respect your view of anti war, but i dont respect blatant ignorant comments such as why would you join all your going to do is die.
Ikerous said:
1.) I hate work
2.) I hate doing stuff
3.) I hate change
4.) I dont wanna go anywhere
5.) I'm Anti-(aiding killing ppl)

I dont think you are going to get out of your parents basement with that attitude.:rolleyes:
dantewilliams said:
So is he in the army, or a marine, because they are two completely different things. Also he should have known that you dont choose where your stationed, and alot of times engineers as they call them do see combat. Secondly if he wanted to ensure he didnt go to war he should have done an adminstration job. Also i dont know how valid this report is, it would be nice to see a name and rank, im not calling you a liar, but there are alot of bogus reports out there.

this guy


here's an interview where he gives all of his reasons:


I listened to the interview last week so some of the details are a little fuzzy

here's the interview I listened to:


click Part 1

I usually dont pull facts out of thin air
My great grandfather was in World War I, my grandfather was in World War II and my father was in Vietnam. I will not carry this tradition.
SHIPPI said:
I'm considering going into the military if my other plans fall though. To do what I don't know yet, but it's a life I've always considered

And why are you considering this give your reasons please.
Qonfused said:
My great grandfather was in World War I, my grandfather was in World War II, my father was in Vietnam. I will not carry this tradition.

Is this your only reason, because you feel ashamed of your familys heritage.
CptStern said:
this guy


here's an interview where he gives all of his reasons:


I listened to the interview last week so some of the details are a little fuzzy

here's the interview I listened to:


click Part 1

I usually dont pull facts out of thin air

HAHA ok stern that guy is NO WAY A MARINE. hes a army bitch haha. No wonder he got screwed, even i hate the army. that would never happen in the Marines, you know what you are getting into when you join the marines, every marine is a rifleman.
dantewilliams said:
Is this your only reason, because you feel ashamed of your familys heritage.

War is an awful thing. It should be the last resort but sometimes it isn't. I will not join the U.S. Armed Forces unless they bring the draft back in. Killing people seems to be the popular tactic to pursuade people these days. I can admit I have a biased point of view, but that's the way I see it.
Please do not triple or double post. /forum nazi.
dantewilliams said:
HAHA ok stern that guy is NO WAY A MARINE. hes a army bitch haha. No wonder he got screwed, even i hate the army. that would never happen in the Marines, you know what you are getting into when you join the marines, every marine is a rifleman.

and how does that matter in any way? he didnt want to see combat, the army/navy/merchant marines/whatever renegged on the deal

I can provide interviews with former marines who admitted they committed atrocities and left the military as a result ..they may be in different branches but their stories are remarkably the same

you'd do well to listen to those interviews dantewilliams ..after all it's YOU who's putting YOUR life on the line (I'm willing to bet you cant successfully explain why you'll be going to iraq), the very least you could do is find out as much as possible ...but you wont
There are a few things that would keep me from joining the military, mostly the fact that I don't enjoy having to roll around in a wheelchair
dont forget about coming home in a pine box, that's gotta account for something
CptStern said:
and how does that matter in any way? he didnt want to see combat, the army/navy/merchant marines/whatever renegged on the deal

I can provide interviews with former marines who admitted they committed atrocities and left the military as a result ..they may be in different branches but their stories are remarkably the same

you'd do well to listen to those interviews dantewilliams ..after all it's YOU who's putting YOUR life on the line (I'm willing to bet you cant successfully explain why you'll be going to iraq), the very least you could do is find out as much as possible ...but you wont

Well we all know the army makes promises it cant keep, and that is why it makes the military as a whole look so bad.

And yes stern I can tell you why im joining the marines, and why I am willing to go to Iraq.

I have wanted to join the military my whole life, i dont know why, it has just been something inside me that has always wanted to. I joined the marines because they are Professional, they look after each other, I will learn disipline, I will have confidence, and I will know what to do when the shit hits the fan. The things i will learn from the marines are tools that will stay with me and help me through the rest of my life.

Why am I willing to go to Iraq, its not for the administration, its not for my country. I am willing to Iraq, because of the marine next to me, I am willing to make a change in a 3rd world country, and before you say that country is just complete shit, the pyrimids of egypt were not built in a day, a month, a year, or a decade. Rebuilding a country and essentially a culture takes along time. I also am curious to see what combat is really like, what people have to go through, this may sound naive but its just the way i feel, and i cant help it. I have no plans of killing women and children, I will only kill in self defence, i have no reason to kill innocent people, only the people who threaten my life.
Qonfused said:
My great grandfather was in World War I, my grandfather was in World War II and my father was in Vietnam. I will not carry this tradition.

As were my Great Grandfather and Grandfather repectivley. They were both killed in action. My father is blood related...he didn't go to war. I agree with CptStern a few posts before - I don't feel at all comfortable fighting wars that other folk start...let them indeed do the fighting amongst themselves.
This stance does raise thorny questions like what would happen if we were mainly pacifists? - we'd probably get our arses kicked by more agressive types of an opportunistic bent....so military protection is necessary.

<cop-out> I'm 33, 5 foot 2 and very myopic - i'd be shite except as a comedy football for the enemy..</cop-out>

Sighs....goes back to work.....
dantewilliams said:
Hey guys I have enlisted in the marine corp. I am trying to get my friends to join up, because one i will get a promotion and two I honestly think its a good way to start off a persons life. Now before all the anti war morons come in here saying OMFG your going to die, please head this, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS THAT DONT INVOLVE COMBAT. So please post why you would or wouldnt join, and what your pre-conceived notions are about the marines, or the military in general. With the last note, may i remind everyone that this is not vietnam.
I would never join either, cause it's full of people like you.
I'd probably tell my training officer to f*ck off in the first week and have a terrible time or just get kicked out. I also like using my brain. I would hate pretty much every aspect of what I associate life in the army with.
ríomhaire said:
I'd probably tell my training officer to f*ck off in the first week and have a terrible time or just get kicked out. I also like using my brain. I would hate pretty much every aspect of what I associate life in the army with.

I dont think you guys understand that you have the option of becoming computer programmer, chemical engineers (not sure of the correct term so i used chemical engineers for lack of a better term.) there are many mechanic positions, aviation fixed and rotar, diesel trucks. etc
dantewilliams said:
I dont think you guys understand that you have the option of becoming computer programmer, chemical engineers (not sure of the correct term so i used chemical engineers for lack of a better term.) there are many mechanic positions, aviation fixed and rotar, diesel trucks. etc
Fair enough. But I would still prefer not to work in the military. War is an awful thing. An engineer outside the military makes things for people, an engineer inside the military makes things for killing people.


dantewilliams said:
HAHA ok stern that guy is NO WAY A MARINE. hes a army bitch haha. No wonder he got screwed, even i hate the army. that would never happen in the Marines, you know what you are getting into when you join the marines, every marine is a rifleman.
He made a single mistake in a single word, leave him some slack. His point is still valid as this thread is about the military in general.

BTW, please use the edit button rather than double or triple posting.
dantewilliams said:
Well we all know the army makes promises it cant keep, and that is why it makes the military as a whole look so bad.

And yes stern I can tell you why im joining the marines, and why I am willing to go to Iraq.

I have wanted to join the military my whole life, i dont know why, it has just been something inside me that has always wanted to. I joined the marines because they are Professional, they look after each other, I will learn disipline, I will have confidence, and I will know what to do when the shit hits the fan. The things i will learn from the marines are tools that will stay with me and help me through the rest of my life.

Why am I willing to go to Iraq, its not for the administration, its not for my country. I am willing to Iraq, because of the marine next to me,

so you're willing to paricipate in the deaths of over 100,000 iraqis just so you can protect the guy next to you? I hope your conscience is clear because that's a decision you'll have to live with your entire life ..especially if something bad were to happen to you

dantewilliams said:
I am willing to make a change in a 3rd world country,

a country you destroyed, a population you came close to extreminating ..that's a pretty hypocritical if you ask me

dantewilliams said:
and before you say that country is just complete shit, the pyrimids of egypt were not built in a day, a month, a year, or a decade.

it took 3 weeks to destroy (desert storm) 12 years to depopulate (sanctions) and another 3 to completely and utterly destroy it beyond hope of repair, Iraq is now the worst/most dangerous place on earth no thanks to you (the US)

dantewilliams said:
Rebuilding a country and essentially a culture takes along time.

you're not rebuilding, in fact nothing gets done ...LISTEN to the interview I linked to

dantewilliams said:
I also am curious to see what combat is really like, what people have to go through, this may sound naive but its just the way i feel, and i cant help it. I have no plans of killing women and children, I will only kill in self defence, i have no reason to kill innocent people, only the people who threaten my life.

that's what everyone thinks before they go, too bad the reality isnt the same:

""Sergeant First Class John Meadows summed up the prevailing attitude amongst his colleagues telling the Evening Standard that Iraqi fighters were dressed in civilian clothes.

You can't distinguish between who's trying to kill you and who's not," he said.

Like, the only way to get through s*** like that was to concentrate on getting through it by killing as many people as you can, people you know are trying to kill you. Killing them first and getting home.

There was no dilemma when it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just pulled the trigger.

It was up close and personal the whole time, there wasn't a big distance. If they were there, they were enemy, whether in uniform or not. Some were, some weren't.

Describing the scene during combat Richardson admitted shooting injured soldiers and leaving them to die.

He said: "S***, I didn't help any of them. I wouldn't help the f******. There were some you let die. And there were some you double-tapped.

Making a shooting sign with his hand he went on: "Once you'd reached the objective, and once you'd shot them and you're moving through, anything there, you shoot again. You didn't want any prisoners of war. You hate them so bad while you're fighting, and you're so terrified, you can't really convey the feeling, but you don't want them to live.

There's a picture of the World Trade Centre hanging up by my bed and I keep one in my flak jacket. Every time I feel sorry for these people I look at that. I think, 'They hit us at home and, now, it's our turn.' I don't want to say payback but, you know, it's pretty much payback."


you're not the solution, you're part of the problem

dantewilliams said:
I dont think you guys understand that you have the option of becoming computer programmer, chemical engineers (not sure of the correct term so i used chemical engineers for lack of a better term.) there are many mechanic positions, aviation fixed and rotar, diesel trucks. etc



click Part 1
A girlfriend, wife or kids.

Still feel an obligation to :(

Good ol Tillman
My flat feet. :D
Actually, I'm not sure if that's even an accepted reason anymore. I don't think I'd make a bad soldier, but its probably just not in the cards for me, since I'm a rather pronounced introvert. I joined football for a year highschool and couldn't stand the group mentality, although that probably just sounds like me being whiny.

That said, I'm not going to demean anyone by pretending I'm better than anyone in the military. You're not going to find anyone I respect more than a soldier thats good at his job. (Hint: that usually means getting LESS people killed)
Why am I willing to go to Iraq, its not for the administration, its not for my country. I am willing to Iraq, because of the marine next to me, I am willing to make a change in a 3rd world country, and before you say that country is just complete shit, the pyrimids of egypt were not built in a day, a month, a year, or a decade. Rebuilding a country and essentially a culture takes along time. I also am curious to see what combat is really like, what people have to go through, this may sound naive but its just the way i feel, and i cant help it. I have no plans of killing women and children, I will only kill in self defence, i have no reason to kill innocent people, only the people who threaten my life.
Holy shit. Your taking part in the destruction of a people, race and culture for ... wait for it.... personal development? Tell me dante, what about there rights to personal devel... well anything, your helping take lives and illegally occupy a country for your own personal development?!?

Thats like punching random peope in the face to learn how to fight, it's just not a vailid reason.
My life keeps me from joining the military.

I have no interest in going to war... killing people to get a point across seems really idiotic imo.
I wouldn't join because of well, I quite frankly can think of better things to do.. \=
dantewilliams said:
Hey guys I have enlisted in the marine corp. I am trying to get my friends to join up, because one i will get a promotion and two I honestly think its a good way to start off a persons life. Now before all the anti war morons come in here saying OMFG your going to die, please head this, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS THAT DONT INVOLVE COMBAT. So please post why you would or wouldnt join, and what your pre-conceived notions are about the marines, or the military in general. With the last note, may i remind everyone that this is not vietnam.

Simply because my interests are those mostly unrelated to military. I view this question in the same way I view the question "What would keep you from getting a computer science degree, or a business degree, or in becoming an engineer, lawyer." They all contribute to society.

I could become an EMT and work for a private company, a city/state funded group like the firefighters or hospitals, or the military.

Personally, I'm interested in philosophy and.. maybe later on.. I'll consider doing military research but right now I'm not going to because my interests don't coincide with the military's methods or attitudes.
Im going to school of an Air Force base (im not in the airforce, im just going to a school sponsored by it).

You can train for the Air Force here and its...TUFF man, really tuff, about 80% of the people that tryes to make it...fails, they only take in about 20 people. Also, its 99% of propaganda bullshit, i mean, on the ****ing walls they show pictures of geeks in uniforms and then it says "join the Air Force, to be a proud American and serve your country".

But your talking about the Marine corp which is a different thing, but im just telling you, its HARD and alot of bullshit lying around on the ground...like..really...like, over there and behind that trash can, even behind that guy!
Simply put, the obediance and the fitness.

I'm lazy and don't always follow orders well.
No problems with supporting my country. I am probably more ready psychologically and physically for a combat situation than most civilians are too. My problem however is that I am pretty sure I would not make a good soldier. I don't think I could follow so many orders so well or give up so much personal freedom. I am also horrible at learning anything when under even the smallest amounts of stress.
ComradeBadger said:
My my, viral marketing IS getting good these days.

I would never join the army unless my nation which as a democratic, liberal republic is worth fighting for were attacked by an aggressor. Joining the army like that of the US knowing that you will be asked to fight offensive wars and have a violent solution to foreign policy sickens me