At the end of the day, all your scenarios still fall under Supply and Demand. Take your snowstorm example, raising the price regardless of supply wouldn't make any business sense. You raise it to the point where you maximize your profits by selling your last shovel at the maximum price your...
Night and day really. As others have already touched on, the fact that Heavy Rain continues on even when you 'messed' up one of sequences creates a very tense but ultimately, very fun gaming experience. Heavy Rain has improved upon every aspect of Fahrenheit to the point where it's hard to even...
Hmm... ideally I'd like to test it out with my monitor. The problem is, it pops up randomly and the past few times I've been there, the problem never came up. But whenever I leave, the problem flares up again.
I've seen it happen briefly once and it's hard to describe, basically the screen...
My GF's comp has been having trouble recently where her monitor would simply go nuts and you won't be able to see anything. I checked her comp and she doesn't have a display card (the computer is at least 4 years old). So, from what I can gather, the problem is either with her on-board graphics...
H&M is a relatively low-priced fashion store, it's very popular... at least around here. Actually I'd imagine similar things happen all the time, only this time they got caught.
I own both games and to me, it really is no contest. Uncharted 2 basically set a new standard for these types of games whereas MW2 was basically an inferior re-hash of MW1 in terms of its singleplayer. Not like that's something to be ashamed of, I mean, CoD4 had some terrific set pieces mind...
HK-47 Knights of the Old Republic I & II
You're all meatbags. Also, I'd like to vote for the 'angry black man' character(s) but I can't remember any at the moment...
Got it a few days ago for around $30, been absolutely loving it. Really makes things a lot quieter, especially since I have quite a few high RPM fans running.
I'd imagine this type of service would be based upon a subscription-type business model, which over time, would cost a significant amount of money without any tangible object in return.