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  1. 4

    Whats wrong with the Vortigaunts?!!

    ahh thank you:D now i dont need to worry about thatXD i always tought it was something new. maybe a update to the vortigaunt-speech for ep.2 maybe:S but hey:P
  2. 4

    Whats wrong with the Vortigaunts?!!

    thne when was it "discovered"?:P
  3. 4

    Whats wrong with the Vortigaunts?!!

    hmm?:/ maybe. but im 100% sure they where saying NEW things!. they where talking about that "they trust in my white face" or somthing-somthing, and that they can "see me clear in the nhilants cave"??? ive never heard that before.!!! try spawning one in Gmod and walk up to it and press "E"
  4. 4

    Whats wrong with the Vortigaunts?!!

    i know but this is something new..? they are like talking in a crazy-french acent and its wierd. i myselfe think it`s some new s*** they put in the game.
  5. 4

    Whats wrong with the Vortigaunts?!!

    I just installed Gmod and i spawned some vortigaunts to mess around with the inflator tool, then i noticed something wierd?!! the vortigaunts was all mumbling wierd phrases?!!! they usualy say something around the lines "this is more than anyone can bare" but when i walked up to them en pressed...
  6. 4

    New GMan appearance? For real!

    they made it more exciting there than in the real game... it looks like he runs away when he sees you. in the real he just stands there and walk away totaly chilled:P coolcoolcool:afro:
  7. 4

    Episode 1: Green squares and lack of texture

    i have a radeon 9200 se. it says i have catalyst 6.14 is it possible to download catalyst 7.3 or something like that? it has only 128mb:/
  8. 4

    Portal Character

    :P ok, sorry my bad, but you understood what i was aiming for;) ive only played decay i think it was called, one time on ps2 and frankly. i think it sucked:cheers:
  9. 4

    Portal Character

    if the new portal player is female, maybe its gina or keller????!!!!! i dont remember what they where called:P
  10. 4

    Why dont the antlions attack me?

    Haha Lolxd
  11. 4

    Metal gear solid ragdolls?

    how? and none of the links work.
  12. 4

    Metal gear solid ragdolls?

    I need the models for GMod10 not 9.
  13. 4

    Metal gear solid ragdolls?

    Does anybody have modells/ragdolls of metal gear solid characters for GMod10?? I am desperat in getting some.
  14. 4

    How much have you bought from steam?

    i have about 17 games on steam but the ones that realy matter is - half-life2 - half-life2 (silver box with t-shirt) - episode one - half-life2 lost coast - half-life: source - half-life - garrys mod10 - cs - cs:s - cs condition zero - cs condition zero deleted scenes and some random...
  15. 4

    Look what i found on the nett!!!

    Bulls Eye:cheers:
  16. 4

    Look what i found on the nett!!!

    i found this on a norwegian news site, its a real pic of a fossile fishy thing that is very alike the half-life 1 monster/creature. i dont remember what it was called but i guess you guys know:P i dont have the will to translate the site but...
  17. 4

    Fun with Dog's Ball

    how do you gett the portal gun in gmod??
  18. 4

    Should Episode 2 Include Old XEN Creatures?

    ohh damn!! and that is supposed to be in ep. two??!!... i cant wait:D
  19. 4

    Should Episode 2 Include Old XEN Creatures?

    ???... does it have anything to do with the arctic base? any photos of it?