lol as soon as i posted this post about 10 mins ago i thought copyright -_- lol but i know what your on about on the weapons part and when u get the chance to play halo 3 take it i have it and what a game it is :D
Thanks for replying btw
I was recently looking at mods for half life 2 and i didnt really like any of them, besides Goldeneye Source. So i thought what would be a really good mod and the first that came to my mind is whats meant to be the greatest game out.
Halo 3
I'm Guessing at least someone else would of...
shasta ty.
they all work yah!
im pissed of with hl2 lost coast! lol stuk on first level.
all i had to do is verify them lol!!!!
mind u i would not of thought of it
i have backed up all the games (garrys mod , half life 2 games and counter strike) on to disks shall i uninstall them and then reinstall them with the discs? ( not counter stike s that works perfect)
alrite nothing seemed to change at all besides after i typed in MAT_DXLEVEL 70 it seemed to get a lil brighter.
i read some of the text in the console it sayed soeming about models and a file?
but im sure that isnt important, got any other ideas?
by the way when i was typign all that...
this is the main menu image it is like that for most of the map on all of them apart from inside which is perfect also the weapons shoot and fire but u cant see them.
zombies dont appear either.
please help i only started playing on sunday so im a bit pissed off!
Yeah i have tried it all i downloaded 9.0c again just in case it says it there putting them on low or high dosent work.
do u want me to post a screen shot of what some of the map looks like?
I recently got HL2 AND HL2 : Loast Coast and Garrys Mod.
There all have the same problem which is most of the map is not appering all i can really see is a see through wire frame type thing. :P
Also all the weapons dont appear when u get them out.
Some charcters such as zombies or...