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  1. T

    Want that snazzy new medgun? Give me 10 million heal points muhwahahaha!

    I hope not. But I get the feeling we will. I put in a heck of a lot of time as my main man medic and to start from scratch?... ugh *grabs medi-gun* alright, who needs some f'kin healing!?
  2. T

    What color do you think the characters look better in?

    I would like to see a Green team. Wow, so many posts about blue but red is liked most so far. Am I the first to speak out for the red lovers? I like them in red gear. Most classes look cooler in red (minus spy). Also I mainly like them in red cause thats how I see them 'normally' on box...
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    so,I'm finally gonna get to play

    Damnit Crispy! Beat me to it. Yes, Daedalus' videos are very helpful and made me a better pyro guy. Another tip is be a class that aren't already being used by other people. If there are 2 engineers, don't be one. In the end, just have some fun! Wish I had a 360 to still play TF2...
  4. T

    This game needs a minimap

    Meh, I have no problems with the maps. Of course at first your gonna say "Where the hell am I going!?" but give it time and you'll easily remember places (hell got 2fort beyond memorized). I don't see how having a minimap would help since I have easily no problems working together with...
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    "Good People Don't End Up Here."

    Well, at the same time we've come to learn that almost everything that comes out of Glados seems to be complete lies, especially when Chell escaped being "Baked." Glados obviously was saying that stuff about Chell to agitate her. As for who Chell is personally, we don't know since not...
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    Meet the Team videos

    Indeed, last video was right about when the Orange box was released and thats over a month ago! Thats why I asked to see if any more were going to be made. Good to hear that the other classes will eventually get videos. Thanks for the intel you guys.
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    How to **** with people in TF2

    Kinda what I was thinking. I personally have the most fun with a great group and having laughs whether we're winning or losing (and brother we lost lots of matches but stayed together!). But when someone prevents people from playing, traping them, blocking views and healing baddies it...
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    Meet the Team videos

    I tried searching if this topic came up but my search-fu isn't great so sorry if this came up before. It's in regards to the "Meet the (insert funny character here)" videos we've all seen and love. The video's were to advertise the game but I'm wondering, are any of the other classes going to...
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    Any ideas for new classes?

    I do remember in an interview somewhere where they talked about maps and new classes. Heck yes, I want more maps. I want to do more "capture the intelligence" on something other then 2fort. As for classes, they might've been talking about the civilian class. If they were to add new classes...
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    How to **** with people in TF2

    Heh, trivia portion was pretty funny. The antics they did wasn't funny but the comments the guys were saying made the movie funny.
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    Goofy Radio Music

    Yes! Thank you very much for the song. I am bound to the xbox so I couldn't get it like the PC people. Heh, and yes that was my intent for trying to get the tune. Gonna make it my cell phone ringtone. Thanks once again!:D
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    Goofy Radio Music

    Hey all, new here to this forum. Played through Portal and loved it to death. I loved the music in this game but aside from my favorite tune "Still alive" that damn radio jingle keeps looping in my head. I keep looking at the OST's people have for it but that radio jingle comes up short...