This game needs a minimap

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
It's really annoying not to have any clue where the other players are or how the maps looks like. Anyone else agree?
Play it enough, you'll memorise the maps. Player to player coordination is up to you, and arguably makes the game more fun...

...if you play with co-operative people. -_-;;

Regardless, I don't believe a minimap would improve the TF2 experience.
There's huge blue/red arrows all over the maps (except the linear ones which are 2fort and...uh, the name escapes me atm), try following those. Or other players. Fight your gaming ADD.
...Go away, Minimaps are for people who can't be bothered to remember which places lead where and what the map looks like, I have no objection against a radar of some sort, only that it will ruin engineers chances of catching someone out when they turn a corner and say 'OH shit'...

EDIT: and the fact that there is simply no room on the screen for an extra HUD
Minimaps are bad of ambushes engineers and pyros world be screwed. Also spys would be ****ed if they keep appearing and disappearing on radar.
Minimaps are bad of ambushes engineers and pyros world be screwed. Also spys would be ****ed if they keep appearing and disappearing on radar.

I'm pretty sure if they DID add a minimap it would only include your teammates.
The maps of TF2 aren't nearly large enough to warrant the introduction of a minimap. Within one round, it's pretty easy to memorize the layout of the entire map. Stop being lazy.
TF2 maps generally only have a maximum of 3 parallel routes at any one time, and all of these routes are done in 'figure of 8' fashion to bring the player back to the main chokepoints at regular intervals. It's almost impossible to get lost on any of the official maps due to their immense simplicity and thorough signposting.
after 1-2 rounds you can memorise the maps because most of them are fairly linear
I never thought about it before, but after reading the comments here, I'd rather they didn't.
Yeah, most of the maps are pretty symmetrical, which makes them easy to memorize. So really it's just a manor of playing enough.
Yeah sure, you learn the maps after a few hours of play, but it makes teamplaying a lot more difficult compared to, say, CS, where you can see where your team mates are att all times.
Meh, I have no problems with the maps. Of course at first your gonna say "Where the hell am I going!?" but give it time and you'll easily remember places (hell got 2fort beyond memorized).

I don't see how having a minimap would help since I have easily no problems working together with others. You just gotta communicate thats all.

In fact it would do some harm for players being a spy. I can see it now: On the map you notice a Blue dot (or whatever team color) appear on the screen out of nowhere. Blows a spy's cover and makes him harder to play.
Yeah sure, you learn the maps after a few hours of play, but it makes teamplaying a lot more difficult compared to, say, CS, where you can see where your team mates are att all times.

I find a lot of the time more people using Voicechat to compensate for the lack of a minimap. Works better imho.
A minimap would force Valve to rethink a great deal of the gameplay mechanicsl; spies woukld be easy prey, snipers would have to move every time he was spotted, plus teamwork is a lot more rewarding when you do it over mike chat.
Minimaps will get rid of those greatmoments,like going round a corner into a group of five turrets and a ubered heavy, But also it will make the spy COMPLEATLY USLESS!
Okay, I really don't think introducing a minimap is going make all enemy players visible to you. That's ridiculous.

That aside, I don't really like the idea of a minimap in TF2. Valve's done a tremendous job of keeping all relevant information on your HUD and in direct view. Adding some kind of overlay would detract from that, I think. And considering how simple and intuitive map navigation is for the most part, I don't see any need for a map of it.

That does leave the issue of knowing where exactly your teammates are. But I don't think the game requires any change in that regard. It's rarely a game of hard tactical planning, but dynamic teamwork. And in the bulk of the action, you really don't need extensive knowledge of where everybody else is. Besides, the thought of looking at the thing and seeing a scattered mess of class icons strewn across the map layout would be ugly to me.