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  1. G

    "Get a Life" - released

    I got the game before I read this but I only played to the bit with the first zombie things and then I started a new game on the first level and started by giving myself the super gravity gun and all the other weapons, I then started creating NPC's to kill all the people and found that they were...
  2. G

    Super Smash Bros Source This is an example of just how customizable the source engine is. Credits go to the noxiousnet marioboxes team for making this mod and Team Garry for making Garrysmod
  3. G

    More Black Mesa Source screenshots..

    Looks cool I cant wait for the game to be finished but it looks like its along way from being done :(
  4. G

    Cave Johnson will NOT be in the sequel...

    Yes, correct. Don't you other people read PC Gamer? His mind was uploaded into a computer. [ :
  5. G

    Music to Portal

    no i know an easier way, you go to your C/Programfiles/Steam/Steamapps/(yoursteamname)/Portal/Portal/Sound/Songs folder and copy the songs. I listen to Tf2 and Portal songs when i play! :) Its better to get it straight from the source.
  6. G

    Objects in Portal

    That would be cewl
  7. G

    Multiplayer Portal

    I have been trying to make a multiplayer Portal Server but I cant seem to find the command to start the server. Does any one know this console command? I am not a professoinal modder so feel free to point out anything I am being an idiot about.
  8. G

    I look like Gordon Freeman

    Well im pretty sure Gordon is from America and im from Ireland so... I think you get the picture ;( And Test stop asking for pictures of me or you're a Perv
  9. G

    Super Smash Bros Source

    so that you can have a free game with Mario in it that is actually good, unless of course you have to pay in which case this is a valid question
  10. G

    I look like Gordon Freeman

    I think I look like Gordon Freeman a bit I've got the glasses, the Green eyes, no beard though and ginger hair and no HEV suit
  11. G

    Who likes alyx

    I like Alyx:naughty:!!!
  12. G

    One at a time please.....

    Posting repetetive screenshots won't earn you respect on the internets
  13. G

    One at a time please.....

    I fail to understand what this thread is about. All I can make out is that you posed 2 guys in Gmod. Well done you! In fact I shall not even dignify this by calling it a thread, since 2 posts is hardly a thread!
  14. G

    TF2 update fixes Medic Taunt?

    Ha Haha! Oktoberfest!:laugh:
  15. G

    Unlockables, acheivments, ideas thread.

    I had a huge reply to your post but it wouldn't let me submit it and i lost all of it because of some security key thing and i cant be bothered to type it out again basically i was saying that you were wrong about a lot of stuff inc. the demoman being scottish not Irish i should know because i...
  16. G

    Your favourite quote in all Half life games

    I don't like editing my posts though.
  17. G

    Half life 2: 2 plot questions.

    Remember in episode 2 when Gman leans over Alyx and tells her to tell Eli to prepare for unforseen consequences? And Alyx does not seem to realise that Gman told her to do so but she does any way. Well, it could be that Gman did the same to Kleiner, Barney and possibly Alyx.
  18. G

    Your favourite quote in all Half life games

    We'll seeee...about that!:flame:. Gman. We remember the Freeman. We are contreminous. Look Gordon! Look at what you are throwing away! Is it,! Worth it! Breen.
  19. G

    Need Half-Life merchindise and media

    Yeah that headcrab hat is brilliant:cheers: I think there should definetly be a lot more HL merchandise although there are already a few plush toys and the forementioned headcrab hat:P
  20. G

    Alyx, and other NPCs

    Barney I hate Barney and he is a retard that is Barney in a nutshell :rolling: