Yup, combine art. For this you can either spawn combines in certain places to create 'pictures' or, create novalty posses like so...
Have fun and give your art a title.
This really isn't a weapon trick, but put a crate or sotmhing underneath a barnicle, so it 'sucks' it up, then get your manipulater out, and you can have a tug of war with it.. =D
what about the chickens? DID ANY OF YOU THINK ABOUT THE CHICKENS?!?!! WHERE THE HELL CAN I COOK MY CHICKENS?!!! there is no space in my toaster for half-life 2 AND my chickens... what will i do...? :'(
i was thinking about killing somone then taking there skin of and soaking it in a tube full of boiling blood. But then i thought, i can't have all this fun when the chickens havn't laid their eggs yet.
i think there is no shadow because that is the flap of the box and the light is coming down at such an angle that teh shadow is inside that flap bit, so you can't see it on the keyboard.