Will my Toaster run HL2?!?!

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
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In honor of the "Will my toaster run HL2" thread (which was created during the week of September 30th, 2003) i decided to do it one more time because of the fun and spirit the thread brought at that time.

now most of the newer users here did not get to see that thread and i did search for the thread but couldn't find it...so it is up to the older members to bring the fun that thread had :p

Will my toaster run HL2?!?!? :D
But can it toast french bread also? That might become a problem
Think about it.. Fresh toast, AND HL2! Is there no end to the godlyness?
I upgraded mine just for hl2. I put an x800 in it, freakin' tripled my FPS (was 0). Best $400 I ever spent. I think I'll need a better cooling solution soon though.
I could recite some funny quote from Red Dwarf, but my memory is shit...
Yay for the toaster thread! :E

I upgraded my toaster for HL2... 5 slices per minute, baby! Muffin compatible also :naughty: Bring it on!

i've lost the nobs off of my toaster (the ones you press down to start), i mean, i do have a doulbe wide toaster, its just that the coils take about 10 minutes to warm up, and there is no "crumb catch" in the bottom. All and all my toaster is a big off-white piece of shit. But hey, HL2 comes out soon right? so who the **** needs toast!?
SHIPPI said:
Yay for the toaster thread! :E

I upgraded my toaster for HL2... 5 slices per minute, baby! Muffin compatible also :naughty: Bring it on!


great, but have u upgraded it to include a battery pack so u are prepared for blackout situations? :E
Dr. Freeman said:
great, but have u upgraded it to include a battery pack so u are prepared for blackout situations? :E

:rolleyes: Of course, what do you take me for? Jeez. I am fully prepared, I shall let nothing get in the way of my quest for buttery-goodness :E
I can set different times on mine each produces different results, combined with the microwave they out do even alienware PC's which you pay QUADTWENTYAFIED for. Tis a cool word i know i just made it up.
It all depends on the bread you use!!!! If you use that wheat shit, it's gonna suck!

Use white bread :)
The problem with todays toasters is as followed. If you have a ATI toaster, first try and find it it may run fast at first but problems will arise later in the toasting and needing to download drivers to properly show the HDBCP (High Definition Burnt Crust Prevention) program at its highest peak. More so over time updates for the toaster will be released to allow it function more with the ATI toaster.

If you have an Nvidia toaster you need at least six power back up stations stacked around the toaster, be careful to have plenty of cooling for overheating is a great possibility. The latest Nvidia toaster shows slight less toasting power of half life 2 than the ATI.
Ah yes but is this toaster butter resistant ?

Edit : ok that doesnt make sense lozlle!!! ( drinking )
My toaster can barely run a pop-tart ;(

I need an upgrade

Here's my toaster. Do you think she'll run ok? put some micro cclf lighting, or even some red hyper LEDs in there for the effect
The toaster was $35 from Wal Mart, brand new. I felt bad just ripping into a totally brand new product, so I made 2 pieces of toast in it first. It did a pretty good job as a toaster before I killed it and modded my computer inside of it.
I jus got an alienwheat toaster extremo! man its awsome. Set me back a few grand, but i am now entitled to 16 slices (evenly done on both sides) per minute, and a huge e-penis :cheers:

Cant wait to burn HL2 on this baby..
anti_authority said:

Here's my toaster. Do you think she'll run ok? put some micro cclf lighting, or even some red hyper LEDs in there for the effect
The toaster was $35 from Wal Mart, brand new. I felt bad just ripping into a totally brand new product, so I made 2 pieces of toast in it first. It did a pretty good job as a toaster before I killed it and modded my computer inside of it.

rofl (6chargaylimit)
I wont be using my toaster for HL2, i shall be using my kettle and the marvelous powers of Steam.... HAHAHAHA...HAHA..............HA

*backs away into the shadows*
Edit: this here deserves my whole post..

I wont be using my toaster for HL2, i shall be using my kettle and the marvelous powers of Steam.... HAHAHAHA...HAHA..............H A

*backs away into the shadows*

lol :thumbs:
NB. said:
I wont be using my toaster for HL2, i shall be using my kettle and the marvelous powers of Steam.... HAHAHAHA...HAHA..............HA

*backs away into the shadows*

thats SOOOOO bad its funny. haha i actualy fell on my chair, you evil evil man... :laugh: :laugh:
I'm getting more RAM for my toaster. The stick I currently use to RAM the toast into the slot is getting rather outdated. Definately need to work on the cooling too....I smell something burning.
Crap! I haven't upgraded my toaster yet! Why do you people taunt me by telling me Half-life2 will run on a PC!?! I hate you all - Now I have to run down to Dixons and get a top-of-the-range ATI toaster before everyone catches on and they sell out!
what about the chickens? DID ANY OF YOU THINK ABOUT THE CHICKENS?!?!! WHERE THE HELL CAN I COOK MY CHICKENS?!!! there is no space in my toaster for half-life 2 AND my chickens... what will i do...? :'(
Yes, your toaster can run HL2 but follow these simple instructions first:

1. You've got to defrost your Half Life 2 first, set it out on the counter and let it defrost at room temperature for approximately 30 minutes.

2. When ready add a thin layer of butter (not margarine) to the top of the cd/dvd. The next step is crucial...wrap your cd/dvd in aluminum foil. If you want your Half Life 2 to be a little less dry then add 2 tablespoons of water before wrapping in aluminum foil.

3. Set you toaster to medium brown, insert the cd/dvd and push down the handle until it locks (if it does not go in straight or shifts while cooking stick a fork in there and jiggle it around).

4. When it pops up contact Valve at 1-800-328-4263 (1-800-EAT-GAME) to activate the game and BAM! your ready for some scrumdidilyumptious Half Life 2!
I already upgraded my toaster... I got a new 2.4 GHz heating element, wireless toasting, new knobs (chromed), upgraded the power supply, added a removable see-thru side with lighting (now it is more like a toaster oven), and expanded it's slots to take up to 5 pieces of toast at once.

My only problem is when I went to load my HL2 CD, it cooked it DAMNIT!!!
I was just at dixons, and they said that ATI toasters with the special Toast800x retail at around £450! And then it has to be 64-slice, with hyper-cooking technology! I don't want all that sucky extra stuff! Does anyone have a cheap second hand Toast800x slice they could give me to put in my toaster?
My toaster runs at about .025 Hz. Down in the cafeteria they have one of those fancy pipelined implementations with a knob on it for easy overclocking.
Yeah but do you have a Toast800x?!? I need one!