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I to assume to tell? I cannot think that-нибыдь...
I have no гребаный a key about what it is everything, but it resembles an entertainment!
Old Godzilla jumped around of City Tokyo as a greater children's playground when suddenly the Striker breaks off from a shade and amazed Godzilla with Годзиллой Batgrenade, has received pissed and has started to attack, but did not expect to be blocked Shaq who has continued to open to bank of Marihuana Shaq when Eron Carter has left dark blue color

and it has started beating Shaquille O'Neal then, both of them have been smoothed Batmobile but before it could come back Баткэйв Абрахаму to the Lincoln, has put out its tomb and has taken AK47 from under its hat and has blown off the Striker with a rat-tat-tat, but it has settled bullets, and it has escaped, because Beginning Optimus has arrived to rescue day

It is the Final Frank exchange of opinions of Final Destiny good guys, bad guys, and explosions, how much the eye can see, and only one will survive, interestingly whom it will be, it is the Final Frank exchange of opinions of Final Destiny

Godzilla has bitten off from Beginning Optimus as the Nape, McGruff has bitten off from a crime, and then Shaq has come back covered during a trace of the trunk, but Джекки the Tub has jumped out and has landed on its back, and the Striker has been wounded, and trying to become steady when Абрахам the Lincoln has come back with мачете, but suddenly something has caught its leg, and it has overturned Indiana, Johns has taken out it with its whip

Then it saw, that Godzilla was stolen behind, and it has reached its weapon which it only could not find, that ' the Striker of the reason has stolen it, both it shot, and it was absent, and Джекки the Tub rejected it with its fist then, it has jumped up in air and has made summersault while Абрахам the Lincoln tried to a pole vault on Beginning Optimus, but they have collided in air then, both of them were amazed by the Bear of Care, Look, oooh

It is the Final Frank exchange of opinions of Final Destiny good guys, bad guys, and explosions, how much the eye can see, and only one will survive, interestingly whom it will be, it is the Final Frank exchange of opinions...

Angels shouted in faultless chorus downwards from the heavens, gone down Chak Norris who delivers a kick which Johns who has fallen on the basis of could destroy bones in промежность Indiana, корчащемся in a pain as the Striker changed back in Bruce Wayne, but Чак saw through its clever masking, and it has broken a head of the Striker between it бедрами

Then Gandalf Grey and Gandalf White and " Монти Пизон and the Sacred Bowl of Graal " ' s the Black Knight and Benito Mussolini both Dark blue Придира and Cowboy Kurtis and Djambi Гени Робокоп, Терминатор, Captain Kirk, and Dart Vejdr Lo Pan, the Superman, each separate Authority Randzher Bill S.Preston and Теодор Logan,

Spock, the Rock, Doctor Ok, and Хоган Vast objects from which all send not where a lightning quickly and they kicked Chaka Norris in it заднице the cowboy, it was the most bloody battle the world ever, saw with the civil inhabitants observing full внуш fear

And struggle stormed on during century, many lives were required, but finally the champion stood, the others saw them better: Rogers in the sweater soiled by blood

It is the Final Frank exchange of opinions of Final Destiny good guys, bad guys, and explosions, how much the eye can see, and only one will survive, interestingly whom it will be, it is the Final Frank exchange of opinions..., it is the Final Frank exchange of opinions..., it is the Final Frank exchange of opinions... Final Destiny
I lol'ed, brick.

If you can guess what this is, I'll give you so much money:
" The child Once again " About the child, the child About the child, the child About the child, the child As was, I has assumed, that the nobility, That something was not direct here About the child of the child, I should not allow to you to go, And now you - outside of a field of vision, yes Show me as you want that it was, Speak me the child ' the Reason, I should know now, that we have [CHORUS:] My loneliness kills me, I should admit, I still trust, When I not with you, I lose, my opinion Give me the Hit of an attribute me ребен
If you can guess what this is, I'll give you so much money:
" The child Once again " About the child, the child About the child, the child About the child, the child As was, I has assumed, that the nobility, That something was not direct here About the child of the child, I should not allow to you to go, And now you - outside of a field of vision, yes Show me as you want that it was, Speak me the child ' the Reason, I should know now, that we have [CHORUS:] My loneliness kills me, I should admit, I still trust, When I not with you, I lose, my opinion Give me the Hit of an attribute me ребен

A song?
If any can assume this song, I shall give them cookies!

Operated also speak all angels
that It could take, all the night long
Think, that I require a devil to help me to reach, the right of things
Hire me the new Reason of revolution
this is lie
We sat without business, being dared and observed, that last has died

I address to the sky to rescue me
Looking attribute of the life
Looking something to help me to burn bright
I search for the complication
Looking the reason, I is tired from attempt
Make the way houses when I study to fly