1/3 source stolen? BS.

From all the reports I have read valve have always had at least 30 developers working on it for the last 5 years! So even by your ropey formula you are looking at over 2,000,000. But if starting from scratch (like they say they did for a lot of HLs) then you are writing 100's sometimes 1000's of lines a day. I know must of my code was written from scratch over the last 2 years (not always just me obviously, but currently is).

To be perfectly honest I have never been 100% sure how they have stolen code via Outlook Express! You ain't telling me valve used to email the code about!
the broke in via outlook express, a buffer overflow problem I heard. They didn't use OE to steal the code.
Originally posted by wda97c
From all the reports I have read valve have always had at least 30 developers working on it for the last 5 years! So even by your ropey formula you are looking at over 2,000,000. But if starting from scratch (like they say they did for a lot of HLs) then you are writing 100's sometimes 1000's of lines a day. I know must of my code was written from scratch over the last 2 years (not always just me obviously, but currently is).

To be perfectly honest I have never been 100% sure how they have stolen code via Outlook Express! You ain't telling me valve used to email the code about!

Look at their employee list, they only have 12 developers. Just because 30 people are working on a project doesn't mean that they are all writing code.
Catch the fool thief, host a public execution, have HL2 out by Christmas.
YaaaayyyyY~~!!!! :cheers:
All the Steam code wasnt there... Steam would take a lot of code for both client and server... 1/3... maybe... But I was under the impression it was "most" of the code. Although its possible they have 500MB of just text :/
Originally posted by wda97c
Just had to register since this thread is making me laugh!

Is anyone here actually a programmer? Ok well I am and the project I currently work on alone has inexcess of 1.5 Million lines of code in it. I can quite happily believe that this was only 1/3 of the source code if that.

What you also have to remember is that in a source tree you don't just have one revision of a file you will have tens or hundreds of revisions of each file recording each change! So in the stolen code they might have 52 versions of one file!

I am a programmer. I know what I am saying. The 1/3 thing is a misdirection designed to lure morons into believing the stolen code is useless (and it obviously worked judging from the responses here).

If it was truly only 1/3 the code Valve wouldn't need to delay the game for 6 months to fix any stolen code then would they? That 1/3 code is a non issue without the other 2/3 right?

And there are not 52 revisions of the same file in the source. What was released is the game source. And it's at least 95% of it!

I also love the "the hackers didn't get anything else but the code" speech then turning around and having the whole game pop up all over the warez sites. Valve and Vivendi are batting a thousand now!
The 50 to 100 lines of code a day is funny as well, any one who has done any real programming will realise that is it a few days of 50 to 100 lines a day followed by many more days of 5 lines a day and much banging of heads against the wall during debuging.
Originally posted by Unnamed_Player
the whole game pop up all over the warez sites. Valve and Vivendi are batting a thousand now!

it's a single player, very buggy , no AI demo.... tis all

but 3.2 gb in size

So iv'e been told ;-)
Originally posted by Manty
it's a single player, very buggy , no AI demo.... tis all

but 3.2 gb in size

So iv'e been told ;-)

AI works if you compile the exe yourself.

But I wouldn't know nuthin' bout that!