1 Year DOOM 3 Anniversary!!!


May 21, 2004
Reaction score

Well, it's almost been one year since its highly anticipated release. Now I know a lot of people didn't exactly care for it. However, lets celebrate what it did do correctly and enjoy it. Perhaps you could state what you enjoyed about it.

Here are some early DOOM engine pics:




Newer pics:





I was such a huge fan of the DOOM series that I couldn't believe it when I finally had my copy of DOOM 3 in my hands at Best Buy. I bought a 5.1 surround sound system and an X800 XT PE mainly for this game. It was such a memorable release.

From the moment I started playing it, it just had that classic DOOM feel. It was dark, demonic, intense, and fun. Id Software did an amazing job at immersing the player in a dark, depressive, dank, and horrifying space station. I'd crank up my sound system and shoot at anything that moved. My parents heard the game from downstairs and decided to watch me play for a bit. They were impressed considering that they came from Pac-Man, Pong, Mario, and Donkey Kong.

I could go on and on about how much I enjoyed this game but I'm in desperate need of some sleep. With that said, feel free to discuss what you enjoyed about the game and your experiences.

Before I forget, Fileplanet has released some custom made maps from some talented people within the mod community. I suggest you try them as all of them are of very high quality. Here's the link for those of you wishing to inject more life into DOOM 3.


Enjoy guys!! :cheers:
still doesnt fail to get my heart beating and give me the occasional fright, and if anyone still hanst played it in the pitch black with the sound up... what are you playing at! :p. The most frightning game, if not the most frighting thing ever, Love it to bits, beats any horror movie imo.
IMO it was not so scary

but I enjoyded
<RJMC> said:
IMO it was not so scary

but I enjoyded
it wasnt scary at all, made me jump for a few times

Fatal Frame 3 , now thats scary
Happy Anniversary!
I bet some Half-Life 2 fanboys are going to post here saying how Doom III wasn't very fun or scary or that it had bad graphics.
I only played D3 for the Xbox. I loved every second of it, but nothing really memorable about it except for the pause screen's kick ass music.

I still wonder if it is worth it to go out and buy the PC version.
I didn't finish Doom 3 till right when the expansion pack was released. Finished it, then when and bought RoE. Speaking of which I need to play that sometime whenever I get done playing enough of BF2.
Doom III wasn't very fun or scary and it had bad graphics.

J/K it was quite enjoyable at times, buuuut it just didn't have that certain something to make it as memorable as HL1.
DigiQ8 said:
it wasnt scary at all, made me jump for a few times

Fatal Frame 3 , now thats scary

marine campaing in avp2--->nothing is more scary that that game
<RJMC> said:
marine campaing in avp2--->nothing is more scary that that game
yea :)

damn you , you've just made me install it again :hmph:

Your folks are from the days of Donkey Kong? Friggin hell you must be young.
The parents and DooM 3 ahh yes..

I remember when I had the sound cranked up real loud and I was running through delta labs with the chainsaw. My half deaf mother heard the chainsaw going from downstairs and thinking it was real went outside looking to see who was chainsawing our trees down.

It was the funniest thing all day.
I always thought Sarge was the good guy and Swann was trying to kill you. Then the rolls reversed. Swann is still my fav character though.
Whats the anniversary for? The engine or the game? Because the engine is the only thing worth celebrating

*puts on flame suit
hmm... no don't care. We never celebrate the release "anniversaries" of any excellent games, so why make a fuss about a merely good one? Doom 3 was ok, but was the biggest exercise in copy and paste gaming since Halo. Actually, that's unfair - Doom 3's environments felt the same as opposed to being a straight copy/paste of architecture. Either way, i've not reinstalled Doom 3 a single time after beating it.

Edit: and I'll be the first one in this thread to claim that it felt merely like a poor remake of System Shock 2.
I also hyped this game up to gigantic proportions...
Bought on release day, kept thinking to myself "I have a gaming milestone right here in my hands..."
And it didn't disappoint at all...
I'm easily shocked, so every time a monster came out... I'd most likely get a little jolt.
Loved every second of the game, But I did think it was kinda've stupid that you couldn't have a flashlight on the suit or all of the weapons...
I mean seriously, They developed portal technology...plasma guns...the BFG...
Yet no suit-mounted-lights? Common sense.
xlucidx said:
I also hyped this game up to gigantic proportions...
Bought on release day, kept thinking to myself "I have a gaming milestone right here in my hands..."
And it didn't disappoint at all...
I'm easily shocked, so every time a monster came out... I'd most likely get a little jolt.
Loved every second of the game, But I did think it was kinda've stupid that you couldn't have a flashlight on the suit or all of the weapons...
I mean seriously, They developed portal technology...plasma guns...the BFG...
Yet no suit-mounted-lights? Common sense.
Even if you don't have a suit-mounted light... what's keeping you from holding a pistol in one hand and the flashlight in the other? I mean, I've seen regular cops do it... so I'm sure a highly trained space marine could handle it. When using a gun where one hand serves only to stabilize the barrel... you could still either support the gun with your forearm or, if the flashlight is small enough, even support it with your hand while holding the flashlight in that same hand. Also, if you need your hand completely free for some reason, you could just hold it with your neck, like people do with phones all the time.

There's only one explanation... id Software thinks people in the military are retarded. OMG... they aren't patriotic!
come on guys, you know the idea behind flashlight as a seperate weapon is for the 'scary effect.' Im sick of people complaining about it- and i didnt even like the game that much.
i only got doom3 about 2 weeks ago as the community response and reviews at the time of release made it sound like a waste of 50 euros, i also played the demo and didnt feel like getting it, got it anyway 2 weeks ago for 20 euros, im about half way, its a solid enough shooter but gets too predictable after awhile, it still has its scare moments with its 'boo' tactics and being caught offguard with your flashlight while being mauled by a maggot is pretty freaky. The whole imp hiding behind a door/crate/ secret compartment(how many secret compartments are there on mars) feels so uninspired its almost laughable, was this a desgn choice or engine limation or just lack of imagination? dunno

i havent got to delta yet and i remembering hearing alot of ''atleast get to delta'' comments back at release so ill keep playing, looks good anyway..
jimbo118 said:
its a solid enough shooter but gets too predictable after awhile, it still has its scare moments with its 'boo' tactics and being caught offguard with your flashlight while being mauled by a maggot is pretty freaky. The whole imp hiding behind a door/crate/ secret compartment(how many secret compartments are there on mars) feels so uninspired its almost laughable, was this a desgn choice or engine limation or just lack of imagination? dunno
What I find amusing is how the Doom Movie trailer includes the words "behind every door", which pretty much sums up the enemy placement in the game on which it is based.
J_Tweedy said:
come on guys, you know the idea behind flashlight as a seperate weapon is for the 'scary effect.' Im sick of people complaining about it- and i didnt even like the game that much.
I haven't played Doom 3 yet, so I was wondering if there's ever any areas that force you to choose between your gun and your flashlight?
MiccyNarc said:
I haven't played Doom 3 yet, so I was wondering if there's ever any areas that force you to choose between your gun and your flashlight?

...Pretty much throughout the entire game you'll be doing that.
Gun to flashlight...flashlight to gun.

Unless you download the fittingly named Duct-tape mod. (puts a light all of the guns.)
I think that I will install it when I get a better gfx card, because when it comes to D3, my 9800pro has no power at all unless you really decrease teh settings and make it look terrible. I will probably try and complete it then, just to get my money's worth.
...Pretty much throughout the entire game you'll be doing that.
Gun to flashlight...flashlight to gun.
What I mean is, are there areas where you can't see the monster without the flashlight, yet can't shoot the monster without the gun.
Basically either way you're screwed :p
Kazuki_Fuse said:
Your folks are from the days of Donkey Kong? Friggin hell you must be young.

Well, yes and no. My parents were born in the 50's but when those games came out in arcades, they played them a lot. My mom still plays Frogger every once in a while.

Perhaps the wording should have been a little bit more specific. ;)

kupoartist said:
hmm... no don't care. We never celebrate the release "anniversaries" of any excellent games, so why make a fuss about a merely good one? Doom 3 was ok, but was the biggest exercise in copy and paste gaming since Halo. Actually, that's unfair - Doom 3's environments felt the same as opposed to being a straight copy/paste of architecture. Either way, i've not reinstalled Doom 3 a single time after beating it.

Edit: and I'll be the first one in this thread to claim that it felt merely like a poor remake of System Shock 2.

You don't celebrate the release anniversaries but does that mean I can't or any other gamers for that matter? I thought it was a great game. Sorry that you didn't feel the same way but that just your opinion and you're definitely entitled to it.

I thought the design of the levels were perfect. A lot of it looked alike but I think that was intentional, given the situation.

Was there anything that you did enjoy?

As far as the System Shock 2 comment goes, I have never played it so I didn't feel that was the case at all.

French Ninja said:

LOL. Great site dude!
satch919 said:
Was there anything that you did enjoy?
The fact that it was a competant shooter. If you like FPS games, you can't help but like Doom III because you're shooting stuff. Aside from that, it was a game that totally lacked flair or anything entirely memorable at all.
:dozey: Doom III was those one-time-play videogames for me. It was was pretty badass, but only for that first time I played through.
I was so relieved to finish it. It felt like a weight was off my shoulders when I went to the control panel and add/remove programs.....
Murray_H said:
I was so relieved to finish it. It felt like a weight was off my shoulders when I went to the control panel and add/remove programs.....

:naughty: Quite a bit of weight eh? Isn't the game like a gig or two?
I celebrate the fact that I was right in the fact that Doom 3 wouldn't make the huge splash others thought it would. Wasn't a great game in my opinion... I bought it, wasted money on it.
Happy Doomday,

I thought doom 3 was great and RoE was even better
I've bought this game when it got released. I've still never played it yet.
Great opening, and some brilliant moments, but overall felt very dated, overly-long and repetitive. I doubt many people will care much about it by it's next anniversary.