1 year on Halflife2.net!


Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Its wierd to think that I've been on here for a year, and after all this time, I've met some fantastic people.

Thank you for being cool!

Love you all.
That's nothing. I've been here almost five years. :O

Congrats though.
And then, the thread dissolved into reg date elitism.
I'm older than most of you wankers. (I'm Uriel)
mwhahaha I joined a couple months before you, therefore I'm better meeheemahahalala *cough* yeaaaa....
Love you too.​
Does anyone here apply the three second rule if you drop food on the floor?
and here is the link to my first post, made 2 days later.

Xendance said:
Hey all. My name is William and I am a young age of 13 years old. Im a big Half Life fan, and have played nearly all the games. I currently own:
Half Life
Half Life Opposing Force
Half Life Blue Shift
Half Life Redemption
Half Life Decay
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Death Match
Half Life 2: Lost Coast

I love the game, and I hope to become a good member.
Every day I come here it's like a little gift I get each morning with a headcrab inside.
And thank YOU for...being you? </Mr. Rogers>

*Points to join date*

I think a lot of people joined in June/July 2003.

Yeah, but you're apart of the system now, you aren't in the trenches like me and Stigmata with the normal members

We're down here fighting off the common folk. You're just removed from the situation now. Watching from the big-screen TV in your ivory tower with your, with your CHEETOS, and your SLIPPERS, and watching the GAME, and we're slamming on the keyboard trying to make sure that people stop posting 9/11 conspiracies and G-man theories and it just never gets any better and it never ever stops. You think you can still handle it, man? You know how the G-man theories make you get. You're old hat. We're the new generation. Your time is counting down, and we'll be waiting, man.
I joined on the last day of 2003, lol.
Ive been here..uhh..*counts on fingers*

3 years and 4 months.

We're down here fighting off the common folk. You're just removed from the situation now. Watching from the big-screen TV in your ivory tower with your, with your CHEETOS, and your SLIPPERS, and watching the GAME, and we're slamming on the keyboard trying to make sure that people stop posting 9/11 conspiracies and G-man theories and it just never gets any better and it never ever stops. You think you can still handle it, man? You know how the G-man theories make you get. You're old hat. We're the new generation. Your time is counting down, and we'll be waiting, man.

Yeah, but you're apart of the system now, you aren't in the trenches like me and Stigmata with the normal members



Yeah, but you're apart of the system now, you aren't in the trenches like me and Stigmata with the normal members

We're down here fighting off the common folk. You're just removed from the situation now. Watching from the big-screen TV in your ivory tower with your, with your CHEETOS, and your SLIPPERS, and watching the GAME, and we're slamming on the keyboard trying to make sure that people stop posting 9/11 conspiracies and G-man theories and it just never gets any better and it never ever stops. You think you can still handle it, man? You know how the G-man theories make you get. You're old hat. We're the new generation. Your time is counting down, and we'll be waiting, man.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Ignorant fools! "In the trenches with normal members?" "Watching TV in your ivory tower?" What would you know? You're on the bottom level, watching only what's in front of you; you don't see things from the top down, like I do. You can't possibly understand the machinations and goings-on at this level.

It's true, I joined the system. I'm one of them now, and you look at me like you look at them: removed, haughty, lording over the commoners. But I work from the inside.

Who works tirelessly to keep stupidity to a minimum on the forum? Who issued the decree that curtailed the G-man theories? Who's always the first guy to stand up against The Man and yell "ANARCHY!" and throw a chair? I've always worked for the common forumite. You benefit from my position.

So while you're slugging it out down here, I'm up there, making sure conditions aren't too bad with what limited power I have. We don't ALL go about as if the person beneath us is of small import.

And I'm old indeed, but just remember: things get better with age.

...and then they eventually wither, go senile, and die. But they get better first!
You see? You're so far in, you can't even see what we're trying to show you.

It's been so long since you gave up your freedom, relinquished your grip on your very future to give us our own. You put the kinks in the pipes; you stop the spam, and the conspiracy theories. But you've lost your humanity. You've been losing it ever since you walked away from the freedom that we had down in the hills. That feeling of sacrifice you get every time you submit yourself deeper into the administration to clear the streets of stupidity? That's what we've been watching all along. That's what we knew you needed to have, because it meant you were losing what you needed to in order to do your job right.

That's what we thought, at first - but now we see the truth. You aren't selfless. You aren't a martyr. You are a defector. You sacrificed your freedom and your friends, but what you got in return was power. Terrifying, white-hot power - just a glimpse of it - an oppressive weight. You were terrified, but a hidden sliver of consciousness inside you craved it. And that sliver grew. It splintered your morality, killed it, and took its place in your mind. It grabbed hold of your allegiances and shattered them.

It infected you.

The time we have to help you is shrinking at a horrible pace. There is still time to dislodge the new morality in your mind. But you have to let us help you before it's too late.
Newer = Better, and since I've been here for roughly a month I deserve to be administrator.


Don't...don't worry about it. Don't worry about me. Your concern is touching, it really is, but it's unnecessary. I know I've given up a lot, but I just need to go a little further. Just a little bit more.

Just a little bit more power.

And then it'll be alright. Everything I've worked for will come to fruition. It'll be alright. Just a little more, and I can help you better. The forums will be a better place; you have to trust me on this. Believe in me. I can make it better. I can make everything better...just need a little more power...
when did I join this hell ?

edit : OMFG too long(cat)
I joined god know when (May 05) and it feels like a hell-of-a-long-time-at-times!

But I did have a period of time away from here for my own good, asked for a ban from someone...forgot who now...and shortly after returning I joined the upper-echelons of this mighty establishment.
Did you really ask for a ban!? Lucky thing we clawed you back, now you're part of the furniture. :)
Did you really ask for a ban!? Lucky thing we clawed you back, now you're part of the furniture. :)

I did yea, forgot when (can you check :p) but was because of several reasons and had to get away from here!
I saw this site in 2003 but lurked around until I really wanted to post something. I only got really involved when HL2 was close to release.
I probably knew of this site in 2003, but sadly I only used for news on HL2, I never graced the greatness of these forums until 2006 sadly.
I lurked for a while before joining I suppose. Actually, close to a year.
Xendance - I am just thanking you all for being such wonderful people.
<RJMC> - oh shut up

:laugh: i should add this to my sig.