100% Fake

DaFreak said:
Why does everyone so easily believe what the hacker sais? I realy dont think that someone who works in IT would be SOOO stupid as to use his own name as a pass on a public forum. I am sure lots of people already tried to fill in random passes for accesing gabe's account... But no-one ever succeeded till now? Come on people, the most obvious solution: he just hacked it somehow and wanted to give gabe a bad name by saying his pass was gaben.

Sounds good to me..
As a few people have pointed out already, I think the ultimate lesson is not for us but for Valve. USE YOUR OWN SITE TO POST YOUR NEWS! It is incredibly unprofessional and lazy not to use an official outlet to update the community. I cannot think of any other company who is so casual about its news distribution methods. Time to grow up Valve and join the big boys. And pay a webmaster. You can afford it.
I'd not be surprised if the game gets completely cancelled due to hacking and random stuff. :|
qckbeam said:
That really was one incredibly stupid error to make. I mean really now, come on, after all of the things that have happened to Valve security wise, Gabe decides to use his own name as the password to the forum he uses to announce, hmmm, EVERYTHING regarding the state of the game. The response from Chris Bokitch was unfair as well. Valve has NO PR SYSTEM WHATSOEVER! They have used forums for all of their announcements. In Valves case, posting on a forum is the equivalent of giving out an official press release, and "hacking" into Gabes account to post something at hl2fallout is equivalent to hacking the official site and posting a fake article. What exactly were we supposed to think? Perhaps if they'd get their act together and post news using the proper channels this wouldn't have been such a big deal.

I agree with you. Myabe valve can do a forum post and then do a .plan update (ID style). So it still gives an impression of community involvement, but will guarantee validity of a forum post.

Their current system is less than desireable.
LOL, nice move from that hacker. its foolish to use such a simple password for gabe's account. He deserved that i quess. But its funny to see how some people react.

Like i said before: Forget about all this sh*t, just wait until you see the game in the stores. Its as simple as that. :)
DaFreak said:
Why does everyone so easily believe what the hacker sais? I realy dont think that someone who works in IT would be SOOO stupid as to use his own name as a pass on a public forum. I am sure lots of people already tried to fill in random passes for accesing gabe's account... But no-one ever succeeded till now? Come on people, the most obvious solution: he just hacked it somehow and wanted to give gabe a bad name by saying his pass was gaben.
The HL2Fallout guys say their forum is very difficult to hack and they add that Gabe's password was "gaben". I think they were aware of his password... I mean: if I had been one of the forum admins, maybe I would have thought "Let's see what Gabe's password is..." (and then "OMG I can't believe it! :LOL:").
I'm sorry for Gabe, he's a nice guy. As to the HL community, we are so smart that we didn't underestimate Gabe trying "gaben" for his forum account :)
riddle me this,

since when did guessing a password make anyone a 'hacker'? :rolleyes:

Just Because i can guess 5 digits, yes 5 digits, im hacker?

Yes, guessing five digits would be considered a basic form of hacking.
Dedalus said:
i'm still so surprised with Gabe's and Valve's patience with the community. a few people keep trying to **** Gabe/Valve over, but still, Valve continue to work away on HL2 and various other things for our benefit. amazing.

i wouldn't blame Valve if they turned around after the release of HL2 and gave us all the finger and never developed another game for the PC again.

that's what i'd do anyway. :hmph:
holy shit! you're right! the valve staff are saints! i mean i know if i were gabe, i would be so pissed off about this that i would quit my job as a highly successful computer game developer and go work at mcdonalds! that would show those fans who was boss!
seriously, don't act like a moron
Main Entry: hack·er
Pronunciation: 'ha-k&r
Function: noun
1 : one that hacks
2 : a person who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity <a tennis hacker>
3 : an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer
4 : a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system
Cheta said:
riddle me this,

since when did guessing a password make anyone a 'hacker'? :rolleyes:

Just Because i can guess 5 digits, yes 5 digits, im hacker?


yeah i guess it does actually :eek: