100 ideas for Half-Life 3

Aug 26, 2004
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I thought, what could possibly put peoples minds to rest about Half-Life 3? Theres no facts on it yet, let alone some fiction (or non-fiction :p ). So what could be possibly better than a list of 100 ideas for Valve and you fans to get your head around. The ideas should relate directly to how you want HL3 to be. I hope this thread gets going. Thats what i would like :thumbs:

1. Have voice communication in-game. Allowing yourself to talk to NPCs about a variety of subjects using a microphone.
2. Not to have voice communication in-game. Allowing yourself to talk to NPCs about a variety of subjects using a microphone.

3. Ragdolls that gib all over the shop, so heads and limbs bounce about.
5. Not to take place in a big city, but in a vast research facility in the desert. :p
6. Feature a trip into Combine space's heartlands, tackling the big Combine boss on his own territory.
didnt we just recently have a thread exactly like this?
Surely a bag of jam doughnuts would be more than enough to get the Combine Advisor to 'hand back the power'?
Instead of moaning about the duplication of threads, can't we either contribute or ignore them? If you think it's been done before, why even open the thread and type, thus contributing to something that you don't want, however indirect? I don't get that at all.

Anyway, don't reply to that cuz I can't be bothered to argue anymore.

7. More aliens. Well, more BIG aliens. I'd like to see a super-strider of some description.
8. combat on the moon
9. more vehicles
in the next one there could be:

10.based on another planet aswell as ours.
11.have space fights
12.less of a monorail situation.
13.have all the enemies roam round like bots in cs: s.
14.more weather.
15.more carnage!
I'd like to see the Cremator, the Crab and Mortar Synths and the Stalkers in action, but I feel most of those will appear in Aftermath.

For Half Life 3, I'd like to see proper squad combat, where you work with 8-10 squad mates and have full scale battles against the Combine. I'd get rid of the headcrabs and zombies (become boring now) and have some more 'synth' aliens to take on, where you need tactics rather than firepower to destroy them...imagine tripping up Striders, or flipping crab synths upside down and shooting the unarmoured spots under their bellies and such like...more per pixel damge...err, shall I go on?
i think it should all pe based on a monorail :p
MORE OF THE G MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
garrymodbeginer said:
i think it should all pe based on a monorail :p
MORE OF THE G MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Combine both : Kill the G-man by squashing him under a monorail :p
17. Yet 2 more alien races to fight. :)

In the first game we had human and Xen opponents.
In the second game we were mainly fighting Combine and Synth.
In the third game we should have two more species on top of that (t'would be fun).
18. Longer gameplay.
19. A thunder storm / Extreme weather conditions.
20. Some of the questions raised being answered.
21.full powered source gfx not the low down version
22.better A.I.
YES a 500 hour campaign woudlbe soo good, so much fun shooting , and spare missions at the end of what the valve developers wanted to do but coudlnt impletmet cos of the story!! lie kplaying out the 7 hour war trying to stop him handing over earth and the like, saving Eli from Blackmesa running to get Alyx save her and the ultimate punch gman when he isnt looking cheat :eek:
TST_Devgru Seal said:
23. Answers. I'd like answers.

I'd like answers too, yes. But not too many of 'em.

Let's hope VALVe leaves something (the G-man's identity perhaps) to the gamers' imaginations.
24. Ninjas. Every game needs them. They had them in the first one, and it'd be cool to see them again.

25. a proper sniper rifle with blue laser.
26. Realtime lighting
27. Large map sizes
28. No map compilation
Longer talking sequences, where you can just sit back and listen to people talk about what's going on, what's been happening, etc.

If HL3's going to be the last in the series, it also needs to show how much ass the G-man can kick.

More alien worlds. I don't see a reason to go back there, but I'd love to see Xen again.
Get those fecking loading times sorted out. Either that or have streaming levels
Get those fecking loading times sorted out. Either that or have streaming levels

I agree the loading times wind me up! :hmph: :angry:
^^ Yes I'd rather have 30 sec loading times every 5 mins rather than 2.5 min load times every 10 mins.
30. Yes, fight in Combine world or some other planet (mayby desert homeworld of Antlions)
31. Some mission in north city with snow (Canada mayby)
32. Adrian Shephard, yeah ! :thumbs:
More chase sequences. The hunter chopper was fun, but it wasn't chasing you as much as it was harassing you. I'm talking "balls to the wall, holy crap its right behind me (garg in parking garage in hl1) Oh crap i'm gonna die!" type chase sequences

More difficult gameplay, so i don't have to go through all the variables of the game manually making it harder. For crap's sake the overwatch rifle does only 3 damage to gordon per inaccurate shot. 3!!! the APC rockets only do 15 damage! Don't patronize me

Some sort of way of having accuracy change depending on what i'm doing. If i'm crouched, firing in short bursts, why should i be just as accurate as someone sprint jumping through the air firing full auto.

SOF2 style damage. Its never gonna happen. but come on, you show zombies torn in half and on hooks, limbless burnt torsos, people with their faces decomposed off. I'd think that a rocket to the face would do more than just send you flying in a comical manner.

More realistic weapons. I don't want hl3 to be counterstrike (I HATE CS), but seeing a shotty fire 2 shots at once sort of gets rid of the suspension of disbelief.

GEOMOD! ok thats a real stretch. However i'm surprised it hasn't become standard in all FPS games since red faction.
38.long chapter load times instead of smalle 1min loads in game
Polaris said:
31. Some mission in north city with snow (Canada mayby)


39. The ability to listen to the background music during loading times instead of having it cut off...
40. A come back in the 7 hours war... where Gordon and his crew fight to reverse what happened.
41. A no-linear story.
44. Otis!
45. Shepard getting greased so all the arguments about him coming back can finally be stopped and he can have a gloryus death taking a load of bad (or good for that matter) guys with him.
46. hysterical scientists being dragged into air vents by unseen nasties.
47. A Bren gun. For absoloutly no reason.