100 things Aftermath dosn't nead

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72: Any form of nudity. Come on, you're playing a game, not watching a porno. I'm more concerned about shooting the enemy in HL than what underwear Alyx was wearing.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
72: Any form of nudity. Come on, you're playing a game, not watching a porno. I'm more concerned about shooting the enemy in HL than what underwear Alyx was wearing.

-Angry Lawyer

she wears purple panties. if you try to look at her ass crack, you can see the tinniest bit of pantie sticking out
73: Playing as a char we have played as before (HL:1, BS, OP4, HL:2)
evilsloth said:
73: Playing as a char we have played as before (HL:1, BS, OP4, HL:2)
I dont remember a HL named BullSh*t... but meh, what do I know...

Defpotec22.... lol....

74: Lawyers

ANd have you ever noticed that G-man kinda looks like a Lawyer?
75. Garry. Because he's really an ass.
what hl2 aftermath doesn't need -
long speeches
stupid enemy's
small amounts of enemy's
a small alien named bob who lifsts on your shoulder 24/7
a talking gordon with an keen interest into coffee machines. .

give them some health so we can admire their wikid tactics for longer than 2 seconds...

i want my squadmates to lay down cover fire, duck out of the way, dash to and from cover and throw grenades, as well as staying where i put them. like if i point to an area with the crosshair and give the stay command, they should fan out and find cover within that general area, not all squabble for the 2cm squared of room on a single pixel.
Cons Himself said:

give them some health so we can admire their wikid tactics for longer than 2 seconds...
That's probably what the new soldier is for.
80. Large focus on talking with Alyx. I don't need her life story.
82. Lamarr.

You know, eventually we're going to have a requirements list for this game that is completely anti-HL2.

83: Anything having to do with the words "half", "life", "two" and "aftermath".

...Like that?
Great. Now it's gonna be called Opposing Force: Armageddon. Look what you've done, Mike :p
85- a gravity gun (after saying this i'm gonna need a surgery and gonna end like this: :borg: )
86- manhacks, i know someone already mentioned it but i just hate those f***ing things!!

EDIT: just for the record i'm kidding about the grav gun thing :imu:
@#85 - not really, we're not major fans of flaming here.

Okay, I lie, but only in the politics forum.
87 - Dual wielding crowbars

88 - A popcorn dispenser (or do we?)
We do NOT need any annoying movie clips or cut scenes like in many other games *shudder*
94. a visit to Xen or any other alien planet
95. friendly Ant Lions
96. driving levels with the Buggy
97. scenes which have far too much going on at once that greatly lower the frame rate way below the average
98. puzzles which can leave you stuck for days trying to work them out (like the tenticle in half life 1)
99. Poorly designed levels or poorly designed new monsters/weapons
100. Less than 12 hours of gameplay
Yeah I know the title is 100 things.. but.. whatever...

101.Zombies(Damn things scare me)
102.Dark places like ravenholm(ARGH)
103.poorly made cliche characters.
104.annoying infinite coastlevels with crappy designs.
105.levels which only consist of similar looking rooms that are thrown together.
eber said:
103.poorly made cliche characters.
104.annoying infinite coastlevels with crappy designs.
105.levels which only consist of similar looking rooms that are thrown together.
Are you suggesting HL2 has any of those?
No, but HL2 dosn't need them, does it?
ríomhaire said:
Are you suggesting HL2 has any of those?

hl2 had all of those. just look at breen , hes the crazy maniac who wants to take over the world :sleep: , so original !
look at the prison in nova prospect. every room looked similar and the whole building hadnt any logical structure. and what about the city . the houses all had the same textures from inside and outside. they just replaced some doors and windows and put diffrent things into it.
the coast level was just annoying , it lasted much too long anyway.
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