12 reasons same-sex marriage will destroy our great Society

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Farrowlesparrow said:
No it wasn't exaclty, though he did think a lot of our problems relted to our mothers. (As a little extra point, many of his theories have been discredited now)
Didn't he say that, conveniently for his notoriety, his theories couldn't be disproved? That is to say, if you have reason to believe that you never had an Oedipus complex then that must be because you repressed it too well.
el Chi said:
Didn't he say that, conveniently for his notoriety, his theories couldn't be disproved? That is to say, if you have reason to believe that you never had an Oedipus complex then that must be because you repressed it too well.

lol.. Freud you scallywag! :p
Freud was a pervy troglodyte who should've gone out in the fresh air a bit more and met some actual females rather than poring detailed psychological diagrams. Overrated git.


And that is why I avoid psychological debate!
I don't really know my parents too well.

My dad was a lecturer on the subject of psychiatric health, believe it or not. Strange but true.
Edcrab said:
I don't really know my parents too well.

My dad was a lecturer on the subject of psychiatric health, believe it or not. Strange but true.

* Puts on psychologist hat
I see, and.... you hate your father for this? :p
bliink said:
are you sure its not because of your mother? :stare:

Jeez, y'sound like my God-damn shrink. Listenin' to him goin' on: "Tell me about your mother" Well why don't you tell me about YOUR mother!? So my mom used to hide in a bunker at breakfast and throw eggs at me and call me wimp-blob!? And my dad used to dress up and scream at us: "I'm a Chinese bear walkin' around the wig-hut!" Aaaaah!
God, I love The Mighty Boosh.
That was fairly hit and miss to me, sometimes tried to hard, and some episodes were almost painful to sit through. I had a good laugh at the Spirit of Jazz not realising his hat was on fire mind.

So, to summarise, marriage=bad, gay people should be allowed to get married if they're mad enough to want to go through with it, Freud was a sex-starved midget, the potato negated the geographical lemonade, the Mighty Boosh is weird, and this thread has gone off-topic. Whoops.

So basically the only thing standing between same-sex marriage is secular prejudice and sheer idiocy.
seinfeldrules said:
Give them civil unions. Keep marriage for heterosexuals, and let homosexuals create their own unique and special union. Oh wait, for saying that the 'tolerant' left will call me a bigot, homophobe etc. etc.
Oh, of course you're not a bigot. A homosexual and a heterosexual just don't have the same rights and ceremonies. Tis all, yep yep.
I'm all for rights and liberties for gays. I'm a supporter of their cause.

But marriage = a man and a woman. I believe that gays should have their own union.
Kid A said:
I'm all for rights and liberties for gays. I'm a supporter of their cause.

But marriage = a man and a woman. I believe that gays should have their own union.

The way I figure it, if its not going to hurt me directly, or indirectly, then I don't care if it happens or not.
In fact, I'm willing to put up with a little hurt if it means someone can be very happy.

I think humility and compassion have been forgotten these days. "Love thy neighbour" my ass.
Kid A said:
I'm all for rights and liberties for gays.

No you're not, according to what you say yourself:

But marriage = a man and a woman. I believe that gays should have their own union.

You're denying them rights. Period.
PvtRyan said:
No you're not, according to what you say yourself:

You're denying them rights. Period.
Many people say that to me, but I know what I said.

I think that gays should have their own union. I do not believe that gays should be allowed to 'marry.' I see no reason as to why the definition of marriage should be changed.

I think most people misunderstand me. I am merely talking about the principles of marriage; not the legal rights! Gays SHOULD be given the rights that heterosexuals are given in marriage, but marriage is based on a man and a woman, and there is no reason to change that.
look if I can get married wearing a freakin' star trek uniform with my bride dressed as a klingon in some seedy elvis chapel in las vegas, who's to say the tradition of marriage is set in stone? ...marriage is NOT a religious institution, it's a legal union.
Edcrab said:
That was fairly hit and miss to me, sometimes tried to hard, and some episodes were almost painful to sit through. I had a good laugh at the Spirit of Jazz not realising his hat was on fire mind.
Fair enough. It's an acquired taste, to say the least. Vince dressed up as a panda was great. And so is Naboo - everything about him.

Meanwhile, back on topic...
So basically the only thing standing between same-sex marriage is secular prejudice and sheer idiocy.
In an odd way, I can understand why people might want to keep it "special" but then that's very selfish and not at all understanding of someone else's feelings. Also, rather than worry about OTHER marriages being so special, what about your own?
Bit off topic; just checked the Bible, and divorce should be totally illegal:

"at the begginning of creation God 'made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not seperate."
Jesus speaking, Mark 10:6-9

So anyone who's anti-gay marriage MUST also be anti-divorce. If not you are simply picking and choosing what God has ordered you to do - and he'll be p*ssed at u! You naughty things!
I say that gays and lesbians should be allowed to join in civil unions.

I also say that heterosexual couples should be allowed to join in civil unions.

Marriage is more of a religious thing. Leave the government out of it either way.
burner69 said:
So anyone who's anti-gay marriage MUST also be anti-divorce. If not you are simply picking and choosing what God has ordered you to do

Thats what the majority of religious people do anyway.
The Dark Elf said:
Thats what the majority of religious people do anyway.

I would like the Christianity 5000, with alloy wheels, metallic blue paint and sunroof. All leather interior? No thanks, gets sticky in the warm.
The Dark Elf said:
Thats what the majority of religious people do anyway.

Heh, except Church of England (Anglicans), the movement was started due to the fact that the Roman Catholic church forbade divorce :p
Way I see it, The gay hating in this country very much resembles the Black hating of the past. It will eventually die down and being homophobic will be like racism--shunned apon.
Oh, of course you're not a bigot. A homosexual and a heterosexual just don't have the same rights and ceremonies. Tis all, yep yep.

See, told you it wouldnt take long, although El Chi technically did beat you to it.

Under civil unions, homosexuals would receive the same rights as married couples.

Way I see it, The gay hating in this country very much resembles the Black hating of the past. It will eventually die down and being homophobic will be like racism--shunned apon.
You have to be kidding me. And you call us ignorant? :laugh:
seinfeldrules said:
See, told you it wouldnt take long, although El Chi technically did beat you to it.

Under civil unions, homosexuals would receive the same rights as married couples.

So then why not let homosexuals be married? Why the seperation? For the last time, marriage is NOT holy, sacred, or religious. It's a secular institution.

seinfeldrules said:
You have to be kidding me. And you call us ignorant? :laugh:

I'm not sure I follow you here at all
So then why not let homosexuals be married? Why the seperation? For the last time, marriage is NOT holy, sacred, or religious. It's a secular institution.

1. I propose they form their own union, and let it signify the coupling of homosexuals, and marriage can be the word to define the coupling of heterosexuals.
2. Its not, civil unions allow homosexuals to create their own sacred tradition that can become even greater than modern marriage.

I'm not sure I follow you here at all
I suppose he would need to go into further detail about 'gay hating', but this was a conversation about gay marriage so I take it he means everyone who opposes gay marriage. I have yet to see anybody post on this board who hated gays. Comparing their plight to that of Blacks is outlandish. I bet blacks back in the 60s would love to be treated as well as modern day gays.
bliink said:
Heh, except Church of England (Anglicans), the movement was started due to the fact that the Roman Catholic church forbade divorce :p
I meant how Religious people tend to pick n mix parts of their religion to suit themselves while considering everyone else inferior unless they believe in the same faith 100%
seinfeldrules said:
1. I propose they form their own union, and let it signify the coupling of homosexuals, and marriage can be the word to define the coupling of heterosexuals.
2. Its not, civil unions allow homosexuals to create their own sacred tradition that can become even greater than modern marriage.

Hypothetical situation. Homosexuals are allowed to marry freely wherever they are all over the world. What difference will that make to anyone's life? Please explain to me how it would effect the world so drastically that it can't happen.
I meant how Religious people tend to pick n mix parts of their religion to suit themselves while considering everyone else inferior unless they believe in the same faith 100%
I think thats quite a generalization.
seinfeldrules said:
1. I propose they form their own union, and let it signify the coupling of homosexuals, and marriage can be the word to define the coupling of heterosexuals.

Why? Why is it such a big deal? If they want to call it marriage just let them and be done with it. It doesn't affect anyone else in the slightest, so I fail to see why people feel the need to dictate to gays what they may and may not do.

seinfeldrules said:
I suppose he would need to go into further detail about 'gay hating', but this was a conversation about gay marriage so I take it he means everyone who opposes gay marriage. I have yet to see anybody post on this board who hated gays. Comparing their plight to that of Blacks is outlandish. I bet blacks back in the 60s would love to be treated as well as modern day gays.

It's not exactly the same, but there are major similarities, including the occurance of many hate crimes and a lot of discrimination. Probably one of the major differences is that at least gays can hide themselves from the public eye, unlike blacks. Not that that makes the situation any better.
What difference will that make to anyone's life? Please explain to me how it would effect the world so drastically that it can't happen.

What difference will it make to anyone's life if civil unions are allowed?
What difference will it make if evolution isn't taught in schools?
What difference will it make if I say "God" in the Pledge of Alligence?
What difference will it make if a courtroom displays the 10 Commandments?
Why? Why is it such a big deal? If they want to call it marriage just let them and be done with it. It doesn't affect anyone else in the slightest, so I fail to see why people feel the need to dictate to gays what they may and may not do.

1. So marriage can be a union between heterosexuals and X can be a union between homosexuals.

It's not exactly the same, but there are major similarities, including the occurance of many hate crimes and a lot of discrimination. Probably one of the major differences is that at least gays can hide themselves from the public eye, unlike blacks. Not that that makes the situation any better.
I have never ever seen a confrontation between a heterosexual and a homosexual. I have never witnessed a hate crime involving a homosexual, nor have I heard of any in my surrounding area. Hate crimes and discrimination were daily events back in the 60s.
Why does there have to be more segregation? By creating a different class of 'togetherness', for want of a better word, for a homosexual couple you accentuate the causes of homophobia.
Why does there have to be more segregation? By creating a different class of 'togetherness', for want of a better word, for a homosexual couple you accentuate the causes of homophobia.

Its no more segregation than referring to homosexuals as homosexuals and heterosexuals as heterosexuals.
seinfeldrules said:
I think thats quite a generalization.

It's true though. I see it happening an awful lot on here too. Young Jimmy Smith claims to be religious and believe in all that. See's something he doesn't like, immediately attacks it, thinks its wrong and against his religion.. Then goes home to have sex with his underage girlfriend, not worrying about getting her pregnant cause she can always have it aborted, no intention to marry her. Then goes out with his mates, gets drunk, takes some drugs, go joyriding and stealing. Beats up some random kid on the street.

But its ok, he goes to Church for a couple of hours every Sunday morning.

Religion isn't just a weekend thing. They should either stick with it or not atall, you can't believe in such things only when you want to or when the shit hits the fan, its all or nothing, its not there to judge others while you yourself go against what your supposed to believe in.
Again, I have never encountered that. Maybe its just a thing in your area of wherever you live. Am I a hypocrite for believing in God, but do not attend church?
seinfeldrules said:
I have never ever seen a confrontation between a heterosexual and a homosexual. I have never witnessed a hate crime involving a homosexual, nor have I heard of any in my surrounding area. Hate crimes and discrimination were daily events back in the 60s.
It's far easier to conceal one's sexuality than one's skin colour.
Of course one should have to hide neither.
Homophobic abuse happens all the time, and just because it's not as rife as racial attacks were in the '60s, what's your point exactly?

Calling a "union" between a homosexual couple that is, for all intents and purposes, a marriage something other than marriage is sompletely contrary to the idea that we are all equal. In some ways, it puts gay people as some fringe group. In society but not entirely of it?
I'm just not entirely clear on exactly what your reasoning is.
It's far easier to conceal one's sexuality than one's skin colour.
There is a club in my school entitled GSA "Gay Straight Alliance". It's membership is pretty much homosexual teenagers. I have never seen one of these children discriminated against, mocked, or physically attacked.

Calling a "union" between a homosexual couple that is, for all intents and purposes, a marriage something other than marriage is sompletely contrary to the idea that we are all equal. In some ways, it puts gay people as some fringe group. In society but not entirely of it?
Union is merely a variable in place of a word that the homosexual community could decide upon. A marriage is a union, X (variable) is a union. They are both completely equal.
seinfeldrules said:
There is a club in my school entitled GSA "Gay Straight Alliance". It's membership is pretty much homosexual teenagers. I have never seen one of these children discriminated against, mocked, or physically attacked.

Same thing at my school.
seinfeldrules said:
1. So marriage can be a union between heterosexuals and X can be a union between homosexuals.

That doesn't answer the question at all. I asked why?

Why is that necessary? What possible logical reason could you have to deny two gays the right to call their union a marriage. It does not affect you in any way.

seinfeldrules said:
I have never ever seen a confrontation between a heterosexual and a homosexual. I have never witnessed a hate crime involving a homosexual, nor have I heard of any in my surrounding area. Hate crimes and discrimination were daily events back in the 60s.


I said they were not exactly the same. I only said there are similarities. Just because hate crimes and discrimination are less common does not make them any more acceptable. Also, just because you don't see it happen doesn't mean it's not there. Just look at the military for an obvious example.
I find it incomprehensible how we can look back on racial prejudices of the past century, yet there are still people who hold near-identical prejudices against homosexuals. Don't they get it? Do you learn nothing from history?

Somebody mentioned calling the union something different. I don't see why it should be called anything different. By calling something different you segregate it. A "civil union" will be defined with the understanding that it is not a "marriage", and vice-versa.

seinfeldrules said:
What difference will it make to anyone's life if civil unions are allowed?
What difference will it make if evolution isn't taught in schools?
What difference will it make if I say "God" in the Pledge of Alligence?
What difference will it make if a courtroom displays the 10 Commandments?

I'll hit these one at a time, though I find it insulting that I feel the need to. You clearly live in a very sheltered environment, and have no clue as to the vital importance of the separation of church and state, as well as the existance of other equally valid religions.

What difference will it make to anyone's life if civil unions are allowed?
Like I said above, each would be defined as not the other, thereby segregating them, causing animosity.

What difference will it make if evolution isn't taught in schools?
Quite a bit. It denies children education of proven scientific fact and sets a precident that religion should be valued over any argumentation, regardless of proof or validity, and that is very dangerous.

What difference will it make if I say "God" in the Pledge of Alligence?
Nobody should have to say anything to anybody for any reason. Sticking 'god' and the like into it just makes it worse, because amazingly enough, not everybody shares your religion, or believes in god, or wants to say a pledge.

What difference will it make if a courtroom displays the 10 Commandments?
NOT EVERYBODY IS CHRISTIAN! HOLY CRAP MATE! The judicial system and all facets of religion should be kept separate to ensure the fairness of the system. Flip the scenario and you'll soon see you don't like it: Courts post plaques of the Koran on every wall. What do you think now?

Again, I am disgusted to think that I even need to type this. That some people can't see this in a fraction of a second makes me unbelievably incensed. Much the same way people drink the president's bullshit or start calling others 'unpatriotic'. What makes me so mad is the fact that if people don't stop with their bigoted bullcrap the country is going to fall apart.
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