12 reasons same-sex marriage will destroy our great Society

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seinfeldrules said:
Union is merely a variable in place of a word that the homosexual community could decide upon. A marriage is a union, X (variable) is a union. They are both completely equal.

So if they are equal, why not call them the same bloody things? It makes things a lot simpler, causes less grief and lets people get on with their lives
seinfeldrules said:
There is a club in my school entitled GSA "Gay Straight Alliance". It's membership is pretty much homosexual teenagers. I have never seen one of these children discriminated against, mocked, or physically attacked.
Well then, and I mean this seriously, you clearly live in a very nice, open-mined area. There are a lot of closed-minded bile-filled c*nts out there who ought to be put out of their misery.
Like I said it doesn't happen all the time but there is still a lot of discrimination and hate against the homosexual community.

Union is merely a variable in place of a word that the homosexual community could decide upon. A marriage is a union, X (variable) is a union. They are both completely equal.
And if the homosexual community, in their wisdom, decide that they like the term "marriage" best for their "union" - then what?
Do you propose they're presented with a list of words that have been deemed acceptable?
Once again, you haven't cleared up exactly what your reasoning is...
Why is that necessary? What possible logical reason could you have to deny two gays the right to call their union a marriage. It does not affect you in any way.
Why should heterosexuals be denied from using the word marriage to describe a union solely between a woman and a man? Is it their job to go out and create a new tradition?

I said they were not exactly the same. I only said there are similarities. Just because hate crimes and discrimination are less common does not make them any more acceptable.
Again, the context of the conversation pushed me to believe he was referring to anybody who disagreed with gay marriage as 'gay haters'. I dont think any sane man or woman would view hate crimes as acceptable.

You clearly live in a very sheltered environment, and have no clue as to the vital importance of the separation of church and state, as well as the existance of other equally valid religions.
First off, I dont think an insult is a very mature way to begin your 'enlightened' response.

Like I said above, each would be defined as not the other, thereby segregating them, causing animosity.
A homosexual and a heterosexual are defined as not the other.

It denies children education of proven scientific fact and sets a precident that religion should be valued over any argumentation, regardless of proof or validity, and that is very dangerous.
Where did I mention religion? Would it hurt a child to be taught both 'theories' in the first place? I am not condoning creationism, as you seem to believe after reading a few sentences of my writing.

NOT EVERYBODY IS CHRISTIAN! HOLY CRAP MATE! The judicial system and all facets of religion should be kept separate to ensure the fairness of the system. Flip the scenario and you'll soon see you don't like it: Courts post plaques of the Koran on every wall. What do you think now?
I wouldnt mind courts posting plaques of the Koran on every wall. I dont think that it should be taken down just because it 'insults' a singular group. Just because the 10 Commandments is posted in a courtroom building does not mean it will affect a Judge's decision.

Again, I am disgusted to think that I even need to type this. That some people can't see this in a fraction of a second makes me unbelievably incensed. Much the same way people drink the president's bullshit or start calling others 'unpatriotic'. What makes me so mad is the fact that if people don't stop with their bigoted bullcrap the country is going to fall apart.
Ya, you're right. How stupid I am to think anything other than your beliefs. Tolerant my ass.
So if they are equal, why not call them the same bloody things? It makes things a lot simpler, causes less grief and lets people get on with their lives
Why not call a man a woman? If a we refer to everyone as manwo will that make things simpler? I dont find being referred to as a 'man' insulting. Nor do I find being referred to as a 'heterosexual' insulting.

Do you propose they're presented with a list of words that have been deemed acceptable?
Call it daslkfjsldkfjasd for all I care. Just dont call it marriage, just as a woman doesnt ask to be referred to as a Mr. (in most cases :laugh: ).

**** this I'm moving to canada.
Good riddance.

There are a lot of closed-minded bile-filled c*nts out there who ought to be put out of their misery.
I'm all for it. :sniper:
Firstly, you're a gigantic hypocrite for saying you're all for the extermination of anybody who holds a certain belief at all. Secondly, you're a hypocrite for holding the belief that something that insults a group of people should remain in place, and you're a hypocrite for telling me good riddance. You're a hypocrite for using your own personal inexperience of various issues as proof.

Game, set, and match. My parting shot, before I go to bed, is that you are an asshole (and a hypocrite. Did I mention that?). Feel free to attack me while I'm away.
Where did I mention religion? Would it hurt a child to be taught both 'theories' in the first place?

I'm sorry... theories? Plural? When did a legitimate alternative theory to evolution get proposed? I must have missed it.

For clarification: "God did it" does not qualify as a theory.
Game, set, and match. My parting shot, before I go to bed, is that you are an asshole (and a hypocrite. Did I mention that?). Feel free to attack me while I'm away.
Hey man, you're the only one to attack anybody in this thread. All I said was "good riddance"-- because I dont want somebody living in my country that cant make a sensible argument without resorting to insults. So all in all- No, I wont stoop to you're level. If you need to attack somebody to further your argument, then that speaks for itself.

you're a gigantic hypocrite for saying you're all for the extermination of anybody who holds a certain belief at all.
Wait, I want to kill somebody for holding their religious beliefs? I made a joking reference to ridding the world of "closed-minded bile-filled c*nts out there ".

Secondly, you're a hypocrite for holding the belief that something that insults a group of people should remain in place
Wait, but wouldnt gay marriage insult people using that argument?

You're a hypocrite for using your own personal inexperience of various issues as proof.
Huh? How can I have a personal inexperience? I have had personal experience, but I've never experienced an inexperience.
gcomeau said:
I'm sorry... theories? Plural? When did a legitimate alternative theory to evolution get proposed? I must have missed it.

For clarification: "God did it" does not qualify as a theory.



I am not condoning creationism, as you seem to believe after reading a few sentences of my writing.
I almost never peek my head in here,. ever since the politic forums split off from Off Topic, I have found these forums so much more agreable.

Point is, nothing ever gets solved here, and this has, essentially, become the same debate we've hammered to witts end. There will always be the haters, and I really would rather pretend they dont exist.

Still, I am comforted by the fact that so many people here are inteligent, tollerant, accepting, open minded. This is a large part of why I frequent these forums; the belief that the HL2 crowd is, by and large, a cut above the average pedestrian. Cheers for the post, Sprafa, and for (most of) the rest of you, thanks again for reafirming my faith in this cross-section of humanity.
Gosh watching seinfeld thrash ficticiouswill is painful :P

f|uke said:
Point is, nothing ever gets solved here, and this has, essentially, become the same debate we've hammered to witts end. There will always be the haters, and I really would rather pretend they dont exist.
Dont you see that both sides are "hating" on another? Why do you target a specific one that is "hating" more than the other?

Still, I am comforted by the fact that so many people here are inteligent, tollerant, accepting, open minded. This is a large part of why I frequent these forums; the belief that the HL2 crowd is, by and large, a cut above the average pedestrian. Cheers for the post, Sprafa, and for (most of) the rest of you, thanks again for reafirming my faith in this cross-section of humanity.
You just contradicted yourself. Why arent you tolerant of seinfelds views? Surely he is entitled to his opinion without being called unintelligent, intolerant, and closed minded.
Sprafa said:
8. Same-sex marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
[original poster was good-fortune on the DeviantArt forums. You can find the original thread here ]

I wish I weren't tall.
seinfeldrules said:

Well gee, that clears things up.

And if you're not suggesting the other theory is creationism, what ARE you suggesting it is?
Like I said before, I simply cannot comprehend the actions of people who are so anti-gay, or so worried about gay marriage.
It won't hurt me directly, or indirectly- probably not you either; so why does it matter?
It wouldnt matter to me even if I did have to suffer a little so others could be much happier. Its all "me me me" these days... noone cares about anyone anymore.
Humility- dead
Compassion- dead
"love thy neighbour"- very damn dead.
bliink said:
Like I said before, I simply cannot comprehend the actions of people who are so anti-gay, or so worried about gay marriage.
It won't hurt me directly, or indirectly- probably not you either; so why does it matter?
It wouldnt matter to me even if I did have to suffer a little so others could be much happier. Its all "me me me" these days... noone cares about anyone anymore.
Humility- dead
Compassion- dead
"love thy neighbour"- very damn dead.
Welcome to the sinful, corrupt, and damned world of today.

Enjoy your stay. :thumbs:
Tr0n said:
Welcome to the sinful, corrupt, and damned world.

Enjoy your stay. :thumbs:

The most depressing part is that people have accepted it... they're minds have turned to mush.
The human race wont last another 300 years at this rate
bliink said:
The most depressing part is that people have accepted it... they're minds have turned to mush.
The human race wont last another 300 years at this rate
Well I'm praying those biblical prophecies do come true, because if so...the world as we know it won't be the same in about 10/20 years.

Thats of course....if it happens. :(
Tr0n said:
Well I'm praying those biblical prophecies do come true, because if so...the world as we know it won't be the same in about 10/20 years.

Thats of course....if it happens. :(

Ah.. you're an optimist lol
Tr0n said:
Well I'm praying those biblical prophecies do come true, because if so...the world as we know it won't be the same in about 10/20 years.

Thats of course....if it happens. :(

Don't hold your breath.
bliink said:
Ah.. you're an optimist lol
Neutrino said:
Don't hold your breath.
Damn't... ;(

Well one can keep hope...and yes I am bliink...well actually to a point I am, but hey you never know it could happen.I just gotta keep faith. ;)

If it doesn't...then hey no biggie.I'm still gonna go on with my life.
seinfeldrules said:
What difference will it make to anyone's life if civil unions are allowed?

Gays will still not have access to the same institution, nor the social power that comes with it. Marriage will be furhtre hurt because now there are all sorts of "marriage-lite" options. Marriage is far more powerful as a _universal_: something that everyone can aspire to, whehter gay or straight.

What difference will it make if evolution isn't taught in schools?

Kids will grow up retarded and ignorant of basic biology.

What difference will it make if I say "God" in the Pledge of Alligence?

None. Just don't force other people to say it or enlist the government in leading people in theology.

What difference will it make if a courtroom displays the 10 Commandments?

WTF? So a document that basically starts out with "if you don't believe in the one true god yer a ****ing asshole," as well as saying that things practiced in other religions (idols) are evil is something we want posted in courts of law that are supposedly to be religion neutral and fairhanded? How much fair justice do you think you get from a female judge that has "men are stupid and usually guilty" embroidered on her robes?
Seinfeld, I'd like to ask - once again - what your logical reasoning behind your objection is? You've completely avoided the question every time I've asked you.

Good post Apos :)
I'm pretty tired of arguing with the likes of gh0st and seinfeldrules. I'm really glad so many are taking the debate to a higher level.
Marriage is between a man and a woman!

OK, why?
Because the Bible tells us so!

Ah yes, of course, the same Bible that tells us to go to church on Sunday, that we can never divorce, that God made the Earth... hang on just a second... none of THESE things are legislated. Why oh why are gay's not allowed to marry legally? Why has the law hijacked Christianity, cut out the bits it dosen't like, and left us with anti-homosexual laws to make some idiots feel better about themselves.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. Why? I've heard three reasons; 1) Because God says so 2) Because homosexuals can't make babies. 3) Because it isn't what marriage is about

Here is the answers, it's really this simple, if you'd like to explain any alternatives which allow gays to be breaking the law by marriage, go ahead:
1) God says divorce is wrong. So, if you want to ban gay marriage you MUST ban divorce, you MUST legally force people to church on Sunday, there can be NO other God - so all other religions are now illegal. Why don't we all just admit this has nothing to do with religion, it's just a bunch of people who either are afraid, or just don't like homosexuals.

2) Neither can impotent people. Neither can elderly people. Seriously, by your reasoning these people should BY LAW not be allowed to marry. With elderly people it'd be hard, cuz you can't divorce them when they stop being able to reproduce - but of course they can't remain married. Ah! Perhaps we'll make them change the name of it to "civil union". They'll be fine with that.
Oh yeah, and since when exactly has marriage been about the quest for children soley? I thought there was love and compassion involved. I don't marry someone because I want her babies, I marry them because I love them, and want to spend my life with them. Get a grip people - marriage dosen't put women in a coup and have her popping out kids every 9 months - there's more to life than reproduction - and if you ask me there's too many people on the planet, so they should ban heterosexual marriage to reduce the population.

3) "Marriage has always been about a man and a woman." Shut up. Marriage used to have been 'always about a man having total control over the woman.' Marriage used to be about making housewives out of women. Why did we change some of these laws? Because we needed to evolve and grow as a society. Guess what, America just de-evolved.
Oh, and by the way, a man has married his CAR in America before.
And you've got a problem with two human beings?

You're either a homophobe, or are aware that the majority of your country is so you're conforming to their beliefs.
Gays will still not have access to the same institution, nor the social power that comes with it.

I dont have access to the female restroom facilities....

Kids will grow up retarded and ignorant of basic biology.
Kids are going to grow up retarded? Again, these questions were all to prove that although people are not directly affected by an issue, they are still allowed to hold an opinion. I doubt the war in Iraq affects more than 2 or 3 people on this board, but there is still plenty of debate over it.

None. Just don't force other people to say it or enlist the government in leading people in theology.
Ok, its not hurting them so I suppose they cant hold an opinion on it.

what your logical reasoning behind your objection is?
I hold the belief that marriage is an union designed for a man and a woman. Allow homosexuals to create their own unique union that signifys their relationship.

I'm pretty tired of arguing with the likes of gh0st and seinfeldrules. I'm really glad so many are taking the debate to a higher level

Oh yes sprafa, you are so superior to everybody (except those who agree with you). Responses like this are just attempts to piss upon those who hold an opinon other than your own. Again, the left is the 'tolerant' side? My ass.

You should get out more, meet new people, you'll see then.
You're right. Its obviously because I never leave my house, have no friends etc. Come on, maybe you should meet some new people.

You're either a homophobe, or are aware that the majority of your country is so you're conforming to their beliefs.
Ya, you're right. I hate gays. Thats why I'm proposing that they receive equal rights.

From this thread, it has grown quite apparent that the 'tolerant' left doesnt actually tolerate anybody who doesnt hold their views. When faced with an opposing viewpoint, they resort to degradation, insults, and other lowly forms of debate instead of debating like mature individuals.
I'm sorry for the length of this. But it's something that I've just gotta get off my chest:

It has been raised in these (and many other) forums that Christians don't always practice what they preach. I have no problem with this statement, as it's more an indictment of human nature than Christians as a whole.

However, I take objection to the promptness with which many (ironically those who typically consider themselves paragons of tolerance) here and elsewhere will make broad sweeping generalizations implying that somehow Christianity is flawed because of a few bad apples that claim to practice it.

I like the verb “practice” used in this context. Doctors practice medicine. The religious practice their particular belief system. Because in both endeavors one should never reach a point where they believe they’ve finally “got it”. Doctors, Teachers, Lawyers and yes Christians should all adopt the principle early in their “careers” that they will never be done growing.

It is my humble opinion that the sweeping generalizations thrown around implicating Christians as hypocrites stem from two major sources. The first being that those who have stopped growing tend to be the loudest in asserting that they have reached the pinnacle of growth. These are the Christians who loudly voice opposition to the world. An errant posture that I see no tangible endorsement of in the bible.

At no point in the great commission of Lord Christ do I see the words “Go into all the world and make them understand what you’ve learned is objectionable to God.” Quite to the contrary, the great commission asks us to laud the love of Christ.

I also see no example of Christ running around screaming at sinners commanding that they stop doing what they’ve been doing. I don’t see him trying to push legislation through the courts urging Caesar to enforce obedience to Hebraic law.

To the contrary, Christ’s mission was a very personal individual one. His heart yearned for intimacy with those that he ministered to. Christ befriended those that were shunned by the moral majority of his day. He dined with prostitutes, tax collectors (this is a cultural reference lost on many today, but Jews who collected taxes for Caesar were a rather despised bunch among their Jewish peers), and the communicably ill. The abandoned, despised and misunderstood.

But let me assure you that the majority of –practicing- Christians are not the belligerent self-appointed prophets that you are generalizing them to be. They are the spiritual equivalent of a man who takes a karate class at the “Y” and suddenly thinks he’s enough an authority on the world of martial arts that he can’t sit through a kung fu movie without complaining about how bad the choreography is on screen.

There are a lot more of Y-athletics karate school dropouts in the world than there are dedicated life-long black belts. No one (at least no reasonable one) would say that the ignorance of the former should defame the reputation of the later.

I said I believed there to be two sources of this rampant anti-Christian generalization. The second is simply human nature. Let’s face it; we are all, every one of us hypocrites. I know I’ve done one thing and said another, claimed allegiance to one group and aided its enemy, or promised one thing and delivered another every day of my life. I’m a liar, a cheater, a thief, a coward and a bigot, always have been, and always will be. But that doesn’t mean I’m not in open rebellion against those things. I hate, nay, I despise my own hypocrisy, and I desperately fight it tooth and nail. Some days I succeed, others I fail.

We’re all like that. Atheist and Christian alike, we’re all hypocrites. We all bend rules; even break them when our own ends urge us to. Doesn’t anyone see the self-condemning irony in the statement “ALL Christians are a bunch of intolerant idiots!”?

I am no psychologist, but I would suggest that the reason we are so quick to hate the hypocrisy we see in others, is we are so disgusted to know it exists in ourselves. It is much easier to focus our loathing outward; than it is to work on fixing the only person we really have any control over.

I love these forums. As a gamer, in a social world of non-gamers it’s a nice outlet for me to have the refuge of half-life2.net and other gaming forums to chat with those who have similar interests to mine. But I’ll be honest with you, the abject hatred I have received through association with the word Christianity often urges me to stop coming.

I don’t understand why the same people who argue so vehemently that its wrong to hate others for their creed, race, color or sex, are so willing to hate me and say such rabidly hateful things about myself and my brothers and sisters.

I pray that many of you will meet some “black-belt” Christians, so that you can dispel your opinion that we’re all dropouts from the “Y”.
Seinfeld - I'm quite liberal and I respect your opinion.

Bet no one saw that coming...
As a Protestant Agnostic (heh, think about it) I should maybe point out that when people on this forum make derogatory references to Christianity/Islam/whatever they're aiming them at the factions of the religion that don't deserve to be considered civillised. I.e., extremists. Although I will admit that the near-constant generalisations of religious types fray my nerves.

I don't know how the US education system functions, but I was taught creationism in Religious Education, for every major belief system. Evolution was touched upon in RE and Biology. I don't see any problem with the UK system, although someone who's currently in education may well correct me- god knows how it's changed since I've been gone. Ooh, more trappings of our psuedo-religious culture.

Britian, for example, is a predominantly Christian country (although, interestingly, less Christians are "practising" compared to the comparitive level of minorities). Our society was founded on Christian beliefs, most of which are common sense and wouldn't be disputed by anyone. I fail to see how, for example, references to the "dominant" religion in a country's oaths/anthems is so horrific. Perhaps it's just because I'm not especially religious by some standards, but I honestly wouldn't be offended to visit Iran, for example, and see the Islamic undertones everywhere. Why? Because it's a Muslim state for goodness sake. Tolerance is one thing, but some of the proposals I've seen seem to be promoting multiculturism to the point that perfectly sound traditions and cultures are being merged into some sort of horrific, unoriginal, globalised blob. Admittedly I wouldn't actually visit Iran for a variety of reasons (they're hardly the best example of a religion-based society) but meh...

Marriage is a bizzare concept, and in today's modern situe it can hardly be called religious. Sure, you get your choice of priest, cleric or registrar, but they're effectively tagged on to the government-decreed ceremony, like decoration. Just call it "marriage" and let the gays marry all ready. What harm would it do?

A gay marriage won't produce children, but gay people won't anyway, married or not. We going to outlaw homosexuals again? They're part of the planet, and they want to be accepted into society. How would "strong-willed" Christians suddenly drop down and die from such an occurence? How would society collapse?

Religion has so many idiotic, pointless, irrelevant left overs that it makes the mind boggle. Catholicism and contraceptives, hardline Christians and divorce... it just goes on.
seinfeldrules said:
I hold the belief that marriage is an union designed for a man and a woman. Allow homosexuals to create their own unique union that signifys their relationship.

so why dont we extend the meaning of the word to a union between 2 people then? I mean when gays marry they have a wedding and everything too just like straight people. Then why give it a different name? The meaning of words change through time. Theres really no need to make more segregation.

Or are you that much of a conservative that any kind of change is bad?
seinfeldrules said:
I hold the belief that marriage is an union designed for a man and a woman. Allow homosexuals to create their own unique union that signifys their relationship.

Cars were originally built for men only to drive, are you saying women should have special cars made for them?

Kitchen's and cooking was originally considered a woman's job. I see plenty of guys cooking for a living these days. Are you saying they should change it all just for them?

Football was traditionally a male sport, women play it. Or should they change the rules and call it something else?

Honestly get out of the past, this is 2005 not 1934. Next your gonna be telling us Ethnic minorities should ride on different public transport and drink out of different waterfountains to White people ffs.
gh0st said:
Gosh watching seinfeld thrash ficticiouswill is painful :P

Wow. That was a pretty shitty thing to say.

Anyway, thanks to the rest of you folks who reiterated most of the arguments in the thread. Makes me feel much better knowing that there are other sane people in the world. As for seinfeld's rebuttals, they're pretty well self-condemning, so I'll let it die.
Lord Dubu, good post, but I think I need to clarify my position on this - If a Christian dosen't like homosexuals and gives his reasoning - fair play. What I, and I think a lot of people object to, is the fact that because of this it has become LAW.

I somehow doubt the majority of people who voted against gay marriage stick to the Bible rigerously, and therefore have the right to say they don't like homosexuals - but they don't pick and choose what to believe in.

Seinfeld, you avoided all of my post except the insult at the end - clearly to emphasise your point that you're being persecuted for being anti-gay marriage.
Care to pick up on any of the points I've made, or will you simply resort this argument into "You're picking on me so your point holds no validity."?
No no no, you see this is how he 'thrashes' you.

I am, however, in complete agreement with you burner.
burner69 said:
I somehow doubt the majority of people who voted against gay marriage stick to the Bible rigerously, and therefore have the right to say they don't like homosexuals - but they don't pick and choose what to believe in.

No Christian has a right "not to like homosexuals" at all. Bigotry is not a fruit of the spirit, but rather a symptom of spiritual unhealth.

Christians have an obligation to LOVE EVERYONE.
when you're pwned by The Dark Elf, you need to shut up.
Seinfeld - I'm quite liberal and I respect your opinion.

Bet no one saw that coming...
Thanks man, appreciate it. I cant ask for anything more.

Cars were originally built for men only to drive, are you saying women should have special cars made for them?

Kitchen's and cooking was originally considered a woman's job. I see plenty of guys cooking for a living these days. Are you saying they should change it all just for them?

Football was traditionally a male sport, women play it. Or should they change the rules and call it something else?

Airline stewardess and airline steward. Both perform the same task, but are referred to in a different manner. There are plenty of other examples of this as well.

Honestly get out of the past, this is 2005 not 1934. Next your gonna be telling us Ethnic minorities should ride on different public transport and drink out of different waterfountains to White people ffs.

Man, if only I knew how to time travel! I could go back in time and enslave all the black people I wanted!! It would be such a good time!

Get off it, just because I support civil unions doesnt mean I support slavery. It doesnt mean I support hate crimes or am a bigot. If your views are so narrow than maybe you should be the one 'meeting new people', as you said earlier.

Seinfeld, you avoided all of my post except the insult at the end - clearly to emphasise your point that you're being persecuted for being anti-gay marriage.
Exactly. I'm not going to respond to somebody who feels the need to insult. When you mature a little, I might feel obliged.

As for seinfeld's rebuttals, they're pretty well self-condemning, so I'll let it die
I'd like to hear you rebute them. Without insulting that is, if you could handle that.
seinfeldrules said:
I'd like to hear you rebute them. Without insulting that is, if you could handle that.

This is just funny coming from you where every post you've made has been aimed to insult those who don't agree with you. You can wrap it up in as much candy as you like, fact remains your pushing your luck now.

As we've been discussing the need for further warnings to cover behavior that doesn't come under personal attacks, but have so far not had these new warnings added. And due to the recent increase in people avoiding out right insults thinking they can get away without a warning. You'll have to make do with a regular one instead.

Either learn to discuss things properly, or avoid this section entirely. Attacking others who don't happen to agree with you isn't the way to behave.
This is just funny coming from you where every post you've made has been aimed to insult those who don't agree with you.
Where have I attacked anyone? I find it a little odd that you are singling me out when stuff like this has been thrown at me.

In reference to me.
Oh, of course you're not a bigot. A homosexual and a heterosexual just don't have the same rights and ceremonies. Tis all, yep yep.

You clearly live in a very sheltered environment, and have no clue as to the vital importance of the separation of church and state, as well as the existance of other equally valid religions.
That some people can't see this in a fraction of a second makes me unbelievably incensed. Much the same way people drink the president's bullshit or start calling others 'unpatriotic'. What makes me so mad is the fact that if people don't stop with their bigoted bullcrap the country is going to fall apart.
Game, set, and match. My parting shot, before I go to bed, is that you are an asshole (and a hypocrite. Did I mention that?). Feel free to attack me while I'm away.
You should get out more, meet new people, you'll see then.
*Implying I have no social life apparently*
You're either a homophobe, or are aware that the majority of your country is so you're conforming to their beliefs.

Furhtermore, I thought that all offical discussion of warnings and whatnot was to be discussed through PMs... If you wanted to talk about this, wouldnt have been more appropriate through a PM. Also, isnt it ironic we had opposing viewpoints. I want to see any insults I have made, and apologize for them. It clearly wasnt my intention. I have no grudge against anybody who is willing to debate against me in a civil manner. Take Neutrino, I hold him in the highest regard because he is always willing to leave the attacks out of it. Me and him have almost polar opposite views.
burner69 said:
Marriage is between a man and a woman!

OK, why?
Because the Bible tells us so!

Ah yes, of course, the same Bible that tells us to go to church on Sunday, that we can never divorce, that God made the Earth... hang on just a second... none of THESE things are legislated. Why oh why are gay's not allowed to marry legally? Why has the law hijacked Christianity, cut out the bits it dosen't like, and left us with anti-homosexual laws to make some idiots feel better about themselves.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. Why? I've heard three reasons; 1) Because God says so 2) Because homosexuals can't make babies. 3) Because it isn't what marriage is about

Here is the answers, it's really this simple, if you'd like to explain any alternatives which allow gays to be breaking the law by marriage, go ahead:
1) God says divorce is wrong. So, if you want to ban gay marriage you MUST ban divorce, you MUST legally force people to church on Sunday, there can be NO other God - so all other religions are now illegal. Why don't we all just admit this has nothing to do with religion, it's just a bunch of people who either are afraid, or just don't like homosexuals.

2) Neither can impotent people. Neither can elderly people. Seriously, by your reasoning these people should BY LAW not be allowed to marry. With elderly people it'd be hard, cuz you can't divorce them when they stop being able to reproduce - but of course they can't remain married. Ah! Perhaps we'll make them change the name of it to "civil union". They'll be fine with that.
Oh yeah, and since when exactly has marriage been about the quest for children soley? I thought there was love and compassion involved. I don't marry someone because I want her babies, I marry them because I love them, and want to spend my life with them. Get a grip people - marriage dosen't put women in a coup and have her popping out kids every 9 months - there's more to life than reproduction - and if you ask me there's too many people on the planet, so they should ban heterosexual marriage to reduce the population.

3) "Marriage has always been about a man and a woman." Shut up. Marriage used to have been 'always about a man having total control over the woman.' Marriage used to be about making housewives out of women. Why did we change some of these laws? Because we needed to evolve and grow as a society. Guess what, America just de-evolved.
Oh, and by the way, a man has married his CAR in America before.
And you've got a problem with two human beings?

Hey Seinfeld, that bit I've editted out of here wasn't aimed at you personally, it was a glove being dropped, so to speak, for anyone who opposes gay marriage. It covers you, I know, but not soley you.
My apologies.
And although I don't agree with your standpoint, I must admit you seemed to get unfairly rogered by DE there - just making my opinion known.

So I invite you again, insult cut, to respond to my post. :cheers:
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