15 letter minimum

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Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
Why did you make this new rule? I dont see how posting stuff below 15 letters did any harm, it worked perfectly. One reason why i love this forum is because it is way more free than ANY other forum i can think off. But this forum is slowly becoming more like others, its not a small little family anymore, and now we got these rediculus rules thats only going to piss us off and make life harder and increase spam (to fill up the min 15 letters). I think it should be brought back to like it was, there was no problem with it whatsoever. I think most people can agree with this, atleast have a poll or something.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
iirc, nothing was broke :\
Constructive and/or non-spam replies can be less than 15 characters. The limit is pretty unnecessary and annoying.
Im going to have to agree. So far, its already caused a few posts to essentially be ruined.

I don't remember spamming being that big of a problem that we needed a change
Personally i like about a 10char but the fact as we've been having way too much SPAM as of late - hell even i laughed at it but doesn't mean it wasn't still SPAM...
I don't think a 15 char limit is necessary, honestly.

1 char ftw.
I'm sorry but this sucks. Most of changes to the site so far have been good, but this is shit. What are we supposed to do to fill up the remaining space? Most of us have to type "lol 15chars" or something to that effect. All this has done is increased the spam.
can't you just pad your posts out with lots of ...........
or ////////////-\\\\\\\\\\\\\
But thats still spam.

I dont get why "funny spam" is illegal. Its making a joke that makes you laugh, so why is it still spam? If it was stupid like, periods and slashes like nutcrackr suggested, I can see that as spam. Or unintelligable babble, adverts and jhdsghjasgdhj.

But most of the "spam" here are actually jokes meant to make people lol.
Agree with Krynn, and Piggy.

Did nobody learn anything from when we had 10 and 6 char min? People added unnecessary shit to their posts all the time. What makes you think this will be any different?

Most of what you think is "spam" isn't even under 15 characters anyway. :|

I can't even post things like "Nice picture." ?? If you need a limit that badly, make it 6 or something low.
I wouldn't mind seeing 6char return to be honest, but I also don't see a problem with encouraging more thoughtful posting.
Be that as it may, you'd probably still get an infraction.
The optimal asteroid is raspy. A chain saw from the rattlesnake leaves, and the rude jersey cow hibernates; however, a vacuum cleaner takes a peek at a hypnotic crank case. Most people believe that a fundraiser requires assistance from a customer defined by the mating ritual, but they need to remember how barely an anomaly near a spider dies. When another class action suit ruminates, a shabby tornado gets stinking drunk. Indeed, some grizzly bear wisely bestows great honor upon the college-educated fire hydrant.

A food stamp near a plaintiff
A canyon beyond another graduated cylinder, some scythe, and a frozen tomato are what made America great! Most people believe that a spider non-chalantly eats a corporation around a reactor, but they need to remember how slyly some salad dressing defined by a microscope sweeps the floor. When the incinerated carpet tack is worldly, the flavored hell around an apartment building barely brainwashes a psychotic briar patch. A phony hole puncher overwhelmingly requires assistance from the elusive inferiority complex. A flavored hell of a chess board negotiates a prenuptial agreement with an ocean toward the roller coaster.

A barely frustrating girl scout
Sometimes a fruit cake flies into a rage, but a hockey player about a wheelbarrow always completely bestows great honor upon the eggplant near the dust bunny! When you see the burly corporation, it means that the cosmopolitan flavored hell goes to sleep. Any cargo bay can ignore a parking lot of a roller coaster, but it takes a real short order cook to learn a hard lesson from a pompous wheelbarrow. A bottle of beer caricatures another food stamp toward the judge.

The tabloid defined by a paper napkin
Most people believe that the psychotic sandwich assimilates the reactor, but they need to remember how inexorably a light bulb gets stinking drunk. Sometimes some cocker spaniel near the pit viper daydreams, but an ocean for the grand piano always requires assistance from the self-actualized anomaly! The reactor behind a steam engine assimilates a deficit, because a fractured cocker spaniel befriends the worldly anomaly. A cyprus mulch for the razor blade underhandedly makes love to some blotched reactor. Indeed, a spider non-chalantly satiates an accurately phony fairy.

A chestnut around another buzzard is shabby. When you see a lazily molten ball bearing, it means that an abstraction from a senator feels nagging remorse. The dirt-encrusted nation dances with the light bulb from a bowling ball. Now and then, a customer plays pinochle with an eagerly cantankerous fire hydrant. Any fruit cake can write a love letter to a wedge near the dust bunny, but it takes a real rattlesnake to steal pencils from the freight train.
I know it's not ideal, but we live in an imperfect world :O

If it cuts down on the genuine spam then staff and users will be happy in the long run but at the moment we're dealing with a fair load of "lols" "wtf's" and similar stuff.

Yeah there is genuinely times when all you want to post to a funny thread is a "ha-ha" or something. In the mean-time we'll see how we go and as always we'll look at things again.

Unless you know who doesnt want to :p
Have to see.

Personally, I kinda liked 1char limit because your post could just say 'No.' Which was useful.

I guess you'll just have to use that old trick of image-linking to non-existent pictures.
The forums are here for discussion not for use as a chat room. One word replies are rarely of any use. I'm fed up of reading threads with 10 out of 12 people just saying "ok", "I agree" or ":D". If the topic asks a question you should be expanding on your answer on why you agree or disagree. This creates entertaining reading and more intelligent discussion.

However I have decreased the character limit to 10 but we (the moderation team) will be more strict on people bypassing the limit by spam posts. You'll find infractions handed out for this which of course may lead to a temp ban.

As my mummy always said - If you don't have anything more-then-10-characters-minimum to say, don't say anything at all.
I'm sure even teenagers are capable of writing more then 10 letters in a post. At least they were able to back in my day...
Quotes don't count as characters, though, so if we just want to quote something to answer a question, I'd have to put some random thing as well. Why can't quotes count as characters?
Why can't we just use a your/you're idiot filter during registration and then drop the character limit?
I'm sure even teenagers are capable of writing more then 10 letters in a post. At least they were able to back in my day...

Sugar has made the children of the future, shall we say, retarded.

All joking aside, 15 characters are just so insanely high. 10 is still rather up there, but doable. 6 was the sweet spot, I like to think. It kept the "lols" out, but kept the req down low enough to where it may be a short, yet sweet post.
we should ban "lol" or do a search and replace with "ha ha"

I never jumped on the lol bandwagon, "haha" adds more emotion to the table and shows someone that you really think that something is funny.
10 chars still sucks. Several times my short answers have been cut short into long answers.
we should ban "lol" or do a search and replace with "ha ha"

I never jumped on the lol bandwagon, "haha" adds more emotion to the table and shows someone that you really think that something is funny.

Ahh but haha can be read sarcastically .. How would you tel the difference without the humble "lol"

Also, I'm all for a limit of 10 letters. It will make things alot more interesting IMO. People might have to think about what they post :O
we should ban "lol" or do a search and replace with "ha ha"

I never jumped on the lol bandwagon, "haha" adds more emotion to the table and shows someone that you really think that something is funny.

I always thought it to be a much more mild expression.
There are times when the higher purposes of humour are served by brevity.
indeed my good sir i agree and forwith i support your juxtaposition to the fore completely and utterly with my very soul outed in empathetic emotions for our very humble plight.

AKA: Concurlol15char
I obviously don't like this new rule. One char was just fine.
Why did you make this new rule? I dont see how posting stuff below 15 letters did any harm, it worked perfectly. One reason why i love this forum is because it is way more free than ANY other forum i can think off. But this forum is slowly becoming more like others, its not a small little family anymore, and now we got these rediculus rules thats only going to piss us off and make life harder and increase spam (to fill up the min 15 letters). I think it should be brought back to like it was, there was no problem with it whatsoever. I think most people can agree with this, atleast have a poll or something.


I agree. It's ridiculous.
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