16 Dead/11 Churches Burned

Lt. Drebin

Aug 18, 2004
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Well, I know this should be tied to the Mohammed Cartoon thread, but, well, this is just getting out of control.

Simply don't know what to say.....-_-......this is attrocious. The Nigerian Army needed to be dispatched over this ****ING SHIT. It's lunacy at it's worst. Absolute fanaticism. At a loss of words. Just read for those who haven't already.

Just leads to more and more chaos, i wish they would just stop and think about what they are doing.

Really do lose all hope after seeing things like this.
WWIII is coming..this time..the start of it..was a cartoon.

World War 1: Triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, on 28th June 1914.

World War 3: Triggered by a newspaper cartoon depicting Mohammed?...

I think there is no argument anymore. The western world and the Islamic world are on a direct cultural collision course and there is no sign of either side veering away. Either thousands are going to die from various forms of violence or the Western world is going to yield to cultural demands of the Islamic world. At least that is what I see happening at the moment.
World War 3 already began with the attacks on 9-11. Agree, disagree, whatever with the politics, I ponder why it hasn't been termed such by the general media and public.

Perhaps it's because it's not a nuclear war and they will ONLY give the title to one with that, but that's silly. This war is worldwide, and involves a majority of nations, whether they play a huge combat role or not, most western nations have troops doing something combat wise or logistics wise, and almost every nation is involved somehow, economically or politically.

I have a feeling that when this is over, it will lose being known as "war on terror" and be termed "World War III" - I'd rather this be it than nuclear :P
Wow...just ridiculous. Over a cartoon, this is just crazy. During some of the riots people burned a KFC and an american flag over these cartoons. Heh...silly middle eaterners and their strange ways!
Woohoo! Go Nigerians! Putting the 'mental' back in 'fundamentalist', that's what I like to see.
Problem: Offensive cartoons
Solution: Kill ourselves!!!!!11111111

I don't see the logic there. Note none of the killed were Danish. It's cutting off your own nose to spite someone else's face.
It's a shame that the modern world allows Islam to survive, it has brought nothing to civilisation and it spawns most of the worlds terrorism.
Its an even bigger shame that most of its followers are decent people
Im still waiting for Islamic protests against violance and the usage of Allah and Muhammed for this....
Right now the situation has escalated so much, its time the Muslims stand up against these islamic maniacs or face complete polarization of the world...

If not, then i'd be forced to think they "silently agree"...
Llama said:
It's a shame that the modern world allows Islam to survive, it has brought nothing to civilisation

Hardly. When Europe was going through the dark ages, Islam was going through its Golden Age. Admittedly, they've let things slip in recent centuries/decades, but its innacurate to say that they contributed nothing to civilisation. I think (for example) keeping the writings of philosophers like Aristotle and Plato alive when Europe was in a period of anarchy is a pretty substantial contribution to civilisation.

Llama said:
and it spawns most of the worlds terrorism.

Sadly true.
Holy ****ing shit. Bombing the entire eastern world never seemed so interesting as it is now :(
Does that meen we can finally use these:


o please please please :D ?
RakuraiTenjin said:
I have a feeling that when this is over, it will lose being known as "war on terror" and be termed "World War III" - I'd rather this be it than nuclear :P

Following your reasoning it would be termed WWIV, the cold war being the third 'total' war. Heh and I agree, better this than bilateral nuking D: But I doubt the 'war on terror' will ever be classed as a 'world war'.
Because it's debatable whether it's a war at all at all D:

I thought Islam invented the number 0 anyway?

making the peasants F***ing behave already

1st world countries- Behave already!
3rd world countries- Grr! No, F*** you
1st world countries- Come on stop being dicks
3rd world countries- NO! Cartoons! Muhommad! Anger!
1st world countries- Oh thats it! *unleashes full paramilitary might*
3rd world countries- OH SHI
Its time for another cruzade. Hell we even have tanks with the name Cruzader. I can't stand to see countries like France making apologies, what a bunch of winners, a president should stand up for its people.
Crusades = Religious Wars (specifically Christian).

Yes, good idea.
Adrien C said:
Its time for another cruzade. Hell we even have tanks with the name Cruzader. I can't stand to see countries like France making apologies, what a bunch of winners, a president should stand up for its people.
the hell.
I think i'll open up a bottle of cruzade!

1.Crusader tanks are 60 years old and out of service.
2.I'm sure starting a holy war against countries that are non christian would be a really clever idea.....you'd be triggering armageddon.
3. Your post makes little sense.
That's a really stupid comment you got there. This sort of thing is, as far as I'm aware, an almost uniquely human condition (albeit one with roots in pack mentality).
Crusades were acts of mindless lunacy.
We should just drop millions of pamflets above islamic countries with the cartoons on them, so they get used to it. :P
This is the true face of Islam it seems, a religion of endless peace.
Adrien C said:
Its time for another cruzade. Hell we even have tanks with the name Cruzader. I can't stand to see countries like France making apologies, what a bunch of winners, a president should stand up for its people.
Oh yes. Thank you for that!

I love when Bush himself used the term Crusade. Oh boy. :smoking:

This shit is wack, tho yo!
Erestheux said:
This shit is wack, tho yo!

How do you propose it gets fixed, though? I'm not trying to be condecending - I'm just interested to hear what people's ideas are on the whole situation. We can say it's screwed up all we like... but in this day and age things like this are not alright. I could go out far enough and say it's genocide.

I for one have no idea how the situation should be handled. It's beyond me - and it's probably best that way.
mabufo said:
How do you propose it gets fixed, though? I'm not trying to be condecending - I'm just interested to hear what people's ideas are on the whole situation. We can say it's screwed up all we like... but in this day and age things like this are not alright. I could go out far enough and say it's genocide.

I for one have no idea how the situation should be handled. It's beyond me - and it's probably best that way.

One of the only solutions is for those Muslims that respect their culture and religion, unlike these utter psychos, is to speak out against this type of behavior. However, won't happen simply because the non-fanatics are probobly equally worried about the fanatics coming after them.

Another big step would be for countries like Pakistan to strike out the Madrasas where they teach this fanatic form of Islam to babies. At the most inspired age, they get taught to HATE those that don't belief.....HATE. There's an unbelievable problem over there that's unsolvable unless they recognize it.....I don't think they do.
if only we could get harrison ford, macgyver, chuck norris, and vin diesel over there...

Then all of our problems would disappear
Flyingdebris said:
if only we could get harrison ford, macgyver, chuck norris, and vin diesel over there...

Then all of our problems would disappear

Except that vin diesel sucks. Replace vin with Samuel L. Jackson.
As you guys say this situation is getting worse.
There was a programme that was on recently wher a professor of oxford or some place stated that we should ban religion out rite as it causes more harm than good.
Can you imagine a world with out religion if that happened .

What do you think the world would be like
Just a thought
Oppressive. Controlling someone's freedom to believe what they want would be oppressive.

-Angry Lawyer
I suppose something would replace religion to keep people in control, like you said i take it we can never be free.

Even though we think we are.

Just a thought
Religion isn't something used to keep people in control. I don't ****ing care what you BELIEVE, but for the majority of people, they're not kept in control by anything. What, you think the billions of muslims, christians, jewish, hindu, etc etc etc people are controlled by their religion? Bullshit. The churches/religious organizations of said religions don't have any control over the people, only if the people want to serve those groups.

Banning something like religion is as oppressive as banning something like homosexuality.
JNightshade said:
Jesus Christ.

gh0st said:
dont say that name, they will cut your throat and burn your flag.

That is incorrect. Islam holds that jesus is a representitive of god, as is all his profits. Infact it is argueable, that alot of muslims have more respect for Jesus than christians themselves do (Genrally, It's much more common for a christian to make fun of jesus than a muslim to).
>>FrEnZy<< said:
That is incorrect. Islam holds that jesus is a representitive of god, as is all his profits. Infact it is argueable, that alot of muslims have more respect for Jesus than christians themselves do (Genrally, It's much more common for a christian to make fun of jesus than a muslim to).

Prove this. Cause it sounds like bullshit.