17 Year old stabs intruder 5 times.

You know nobody is gonna mess with that kid in school anymore.
I prefer blunt weapons, I would be scared if the guy would survive the knife and just fight back, with blunt weapons you could just knock him cold. :|

But then again... I don't know anyone with a frying pan under their bed either.
This reminds me of a farmer who defended his property from someone. Then got sued for it. Stupid system.

that's because he shot a teen in the back with a shotgun while they were trying to run away.
Unlikely. He was defending the life of his father with apporpiate force.

Well, since he had the hunting knife under his bed for presumably this purpose, its harder to claim self-defense.. as that makes it an "offensive weapon" (as opposed to "defensive")

The old trick they used to say when I was a security guard was that if you ever needed to kick someone's ass, not to use your baton, but to use your flashlight (usually a maglite) instead. Since a flashlight isn't designed as a weapon, it is apparently more straightforward to claim it was in defense only, and that you had no choice.

Don't know if that would work or not, I'd never use a flashlight, which would more likely kill someone, at least a baton is designed not to kill in one blow (although I have trouble believing that about the newer extendable kind.. those bastards will break a nose with a light tap)

Anyway, the law here said that if someone was threatening life (or serious injury), with some kind of weapon (knife, club, trolley pole) a baton or other weapon can be used to:
1) Disarm the person (i.e a strike to the wrist/arm/hand)
2) Prevent the person from regaining their weapon (i.e a strike to the knee/leg, so you can incapacitate them somewhat)

Still, if you had to hit someone who had a gun, you wouldn't mess around trying to hit their hand, you'd smack them upside the skull.
I'm not sure. I personally would prefer a blunt weapon (I have this great collection of metal piping which was originally intended for windchimes in my bedroom...) but, you know, whatever comes to hand.

I think 5 times was overkill, but whatever is neccessary to defend yourself and those you care about. He was probably nuzzed up on adrenaline and fear, anyway - hard to think properly under those circumstances.
Well, since he had the hunting knife under his bed for presumably this purpose, its harder to claim self-defense.. as that makes it an "offensive weapon" (as opposed to "defensive")

The old trick they used to say when I was a security guard was that if you ever needed to kick someone's ass, not to use your baton, but to use your flashlight (usually a maglite) instead. Since a flashlight isn't designed as a weapon, it is apparently more straightforward to claim it was in defense only, and that you had no choice.

Don't know if that would work or not, I'd never use a flashlight, which would more likely kill someone, at least a baton is designed not to kill in one blow (although I have trouble believing that about the newer extendable kind.. those bastards will break a nose with a light tap)

Anyway, the law here said that if someone was threatening life (or serious injury), with some kind of weapon (knife, club, trolley pole) a baton or other weapon can be used to:
1) Disarm the person (i.e a strike to the wrist/arm/hand)
2) Prevent the person from regaining their weapon (i.e a strike to the knee/leg, so you can incapacitate them somewhat)

Still, if you had to hit someone who had a gun, you wouldn't mess around trying to hit their hand, you'd smack them upside the skull.

Dunno, I knife under his bed..it's there so he can defend himself. I don't see how that can be seen as offensive.
Dunno, I knife under his bed..it's there so he can defend himself. I don't see how that can be seen as offensive.

Hiding a knife for use as a weapon means you're planning to stab someone. Planning to stab someone means its premeditated, even if you haven't met the person.
It's harder to argue that you had no choice but to stab when you've been keeping a knife for the express purpose of stabbing.
I hate the law sometimes.

The householder should get the benifit of the doubt.
If someone breaks into your house and is fighting with your parents, and you stab him, even if you kept the knife under your pillow. You should not be prosecuted.
Hiding a knife for use as a weapon means you're planning to stab someone. Planning to stab someone means its premeditated, even if you haven't met the person.
It's harder to argue that you had no choice but to stab when you've been keeping a knife for the express purpose of stabbing.

He could also just be storing it there. I've got one in my drawer, but that's because I'm a scout, and thats the drawer where I keep my flashlights, knife and other tools.


About the multiple stabbings. When you get stabbed it doesn't hurt because of the adrenaline, it can take up to 10-15 minutes before you feel the wound. I've seen enough kids slice/stab their legs during scoutcamps to know this.
You cant say that because he had a knife it was premeditated, that makes zero sense.
Sad thing is, the best course of action if someone breaks into your house, if you feel AT ALL threatened, is to kill them...

If you only ingure them, they can sue your ass and win.

If they are dead...well, it was your legal right as they were on your property (At least in the states) and they can't sue you. :D
" 17 yr old boy knifes the intruder before pwning his mum and dad with the weapon 'MULTI - K,K,K,KILL!"
I sleep with a Serrated Ka-Bar with a 7 and 3/4" blade under my arm and tucked into my pillow each night. I'm not that paranoid really, but life not all that predictable sometimes. If my home were to catch on fire and because of debrii falling I needed to cut my way out of something, I can't think of any better knife to have than one that's been shown to be reliable in combat for over 60 years.

That said, if a man (or woman for that matter) were to enter my home and make it evident that he is dangerous and life threatening, I would not hesitate to fork my knife into his heart and twist.
Sad thing is, you can get done for murder even if you were defending yourself or not.

Father of a mate of mine once told me, who happened to be Chief of Police for the SW UK, that the law says you cannot, under any circumstances, shoot at the intruder if he is fleeing the scene...

So basically if he silently breaks into your house one night, gets pissed off because he cant find your Merc keys and takes it out on your family by multikilling everyone like a Velociraptor in a playschool (and naturally you'll want to get your own back with a 12guage/crossbow or hell, even a sink to the side of the head), you cant actually do anything to him if he legs it at the sight of your inventive killing device.

Which is, naturally, bull***t.

There's a thin line between murder and defence. Even thinner if there were no witnesses or video cameras as proof. So yeah, use something more obvious that you can claim as using in self-defence..even though you were actually pummeling his brains in with his own leg you blew off..but hey, ***t happens right?
We're not all martial artists. We can't be expected to deliver just the necessary blows and no more.
Personally, I hate the whole legal system in regards to these issues. Because as everyone but the guys in charge must surely be able to figure out, these situations would never happen if people hadn't broken into homes in the first place...
Personally, I hate the whole legal system in regards to these issues. Because as everyone but the guys in charge must surely be able to figure out, these situations would never happen if people hadn't broken into homes in the first place...

I heard a quote from a TV show that's coming soon. Went something like...

"If you have the right lawyer, this is the greatest legal system on earth."

which is all kinds of ****ed up.
I think his point was that it's very difficult to judge force in those kinds of situations.

What if I'm a bodybuilder? What if I've got weakened bones from some childhood illness? What if I'm a goddamn bullet-proof cyborg from another dimension?

True, he stabbed a guy repeatedly, but to be perfectly honest I'd panic and do whatever I could to stop some bastard grappling with my dad. My head would be swimming with "oh god what if he's got a weapon what if he cracks his head on the dresser what if what if what if...".

Moral of this story is: if you don't want to get your spine perforated in various different places, quit ****ing breaking into our homes.
A lot of you seem to be making a lot of claims as to getting tried for murder and what not, but the truth is the law pertaining to self-defense in the U.S. is very vague, and often differs from state to state. Most states are purposely vague about it, so the courts can analyze the situation after the fact on a case by case basis. I don't think it would ever be the intention of any judge or legal body to claim someone who has clearly defended themself in their own home a murderer. As stated in the article, the boy's hometown attorney's office has not filed any charges on him after hearing of the circumstances he found himself in. Just because there has not been a law passed that allows citizens to blatantly apply force to stop intruders into their home, doesn't mean you'll be tried for murder for defending yourself.
Props to the kid. Closest as far as home invasion goes with that sort of thing is someone trying to steal shit from our barn at our old house and going out back with my dad with shotguns and them running at the sight of us. Didn't have to shoot once lol.