1944 D-Day : July Update


May 24, 2005
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Hi All


We have been pretty busy over the past few months with some key developers securing industry jobs, relocating for work and or slaving away on 1944. Don't worry we are all still here working hard, its just taken longer than we wanted to settle back in to the daily grind.

We posted the Hands a little while back and I thought I would update our progress.

Firstly we have some Quick Time turntables for you. Featuring the Head and Hands of Dave Hill:


We also have a near completed M3A1

http://www.1944d-day.com/images/tanks/M3A1...tables/M3a1.mov (15 megs)

We are currently working on the Mountable MG as well as rigging it to support full physics controls.

Secondly some renders:

So whats to come in the next few weeks?

We will be finishing up our beta sign-up and granting full access to those lucky ones selected. We will finally be unleashing full in game screen-shots as well as video clips (No due date yet, but we are working through it).

We will be forming even tighter relationships with many leading middle-ware companies as we increase the integration and functionality of these products.

We will also be looking for partners to help us maintain and develop the HL2 and BF2 mod beyond its current state. These teams will be provided with full access to all our content and current code base and will be able to take 1944 in all new directions.

I'll either see you on the forums, or at the end of next month with another update.


Ronan Hayes :: Lead Programmer
Woah, this came from no where, good work! I hope you finish it.
looks great, keep us informed and maybe you'll get some front page publicity
impressive! more ww2 to whore myself with
I want to see that M3A1 in action. That model is pure sex.
Cheers all, when we are ready and comfortable with what we have we will do alot of PR. But we want Movies, Demos, In game shots and the likes before we even consider doing something like that.

The code is finished for the HL2 mod, so that pretty much means the mod is done as far as we want it. Besides the map not containing all the content we want, and our place holders being ugly ;) . So all we need to is port across the content from the Full Commercial Game ;)

We are also considering allowing other teams to take over the mod, using our content and source code.