1944 D-Day : Looking for HL2 Modders (56K Warning)


May 24, 2005
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Please Notewe are making both a full retail game and a mod. For the full retail game we are NOT using the source engine. Both the MOD and the Game are outlined below.

Hi all my name is Ronan Hayes, I am the lead programmer/producer at 1944game.com. We have been really pushing hard to release our Full Commercial Game and we have also been pushing hard on our HL2 MOD our progress has been staggering.

At the moment we are currently finishing up our HL2 mod, and we are mainly lacking Animations. If there are any animators out there with experience in the HL2 or HL1 animation process, we would be very interested in talking with you so contact me:


We are also considering people with the following talents.

* Animation
* Texturing
* Modelling
* Programming
* Web Design

The Team is being ran by several PRO programmers, we the following technologies for use with the full game

-Reality Engine
-Novodex (Agiea Support)
-many many more.

We are also adopting the XBOX 360 standards for console release.

Full Game Features

* Realistic Squad tactics based on actual military training guides.
* 100% Authentic
o With over 50 WW2 weapons
o With over 200 vehicles,planes, tanks, boats and artillery
o All of Normandy recreated from photos, maps and drawings
o Realistic controls and accurate simulation.

* Every Unit, Every Nation.

o Germany
o UK
o US
o Canada
o Australia
o New Zealand
o And many more

* Realistic AI controlling every aspect of the game.

o The AI controls the emotions and feelings of every unit
o Coordinates realistic tactics and movements
o Manages over 200,000 units realtime

* Large open dynamic maps, that live and breath alongside the combat.

o Animals that react to the combat
o Grass and trees that flow with the wind
o Buildings and terrain that take realistic damage
o 24 Hour clock, watch the sun rise as the battles continue

* Witness all areas of combat, from all sides.

o Omaha Beach
o Utah Beach
o Sword Beach
o Juno Beach
o Gold Beach
o Point Du Hoc
o Bayeux region
o Caen
o Benouville
o St Mere Eglise
o Carentan
o And the rest of Normandy full realised.

* Large Open Multiplayer and Co-Op system for 128+ players.

The Best thing about this game is that the focus has been put purely on the AI and making sure that the game is not scripted. The AI micro-manages every aspect of the game. Unlike other WW2 games which cover just one unit or one squad 1944 covers all of Normandy and every unit currently within the battle. The AI manages all of these, and the player can simple posses an existing AI unit and play as that unit interacting with the AI and watching as how objectives, missions and plans change as the player interacts or as things start to go wrong.

You can also play as every nation, including German and Austrailian, not to mention Canada.


Now you may ask why are they developing a HL2 mod, well its a marketing ploy. They decided to develop a small HL2 and BF2 mod to attract more people towards the full game, but what do we mind we get 2 great mods of this quality.


HL2 System


Welcome, I just want to quickly outline what to expect in the first release of 1944 HL2 mod.

We will be delivering 2 maps

* -Brecourt
* -Carentan

While these maps will be relatvely large, there will be a fully simulated world behind this, units will be entering and exiting the level as is needed. While this feature will not be evidednt until the AI is fully integrated it is the core back bone of the system.

Mod Setup and Config

The mod can be setup for 2 systems of play

* -Public
* -Clans

At the start of any game the server will issue a valid rules set to the player, which it will inspect from time to time. This will ensure that the server knows if any of the files have been altered.

Mod Premise

(All values discussed are defaults, and can be altered)

The mod is played over 1 hour intervals, at the end of each hour the level is loaded. Every 5 minutes a brief review of scores is taken, before the gameplay continues on (Please note this is not a round reset system, but a continuous system).

The game is won, either by blocking the enemies efforts in securing and re-enforcing, or by having the most points at the end of the hour.

When you join you can select a team, each team has a number of squads available. You select a squad and then select your unit. There are quick options with regards to gear setup but for the most part this is open to the unit to decide what they want to select.

A squad will usually consist of around 6 members
That squad can have:

* -Any Number of Riflemen
* -Any Number of Submachinegunners
* -1 Machine Gunner
* -1 AntiTank
* -2 Medics
* -1 Radioman
* -1 sniper (German only for certain maps)
* -1 spotter (German only for certain maps)
* -1 Squad Leader

At the start of a game, a squad is filled up. For clan games the option to vote a squad leader is available. For public games the sqaud leader is automatically assigned. Then every five minutes this is reviewed and based on points a new squad leader is assigned.

When you die in a Clan match, you queue outside waiting for the rest of your squad to die out, or for the opportunity for them to make a call for re-inforcements at which point your squad may be available to re-enter and link up with them.

In a public match you are simply queued into the first available squad awaiting re-entry.

Mod Dynamics

As the mod is always evolving and more in tune with a full battle than a quick 3 minute round or attrition system. A points systemis crucial to evaluating progress.

Points are available for:

-Team Points
-Personal Points

Team points are given for a team doing things correctly together. This can include defensive actions, offensive actions and obeying orders, or responding to calls for re-inforcements.

Each map will be setup with several strong points which are of strategic importance. The sides must hold the core points or push out the enemy.

This can be achieved by giving your squad members orders, for example...

You want to flank an enemy position.

Pushing 0 gets you into command mode when playing as a squad leader.


1 could be the flanking command then you can simply point at location and select a unit. That unit will now need to flank that position.

Alternatively if the squad leaders need to keep their head down, they can open up their map (which is a weapon number) review the map and point at locations on the map giving orders that way.

The map will be positioned by the squad leader on the ground for all members of the sqaud to see, This is more slow and sluggish than the pointing. Its down to the squad leader to decide on the best course of action...

The Squad leader can issue orders, and the squad members can issue orders and requests.It is down to the squad leader to decide how best to act and handle their squad.

Team Points will increase at varying rates depending on how the squad is handled and how they work together. Flanking, Covering, Defending, Assualting, Helping other squads all gain you points, while disobeying orders, dieing, loosing ground or strong points all loose you points.

On a personal level each unit can gain points by obeying orders, helping other squad mates, assualting, defending and using initiave. Its a complicated system that will force teams to work together and punish those players that do not work as a team or together.


Thats the full mod system, its well on its way to development, and its done with only a few members (1 programmer, 1 mapper, 1 modeller, 1 animator). So focus is never taken away from the full game. That said we want to expand the HL2 mod, to really push the Source Engine, and bring a new experience to the WW2 genre.

The mods work as a stepping stone into the full game.

Now time for the best part the content:






For the rest of the Map images please check:


Weapons :

















Rankings and Markings are added in game, these are treated as separate 3D Objects, so that we can create entire armies using subtle combinations, as opposed to having every unit the same rank.


Well thats the Full Commercial Game, and the HL2 Mod. Everything is progressing nicely.

Please Notewe are making both a full retail game and a mod. For the full retail game we are NOT using the source engine.


if you wish to join the team or simply want to talk about certain features/progress contact:




I dont really have anyything to add, just that the 3rd picture of the maps, the side walk is out of line, and makes it look bad...

But eveything else looks cool, like the player models, and weapons : p

I agree it's at least 4 blocks littler than the other one. Probably just an "In hurry error" Must never do that messes stuff up ><'. Any ways every thing else looks amazing can't wait to play this mod when it comes out =).
Thumbs up!

This project looks like it is coming together quite nicely. Can't wait to see the finished product. Good Work Guys!
Wow, these shots are one of the best I've ever seen, these textures and models are so damn well made. Let's hope they can convert 'em nicely to Source.
If the mod is set in 1944 whys the german soldier wearing an older uniform? He should be wearing M43 or M44 blouse instead of the M40...

Sorry just shows how little you guys researched about ww2, I won't be surprised if you're basing the mod on a hollywood movie.
Alpha said:
If the mod is set in 1944 whys the german soldier wearing an older uniform? He should be wearing M43 or M44 blouse instead of the M40...

Sorry just shows how little you guys researched about ww2, I won't be surprised if you're basing the mod on a hollywood movie.
I don't see YOU trying to make a better ww2 mod.
Just like Phase Tech Studios the main research is being conducted for the main game =) and those small details can always be changed later on so its no big buggie
Boogymanx said:
I don't see YOU trying to make a better ww2 mod.

why would I make a ww2 mod? I can always go and play cod or cod2 which covers up most of the important fronts...and isn't that funny that every other ww2 mod is based on dday...like thats what ww2 was all about "dday"...

and besides speaking of trying, i tryed once....it was called eastern front...for cod...didn't work out...had hard times finding level designers since none was intested...once again everyone was stuck on the western front...inspired by hollywood movies...SPR and BOB series...hard to get someone's attention if they didn't see it on tv...
zyd said:
Just like Phase Tech Studios the main research is being conducted for the main game =) and those small details can always be changed later on so its no big buggie

so why to leave it for later when it can be changed now....you sound like every other game developing group out there....they release the game and then a week later they start patching it up...so tell me wheres the logic in that what about all the other customers who don't have an internet connection and can't patch up or fix their game...

and besides why would you start something without any research or planning in the first place...
No one really takes time to try and make a game concentrated on the german side =)

* Large Open Multiplayer and Co-Op system for 128+ players.

128 players in co-op =D i sence lag in the end of that
Alpha said:
so why to leave it for later when it can be changed now....you sound like every other game developing group out there....they release the game and then a week later they start patching it up...so tell me wheres the logic in that what about all the other customers who don't have an internet connection and can't patch up or fix their game...

and besides why would you start something without any research or planning in the first place...

The main thing for rushing a release could be that you are starting to use more than your budget allows. Therefore a release is needed so you can get more money in.

I run a company myself and therefore can put myself in the position. I fully agree with you that it hurts the people without an internet connection and i personally would make sure that MAJOR bugs were fixed before sending out the game. But in this case it is a simple model/skinning issue that isn't that big. No game is ruined because of it and therefore they can settle.

And to the research part:

I'm not saying no research should be done! I'm just saying it isn't being researched to the depth because you have a project which your money is placed in. Therefore it comes first and all the modding can be put a bit to the side.

But just put yourself in the spot where you had a project you invested money in and a non-profitable gig on the side. Which release would you go into more depth with ?
Alpha please post references of what you are talking about because to be perfectly Honest if you cant provide references, or detailed historical evidence (And I dont just mean opinions, I mean actual research anyone can simply google for stuff)

I know it sounds harsh but i can only be tactful so much. The guys who researched all of our characters, actually own uniforms, they are not Hollywood variations but actual uniforms they use for re-enacting. So they are as genuine as you can get, we also have about 15 german model variations, 15..... we have over 30 CommonWealth Model variations and over 30 US model Variations. So we are not cutting any corners

We have no intention of patching the hell out of the final release game, it will be release as a complete and solid work. I have been a 56k user for so long I know the sting that comes with buying new games, 300 meg patches are not patches thats a game.

As for the textures not matching, well we have been doing several texture tests on the map recently, we simply want to find the best possible look. We have some extremely high definition textures going into the full game.

And who is saying we are not doing any research? We have over 6 fulltime researchers on the project, who have gathered together over 10gigs of refernce photos (This does not include video footage). Who have taken 80% of the weapons we feature in game to firing ranges. Who actually between them own all of the gear used, and finally who actually own the weapons. You should visit our site, and have a browse around you will see how accurate the researchers are making things.

Finally why make a D-Day game, well its plain and simple really, its what everyone knows, and if we want to do others like the Russian Fronts, and other European, African and Pacific operations we need our first release to be successful. So D-Day is the best way to go.
Im just going to quote a few things pointed out on the forums by other members which includes the researchers. Im a programmer so I generally dont go into this for of detail, because its not my area, but because I know the information exists and I was present at the researchers meetings I will post what they have:

Steinmann said:
Uniform is the correct colour, you guys watch to much band of brothers,the helmet decals is a no, as they took them off around 1942 because of snipers. The grey style took off from hollywood, with them using grey tunics, and not green, so it stuck, now reenactor sellers and films used "swedish" conversions or just add grey to there repo tunics, I have a Band of Brothers tunic it's pure grey and looks stupid.
Here is a ref colour picture of a grossdeutschland soldat during WW2, it's a tad bright



Check out the albums over @:

As most of our researchers featured in this show.

I'm a WW2 German reenactor and researcher for the 1944 D-day.

The image you see there of the German Uniform is ONE of our German texture tunic skins. The M42 and M43 will be skinned.
The M40 infact was used in 1944, most of the German fighters on the bunkers and defences around normandy where vets from the eastern front and still had there uniforms or was given old uniforms out.

http://www.916gr.co.uk/equipment.shtml - Please visit our reenactment website for more information about tunics and the German unit during D-day.
Our group do use m40's, this is to give the variety of diffrent tunics used during 1944.

If you want to argue please pm me and add me to msn, this is a "Help thread for modders", not for people to come and argue with us. It ruins the Thread TBH.

Bob Stoneman