1st RC not accepted?


Aug 17, 2004
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Additionally, Lombardi clarified Valve's perspective when it came to the company's desire to get the game into the hands of gamers. "We delivered the first release candidate last week, and hope to deliver the final version very soon," Lombardi said.

does this mean the 1st RC was not accepted, or that it is hopefully being accepted soon (pls answer, srry i took extra retard pills today) :thumbs:
In all likelyhood it was not accepted.. and anybody who expected it to is way too positive.
EDIT: Excuse my horrible eyesight, guess it means they're planning to send them a "better" version.
I noticed that quote too. It makes it sound like there were problems with at least one of the RC's they sent (either HL2, CS:S, or HL:S) and are trying to correct the problems. I'm guessing the newest CS:S update may have had something to do with it :)
yer, thats what i thought :bounce: , noticed it just now when i was reading. Dear god, i hope that it has been accepted, but as the quote shows, i dont think it has. It must have been rejected, hense the update of Cs:S. Maybe there is nothing wrong with the HL2 side of the game, but with the ports! It makes sense seeming as hl2 was made for source, and the ports are just simply that, ported over!! :cheers:
It was Gamespot's attempt to sensationalize the situation - nothing of the sort has been proven to have occurred yet.

I mean would have anyone read a headline that said:

"Legal documents reveal disputed timing issues regarding Half Life 2 as originally signed by Valve and VU."
That's new news. Sorry, I had missed it. Well- this blows. Stupid VU. VU will be shouting "terrorists-win!" when they get what they want and screw everyone else over.
J00 IS A LIAR!!!1ONEONEONE :flame: :flame: :flame: curse you!
VU has done nothing yet to delay the game!!!

Get a grip of yourselves people, all VU has done is to tell Valve the RC needed some work and sent it back - can you blame them for that?

Geeze - let's not all drink the poisoned Kool Aid as yet.
Remember people: there has been NO statement saying that the game has been delayed 6 months, and there was never one like it. The statement said that, under the contract that VU & Valve have, VU could delay the game up to six months before they'd have to release it. It'd be just stupid for them to delay it 6 months though.

Like the previous post said, i think it's obvious that there were a few bugs or things in the first RC that Valve is currently working on fixing. Like said before, the recent update to CS:S AFTER the first RC was sent is evidence of this. VU wouldn't delay this past the holidays, that's what i'm sure of. I'm 99.999999....% sure that we'll see a release date before the holidays.
Ugh my head hurts. My stumach hurts. Im sick or this.
I believe the statement means that they want it to go gold very soon, not that they are going to send another RC, but the finished copy that is ready to be...copied...(lol).I wouldn't worry, if the first RC wasn't accepted, then it shouldn't take long to fix it (whatever the problem may be).

BTW: I am very sick of this, and hopefully we won't be waiting much longer :(
Well lets hope it was a minor issue and it's fixed then we can see it going gold (if VUG tell us) and shizam.
Actually I think you all don't understand. The final copy, is basically, the gold master copy. So by the statements in that pr, it doesn't say the rc was rejected, only that valve is planning on sending the final master copy to VU. Not another RC.
killahsin-[CE] said:
Actually I think you all don't understand. The final copy, is basically, the gold master copy. So by the statements in that pr, it doesn't say the rc was rejected, only that valve is planning on sending the final master copy to VU. Not another RC.
makes sense
killahsin-[CE] said:
Actually I think you all don't understand. The final copy, is basically, the gold master copy. So by the statements in that pr, it doesn't say the rc was rejected, only that valve is planning on sending the final master copy to VU. Not another RC.
But it does include the word "first", why would they bother saying first rc if "the" rc was accepted.
more valve pr mistakes...just tell us first rc not good eneough we are not finalizing our rc.. no wonder they are in a lawsuit with their publisher, If they communicate with them the same way they do to their fans they vugames will win that case..
um, Killahsin, if the RC is accepted then it IS the gold master.
they don't have to send another copy of the same thing.
I don't see why everyone is interpreting this as that the rc was rejected. It seemed obvious to me they meant they want to release the final version to fans soon. As for calling the rc the "first" one, well, he's probably just being cautious with his language.
yes sha3r but you know as well as i know that a final rc is never outright accepted. They tell you to tweak a b c and fix d e f and than your done. You never as a developer say you have a final finished version unless you have been told, its all good expect for a b c d e f.
killahsin-[CE] said:
yes sha3r but you know as well as i know that a final rc is never outright accepted. They tell you to tweak a b c and fix d e f and than your done. You never as a developer say you have a final finished version unless you have been told, its all good expect for a b c d e f.

ie u send them a second RC. if it is accepted, they make a gold master from it.
TriggerHappy said:
I don't see why everyone is interpreting this as that the rc was rejected. It seemed obvious to me they meant they want to release the final version to fans soon. As for calling the rc the "first" one, well, he's probably just being cautious with his language.
Aye?? I thought it was fairly obvious if the first RC is not accepted then logically that means it's been rejected....?

Explain to me your thought pattern so i can better understand your pov.
Er, you know what I am talking about. By what Doug said it sounds as if the rc wasn't outright rejected due to a game stopping, issue. But only weapon balance issues, or visual bugs. Which would contrive the dx7 path issues fixed in the latest version of cs:s. So to say it was rejected is to kinda play on that slightly different. No game has ever been 'done' on the first sent rc, ever. Even the original half life was 1 rc, but you need to tweak abcd. Yet they still say it went gold after 1 try. But we are debating semantics here. We both agree to an extent, but its the trivials we don't agree on.
Mr-Fusion said:
Aye?? I thought it was fairly obvious if the first RC is not accepted then logically that means it's been rejected....?

Explain to me your thought pattern so i can better understand your pov.

I think it's because the quote is in two different contexts here. If you only read the quote, as the thread starter quoted it, I can see both interpretations. But look at the Gamespot article.

"When asked if VUG could be targeting a "late-cycle" release date for Half-Life 2, Lombardi said, "We've been asking, but Vivendi has refused to communicate an expected retail release date for Half-Life 2." Additionally, Lombardi clarified Valve's perspective when it came to the company's desire to get the game into the hands of gamers. "We delivered the first release candidate last week, and hope to deliver the final version very soon," Lombardi said."

As you can see, the subject of the paragraph is the release of Half-Life 2 to gamers. So, I interpreted "deliver the final version" as referring to putting it on the market. Although I can see what people are saying, it didn't even occur to me the first time I read it.
L337_Assasain said:
I believe the statement means that they want it to go gold very soon, not that they are going to send another RC, but the finished copy that is ready to be...copied...(lol).I wouldn't worry, if the first RC wasn't accepted, then it shouldn't take long to fix it (whatever the problem may be).

BTW: I am very sick of this, and hopefully we won't be waiting much longer :(

Ya i agree with everything you wrote there.
Ahh i see. Double-barrelled interpretations are always tricky!

I'm not sure about that "final version" statement. At first i thought he meant another RC but Vivendi could have said "Fix this this and this then we go gold" which would give Doug reason to say Final version....

TriggerHappy said:
I think it's because the quote is in two different contexts here. If you only read the quote, as the thread starter quoted it, I can see both interpretations. But look at the Gamespot article.

"When asked if VUG could be targeting a "late-cycle" release date for Half-Life 2, Lombardi said, "We've been asking, but Vivendi has refused to communicate an expected retail release date for Half-Life 2." Additionally, Lombardi clarified Valve's perspective when it came to the company's desire to get the game into the hands of gamers. "We delivered the first release candidate last week, and hope to deliver the final version very soon," Lombardi said."

As you can see, the subject of the paragraph is the release of Half-Life 2 to gamers. So, I interpreted "deliver the final version" as referring to putting it on the market. Although I can see what people are saying, it didn't even occur to me the first time I read it.

uh...this topic is useless when you read in context, huh?
even if only trivial changes need to be made to the first RC version, the next RC needs to be _fully_ tested. start from scratch, do it all again. whenever u change the code, however trivially, old bugs will rise from the dead, and new bugs will be born.

sending an RC back with a small list of changes, and then testing the next RC _only_ for those changes, is a great way to release a buggy bit of software, and violates every rule of software testing.

all that said, after several RCs have been rejected, VUG will start cutting corners if they are in a hurry to release. (are they?)

read the Porkfry articles on this page. that guy is a full-time game tester, and the articles are pretty informative.
Or it could mean the three different games...as in they sent HL2 last week, maybe HL: S this week, and CS: S next week.

To me that kinda makes sense too.