2 girls struck by train while sunbathing on tracks...

God wanted to laugh even MORE at the Helen Hawkins, so he teleported them to the train tracks.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that they had probably smoked a joint.

I'm at a loss here. I think there's a piece to the story that is missing.

well, at least they got a nice tan, since looking completely great is so important to them.

Let me stop getting off track. i don't want to derail the thread.
I too used to laugh at those who got hit by trains.

'How can someone be so stupid' I'd ask myself.

Then one evening, I was extremely close to being hit by a train myself.

What happened was I was walking down the street to my friend. This street at one point crosses a railway track in the usual railway crossing fashion. However as I walked down I noticed several signs saying "Railway crossing closed" "No access ahead". I wondered if this applied only to cars or too pedestrains as well.

So I walked down to the crossing to find the road blocked with piles of bricks and construction material. There was clearly some work being underdone on the crossing although no builders were in site (it was about 8pm). The crossing bariers were down. But I wondered if they were always down becuase the crossing was closed to both cars and pedestrians. Or closed becuase a train was coming. As none of the signs mentioned pedestrian access I had no way of knowing.

It was only 10m to the other side, I could easilly have got across and over in a matter of ten secounds. A detour would have taken about an hour, when I could practically see my friends house from where I was.

I seriously began contemplating jumping the barrier and running across. Only, as I put my hand on the barieer, I heard a loud noise then a train came round the corner hurtling past me. I stepped back, shocked being so close to being killed. The barrier lifted, I walked across and arrived at my friends house quite shocked.

A simple matter of timing, or had I been drunk or a little braver and I could have been killed.
I too used to laugh at those who got hit by trains.

'How can someone be so stupid' I'd ask myself.

Then one evening, I was extremely close to being hit by a train myself.

What happened was I was walking down the street to my friend. This street at one point crosses a railway track in the usual railway crossing fashion. However as I walked down I noticed several signs saying "Railway crossing closed" "No access ahead". I wondered if this applied only to cars or too pedestrains as well.

So I walked down to the crossing to find the road blocked with piles of bricks and construction material. There was clearly some work being underdone on the crossing although no builders were in site (it was about 8pm). The crossing bariers were down. But I wondered if they were always down becuase the crossing was closed to both cars and pedestrians. Or closed becuase a train was coming. As none of the signs mentioned pedestrian access I had no way of knowing.

It was only 10m to the other side, I could easilly have got across and over in a matter of ten secounds. A detour would have taken about an hour, when I could practically see my friends house from where I was.

I seriously began contemplating jumping the barrier and running across. Only, as I put my hand on the barieer, I heard a loud noise then a train came round the corner hurtling past me. I stepped back, shocked being so close to being killed. The barrier lifted, I walked across and arrived at my friends house quite shocked.

A simple matter of timing, or had I been drunk or a little braver and I could have been killed.

If the barrier is closed, stay the **** away from it, how much simpler can it get. Do you really need a sign telling you that?
Oh wait, your from Burnley, well that explains it.
I would expect someone from Burnley to do that :p
If the barrier is closed, stay the **** away from it, how much simpler can it get. Do you really need a sign telling you that?
You don't understand. The sign said the crossing was closed and the road was shut. I had no idea if the track was still open to trains. Or if the track was being worked on, as they were clearly working on the crossing.
You don't understand. The sign said the crossing was closed and the road was shut. I had no idea if the track was still open to trains. Or if the track was being worked on, as they were clearly working on the crossing.

Fair enough, my apologies then. Although if they close the barriers it's usually for a good reason. They won't close them unless there's a risk to you or them. I'm guessing that crossing had no hazard lights and sirens to warn you a trains coming then.
yeh, i find it hard to imagine anyone that can laugh at two teenage girls who are going to be impaired for the rest of their lifes, no matter what caused it. Sure, it was of course there fault to do something that was obviously stupid, but seriously laughing and mocking a couple of girls who had their legs and feet ripped off them...how in the hell is that funny at all.

Honestly, when I read this thread and read the first few comments I was disgusted. Anyone who laughs at this, no matter what the circumstances, is a disgrace.

You're laughing at a couple of young foolish girls who have had their limbs f**cking amputated.

How the hell would you feel?

Get real. Christ. I thought this community was better than this.
Indeed it did have flashing lights but I wasn't sure what they meant. In retrospect of course it was a silly thing to contemplate.

However the sheer absence of a sign saying "Pedestrian Access" led me to believe there was no official pedestrian access, perhaps becuase they needed to keep the barriers down for some reason.

Of course, it's a silly chain of reasoning, but when your just not sure, and the alternative is an hours walk in the cold, it can seem more reasonable.
dude, they knew the risks. They CHOSE to lie on a bunch of railroad tracks instead of some not as lethal location. I'm not happy they were injured, but I find it hard to feel sad for someone who takes such an obviously huge risk with obviously so little gain and is shocked when they are injured.

If someone had put them there I'd feel outraged and saddened, but they did it to themselves.
In all honesty, I used to LOVE trains as a kid. I collected train sets and everything. Then one day as a kid, I was playing near the train tracks *Not on them for the love of god* but I just saw a train blow by me...and I stood there and I realized, "HOLY SHIT THESE ****ERS ARE MASSIVE AND DEADLY!" So then I just gained a slight fear of them.

Fast forward 10 years when I'm about 18. Me and my sister are driving *she's driving* and we were crossing some train tracks, and the little lights and shit weren't going off. A train was about 100 feet away, blaring it's horn and it's lights as bright as the sun. Ever since then, when I drive over rail road tracks and some light is down there *there are usually lights near the utility station parts* my heart will skip a beat...

But anyway, now those girls are gonna find it harder to run away from my enormous rapedick.
In all honesty, I used to LOVE trains as a kid. I collected train sets and everything. Then one day as a kid, I was playing near the train tracks *Not on them for the love of god* but I just saw a train blow by me...and I stood there and I realized, "HOLY SHIT THESE ****ERS ARE MASSIVE AND DEADLY!" So then I just gained a slight fear of them.

Fast forward 10 years when I'm about 18. Me and my sister are driving *she's driving* and we were crossing some train tracks, and the little lights and shit weren't going off. A train was about 100 feet away, blaring it's horn and it's lights as bright as the sun. Ever since then, when I drive over rail road tracks and some light is down there *there are usually lights near the utility station parts* my heart will skip a beat...

But anyway, now those girls are gonna find it harder to run away from my enormous rapedick.
Which is why I love you Pitz.
It doesn't matter if they put themselves there or not, of course it was stupid to lie on a bloody railroads, I mean by the sounds of it they weren't on them otherwise it wouldn't just be their legs and feet that were amputated.

The point I'm making is how can you laugh at the fact that two young girls have had their legs and feet amputed. I do not find a single thing in that funny at all, no matter what the story behind it is. All you've read is words from the story, but imagine being the girls themselves, or the family behind them. They are completely disabled for life now, and a bunch of idiots on the internet think its funny to laugh at them because of one mistake in their life which is going to change their entire existance on this earth.

I really do find it absolutely disgusting that such pathetic individuals could laugh at such a tragic event.
It doesn't matter if they put themselves there or not, of course it was stupid to lie on a bloody railroads, I mean by the sounds of it they weren't on them otherwise it wouldn't just be their legs and feet that were amputated.

The point I'm making is how can you laugh at the fact that two young girls have had their legs and feet amputed. I do not find a single thing in that funny at all, no matter what the story behind it is. All you've read is words from the story, but imagine being the girls themselves, or the family behind them. They are completely disabled for life now, and a bunch of idiots on the internet think its funny to laugh at them because of one mistake in their life which is going to change their entire existance on this earth.

I really do find it absolutely disgusting that such pathetic individuals could laugh at such a tragic event.


Everybody, run!
Indeed it's not funny.

Also maybe they thought the railway track was disused. Young girls aren't always the brightest. And then there's peer pressure and shit.
I could see how someone could get hit by a train if say, they were crossing through a noisy and crowded trainyard, (playing through the beginning of HL2 made me think about this in fact) but getting hit by a train on a single track out in the middle of nowhere would be an unbelievable feat tbh. How could anyone not see or hear a train coming in that scenario unless they were deaf, blind, or both?
I'm just gonna say it again, because people are saying that theres stupid...then theres lying on a train track for hours stupid.

No matter what it is, they are a couple of young girls who have had their lives changed for ever. They've lost their limbs.

How in the hell is that funny or worth mocking?
Everyone is shown stories like this so often in the media and in everyday life that you HAVE to find a way to laugh at it. I've laughed at worse. And, really, I don't think I've hurt anyone by doing so. I sure as **** can't really do anything about it, so what am I supposed to do? Cry over every person who ****s up?
I could see how someone could get hit by a train if say, they were crossing through a noisy and crowded trainyard, (playing through the beginning of HL2 made me think about this in fact) but getting hit by a train on a single track out in the middle of nowhere would be an unbelievable feat tbh. How could anyone not see or hear a train coming in that scenario unless they were deaf, blind, or both?
You don't know those were the circumstances.
Yeah no one here is saying we're glad it happened, and it would be cruel to laugh in their face about it, but we do think (or I think) they kind of brought it on themselves. I'm used to dealing with stupid people and If you don't laugh at and learn from stupid things stupid people do then their stupidity will serve no purpose.
Everyone is shown stories like this so often in the media and in everyday life that you HAVE to find a way to laugh at it. I've laughed at worse. And, really, I don't think I've hurt anyone by doing so. I sure as **** can't really do anything about it, so what am I supposed to do? Cry over every person who ****s up?

srsly, Tragedy is when I cut my finger, Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.

Thats how comedy works, also I personally refuse to cry over every sad thing that happens to everyone in the world.

You have a problem with that, take it up woth someone else who does as well...
While i don't find it funny. I refuse to feel sorry for them at all. They deserve everything they got.
I'm not saying you need to cry at every person who gets injured or not say it was their fault and they were stupid for doing such thing in the first place. Obviously it was their fault and there is no denying it, they were stupid kids. I mean, how many stupid things as kids have we (or most certiainly I) done which almost got us seriously injured.

What I'm saying is there is no point in writing "hahahahaha WHAT IDIOTS, THEY DESERVE IT IF THEY CAUSED IT, I ALMOST HAVE SYMPATHY BUT I DONT CARE COS THEY CAUSED IT THEMSELVES". That kinda crap is disturbing, really it is. Whats the point in it? It's not even a joke, its just humouring them for having their dam legs and feet amputated at 13 & 14 year old. You might think I'm "Internet human rights" or whatever crap you want but I don't see whats worth laughing at nd I don't know many people at all that would find this worth laughing about at all.
LMFAO! Idiots. Id disown them for being so stupid.
Look, Stupidity makes me laugh. You don't like it too bad. I spend too much time drenched in stupid day in and day out to not laugh at morons. If you have a problem with the fact that I find things funny, then that is really your own problem. so quit repremending me for laughing at morons and start wondering why you care so dang much...
While i don't find it funny. I refuse to feel sorry for them at all. They deserve everything they got.

Yeh course, a couple of teenage girls deserve having their legs and feet amputed because they made ONE foolish mistake. That kind of thinking is ridiculous. In your thinking a 12 year old kid would deserve to have both his legs amputated for not looking left and right crossing a road. That examples not to the same extreme as the two girls, but nobody deserves what they got, I don't see how they 'deserve' it at all, unless they did something disgustingly wrong in their early lifes.
Maybe it's not laugh-worthy (because it did have some serious consequences), but I don't feel sorry for them because they were so dumb. Unless the train tracks were pretty much completely covered with shrubbery and virtually undistinguishable from the surrounding terrain, they had no excuse to go SUNBATHING on a ****ing TRAIN TRACK.
Yeh course, a couple of teenage girls deserve having their legs and feet amputed because they made ONE foolish mistake. That kind of thinking is ridiculous. In your thinking a 12 year old kid would deserve to have both his legs amputated for not looking left and right crossing a road. That examples not to the same extreme as the two girls, but nobody deserves what they got, I don't see how they 'deserve' it at all, unless they did something disgustingly wrong in their early lifes.

We get that you don't see it, so stop bugging those of us that do... (unless you want to see it too)
Look, Stupidity makes me laugh. You don't like it too bad. I spend too much time drenched in stupid day in and day out to not laugh at morons. If you have a problem with the fact that I find things funny, then that is really your own problem. so quit repremending me for laughing at morons and start wondering why you care so dang much...

Wow, if all you have to laugh at about in your life is 13 year olds getting amputated then I guess I'll just have to drop it because I don't think theres much else I can say there.
In your thinking a 12 year old kid would deserve to have both his legs amputated for not looking left and right crossing a road.
Hey, the brother of a friend of mine got hit by a car because he completely ignored all traffic when crossing the street with his bike. This was at an intersection that he had been going through for two years. Even my friend thought that was a pretty dumb decision (the brother was 14 years old btw).

And even then, traffic can come around a corner pretty fast or the car may be speeding itself. But lying on a train track? Come on. Even when I was 10 years old I was scared shitless of trains and train tracks. I spent like five minutes looking left and right and then sprinting as hard as I could over the tracks if I had to cross one.

This is sad, no doubt about it, but I guess I just expect certain things from certain ages.
Yeh course, a couple of teenage girls deserve having their legs and feet amputed because they made ONE foolish mistake. That kind of thinking is ridiculous. In your thinking a 12 year old kid would deserve to have both his legs amputated for not looking left and right crossing a road. That examples not to the same extreme as the two girls, but nobody deserves what they got, I don't see how they 'deserve' it at all, unless they did something disgustingly wrong in their early lifes.

I believe that a 13-14 year old should know not to sunbathe on tracks, There is no excuse for it, you should never go near tracks end of. That is not one stupid mistake that it down right stupidity, it's nothing like a kid being it by a car, more like the kid sunbathing on a moterway(highway) then complaining when his hit by a car.
Wow, if all you have to laugh at about in your life is 13 year olds getting amputated then I guess I'll just have to drop it because I don't think theres much else I can say there.
I'm not laughing at thirteen-year-olds getting amputated at all. I think that sucks, and I feel bad for their stupid asses. What I'm laughing at is the notion of "OH HI LETS TAN!!! THESE TRACKS LOOK INVITING!!!!"
I believe that a 13-14 year old should know not to sunbathe on tracks, There is no excuse for it, you should never go near tracks end of. That is not one stupid mistake that it down right stupidity, it's nothing like a kid being it by a car, more like the kid sunbathing on a moterway(highway) then complaining when his hit by a car.

not even, on a Highway people can go around you. Train tracks are one path only...

And yes nid I to don't think there's much else you can say here. If you don't find it funny then go start a thread about how you think that.