2 multiplayer games

There might be newcomers to the HL scene and only want the Episodes for inexplicable reasons.
UndeadScottsman said:
Nobody said they were new.

Well I posted the same thing on the steampowered forums and the topic was called 2 new mp games, got mixed up
hopefully HL2:DM will get some extra updates and maybe some maps ported from Episode One.

(damn you board for thinking I wanted the smiley face when I didn't!)
There should be two totally new mp games, they said it themselves
so what options are there.. Domination, ctf (already done by a third
party but maybe they'll remake it), Lms, assault, and i can't think
of any more right now.
Saying that episode 1 includes "2 new multiplayer games" must mean 2 new multiplayer games. It would be false advertising to include 2 of the multiplayer games we already have and i for one would be pissed because the main reason i purchased episode 1 was for the multiplayer aspect.
I'm really considering getting a new Steam account for Ep1 so I can have two copies of HL2: DM... but on the other hand, I don't play HL2: DM too often, so I don't know :p
What do you guys think I should do? :rolleyes:

edit - Valve says about two _new_ MP games because the Bronze, Silver and Gold Steam packages aren't available for a long time now, and when buying HL2 on Steam today, you get just that. I think there is a package including many HL games available on Steam, but not sure about that.
Przemek said:
edit - Valve says about two _new_ MP games because the Bronze, Silver and Gold Steam packages aren't available for a long time now, and when buying HL2 on Steam today, you get just that. I think there is a package including many HL games available on Steam, but not sure about that.

No matter how long ago something was released or packaged its never going to be "new" again.
Marketing enables you to advertise and sell an old product as new :p