Will the world end in 2012

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 23.8%
  • No

    Votes: 64 76.2%

  • Total voters


Feb 22, 2007
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Everyone knows that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and thats when some people think the end of the world is going to be as well. Zombie Apocalypse anyone? i think yes.
Where is the third option that screws up poll O<<
Um... no?
Right, the world's going to end in 4 more years. :|

What, pray-tell, would happen in 2012?
The zombies you're thinking about aren't real, no reports on any collision course asteroids, the volcano in Yellowstone's been fairly quiet, and I don't really see a nuclear war happening in 4 more years.

Our advances in technology have been very slow... so I also don't see Terminator happening either or anything like that.

The most that'll probably happen is the world will be in a state of anarchy if these oil prices keep increasing as they have been for the past couple of years.
Im sorry but anyone who believes that really is an ****ing idiot, and ****ing sick of seeing these topics popping up, its almost as bad and pointless as the relgious rants.

Get this into your heads that the world has been predicted to end too many times in the past, but what? We are still here. If people are so obsessed about predicting humanities demise then they should just throw themselves off a building.

Um... no?
Right, the world's going to end in 4 more years. :|

What, pray-tell, would happen in 2012?
The zombies you're thinking about aren't real, no reports on any collision course asteroids, the volcano in Yellowstone's been fairly quiet, and I don't really see a nuclear war happening in 4 more years.

Zombies aren't real today. Who knows what medical disasters or new viral strains may produce between now and then.

The asteroid that was in space terms "incredibly close" to wiping out half of Earth's population back in January this year was only discovered in October 2007. The discovery of an asteroid capable of wiping out the whole population need only be discovered, using faux-science, 8 months before.

And Yellowstone being quiet now doesn't mean it will still be quiet in 4 years.
And The Terminators are of course a secret project. How whould you know how far they have gotten with Skynet?
No, but I'll be dead sometimes shortly after.
It will all start with zombie invasion. In desperation the goverment will activate Skynet. After it turns bad the nuclearbombs will disturb the volcano making it erupt. The few survivors, who emerge shortly after, will try to repopulate the earth, only to be destroyed by giant asteroids. Somewhere between all this we will have a Day after tomorow scenario.

It all makes perfect sense.
And after that, you'd bump this thread, saying "told you so"
I seriously hope you are joking rizzo -.-
I don't think it will end the world. i think there will be a drastic change in thinking though.
Whould I joke about the apocalypse?
Exactly giant, i have found calenders to be excellent at predicting stuff.
I don't think it will end the world. i think there will be a drastic change in thinking though.
Are you ****ing kidding me? What proof do you have of this?

How are your opinions any less ****ed up than those of the Christian fundamentalists who think Jesus is about to return?
i predict massive amounts of buttsecks and surprise buttsecks in 2012
I'll be honest, if the world is gonna end, I don't want to know about it. I want it to hit me when I least expect it so I'm not growing more anxious over the months waiting for it to happen. What about Y2K? So many people believed it that it made news the year before, but this, this is just whiny baby bickering about a THEORY that the world will end.

Don't forget, there's supposed to be a world super storm that destroys earth too. Don't forget about that one. :)
As long as episode 3 is released before 2012 I'm fine
Well, maybe, I mean I do sense a disturbance in the Force. (it's as though a thousand kittens choked on their own furballs and were suddently silenced)
i should add more sarcasm to my posts i guess......................
No more than I believe it'll end in 2011 or 2013.

People who voted yes need to cut down on their meme intake.
While zombie hl2netters would log back on out of habbit...

That'd be kinda cool actually. Having nothing really change if we were all zombies, except every post would be like "Penispenispenis VAGINA LOL" it'd be more like "gaahhhhnnnnrrrruhhhhhh penisuhhhhh"

Though it won't be happening in 2012.
Yes, and religious politicians will make it happen.

Oh wait, it's that other thing. No.
What about the crystal skulls?
If anything, alien invasion.
Not 2012, but in my lifetime the easy western lifestyle will end.
Everyone knows that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and thats when some people think the end of the world is going to be as well. Zombie Apocalypse anyone? i think yes.

I do too.

I don't think it will end the world. i think there will be a drastic change in thinking though.

What about the crystal skulls?
If anything, alien invasion.

Cut down on your meme intake.
This whole "the worlds going to end in 2012", is bullshit. The Mayans never viewed time in linear terms, they viewed time as cyclical. The Mayans didn't believe the world was going to "end", its just going to enter a new age.