23 reasons the Xbox 360 is the second coming of the Dreamcast

IMO, the Xbox 360 will be a success. It may not be as huge of a success as the PS2 but it'll pull in some extra dough for Microsoft. I'm really looking forward to its release. Every console release is fun.
I'd laugh if it came true, and the X360 really did become this generation's Dreamcast
satch919 said:
IMO, the Xbox 360 will be a success. It may not be as huge of a success as the PS2 but it'll pull in some extra dough for Microsoft. I'm really looking forward to its release. Every console release is fun.
I agree. The Xbox 360 is also doing a lot better in Japan than its predecessor.
Prince of China said:
I agree. The Xbox 360 is also doing a lot better in Japan than its predecessor.

Its not out yet. Do you mean the general buzz? I'm definately not surprized about that. Microsoft pulled out all the stops trying to get Japan excited about it. They built a huge Xbox restaurant right on like the most expensive real estate in tokyo, with playable xbox360s

The other thing is, the original xbox was lesser than the good gaming Rig PC's that were available at the time, whereas the 360 blows anything away, possibly with the exclusion of the most extreme game PCs available at this time. its got 3 PowerPC processors and the latest in video card techonology.
Hahaha, god that was amusing, I loved the Dreamcast tho.:)
the dreamcast was very good - it just went very wrong for them
Icarusintel said:
I'd laugh if it came true, and the X360 really did become this generation's Dreamcast

From a financial side, maybe. I can only hope that the 360 is as superb a console as the DC was in terms of games though.

Rez, Samba, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Soul Calibur, HOTD, Ikaruga, Arcadia, Grandia, MSR, Power Stone, Fire Pro ........ etc etc

Infact my DC still gets more play time than my pc. The fact that it died so early, and companies like EA continue to flourish, just shows what a world of philistines we live in.
Warbie said:
From a financial side, maybe. I can only hope that the 360 is as superb a console as the DC was in terms of games though.

Rez, Samba, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Soul Calibur, HOTD, Ikaruga, Arcadia, Grandia, MSR, Power Stone, Fire Pro ........ etc etc

Infact my DC still gets more play time than my pc. The fact that it died so early, and companies like EA continue to flourish, just shows what a world of philistines we live in.

I loved those games, along with Phantasy Star Online, that extreme boat racing game whos name eludes me, tony hawk pro skater 2, NBA 2k1/2k2, Tokyo Extreme Racer, NFL 2k1,2k2, top spin, house of the dead 2, quake, resident evil code veronica, skies of arcadia, and more!

Dreamcast was the F'n shiznit! It was also the first time i played games online!

These were mostly original titles, the ones that started it all. that still have The visuals were so crystal clear hooked up to a VGA monitor. Im so glad finally the x360 has a VGA cable too.

I played my DC so much i killed like 3 of them from overheating! I think i had several thousand hours online with Phantasy star online

but yea, you can bet the nearly all 20 of the launch window titles coming out for the x360 will score as great or excellent in reviews. They got games like Top spin, Need for speed, NFL & NBA 2k6, perfect dark, - Perfect Dark Collector's Edition, Project Gotham Racing 3, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Dead or Alive 4, Call of Duty 2, GUN, Quake 4, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, Condemned, Madden NFL 2006, Kameo,and more!
i would buy most of these, and we have games like Resident evil 5 to look forward too. there is no possible way the x360 will be a failure. hell the old xbox is still the most powerful system out, lol
I was also a huge fan of the Dreamcast. Ready 2 Rumble, Sonic Adventures, Blue Stinger, Virtua Tennis (addicting!!!), Shenmue, Soul Calibur, House of the Dead 2 w/ lightgun, and Resident Evil: Code Veronica. Man, those games were amazing. I was so sad to hear that they weren't going to make games for it anymore. I personally think it was a tad bit ahead of its time.

I'll definitely be supporting the Xbox 360 along with the rest of the next generation systems. :)
I, too, mourned the death of the dream... cast, that is.
I'm not sure it will do that well. There was a big buzz about the first xbox too.

There's nothing new from the Xbox to the Xbox360 except better graphics. This will keep people like me from buying one, again.

Also, I still think Perfect Dark is still a fanboys favourite, and won't appeal to a mass audience who're thinking of what game to get first for their xbox360.
They take Halo 3 as one of the reasons that Xbox 360 is going to succeed ;)
StardogChampion said:
There's nothing new from the Xbox to the Xbox360 except better graphics. This will keep people like me from buying one, again.
It's too late, its already doing well. In my family, we are getting 3 of them. The buzz is immense, and there is no next gen competition this time, not for a year. and perfect dark? a fanboy game? The game has a huge bunch of fans and it was like an underground sleeper hit. thats saying something. you know how you get fanboys? from exceptional quality and by being mind blowing fun. So, if that doesn't sound good to you, then what does?

There are a lot of new things, it's very polished. i like the wireless controllers with the light that shows what controll you have so you know what player you are just by looking at it. and you can power the system on and off from the control.

what do you expect besides better graphics, sound, and features. Its a game system. Its WAY more powerful. what else is there? I mean if you don't have the money for it than don't get it. to me, there is no other competition. Its a lucky thing, the best system comes out first. if you are still having fun with your current system, i understand that. hell, i still go to my brothers retro arcade and have fun for a little while, playing games like pac-man and what-not.

But when i get home and i want to have a deep gameplay experience with graphics that never fail to impress and make my jaw drop. like Elder Scrolls 4 and Resident Evil 5.

I want pretty much all the games they have available lol

To me, the dreamcast stole all the shine from the current systems, and have been DYING for some real muscle for 5 years.

I've seen the graphic ability in action and this system has the ability to generate graphics that look like real life. and if you can simulate real life, imagine how well it can do cartoon or fantasy graphics.

Another thing. the xbox 360 uses high defenition (high rezolution) that has to be seen directly to appreciate.

I saw a VGA cord at gamestop online, i'd highly recommend using your PC monitor if you don't have a HDTV. that will be sweet

it makes the graphics of your PS2 and any other machine out there look like a freaking joke.
I was never impressed by the PS2 graphics, but i am still impressed by the xbox 1 graphics! imagine that times 5.
Wait till you go to your friends house and see the thing in action. It will change your whole view. It may even change your life! lol

Here is link to a 14 minute video that you don't even have to download or wait for it to load. it doesn't showcase the power of it, but will explain most of the newbie questions. There is also a long text forum at this site --of questions people ask and they are answered. THe first page is just a bunch of arguing but i found some usefull info on the next pages.
There's actually quite a few videos along the right side of the screen
I miss you Dreamcast..
*goes into living room, plays Crazy Taxi II*

IMHO I don't like Xbox...I'm one of those crazy people. I coudln't find much fun in most of the games, and I hated the controller..oh well.
I don't think xbox 260 will be a failure for two reasons, 1 it has oblivion (HELLS YES) and 2, microsoft has money, loooots of money, so they might actually make it right. but then again it is miicrosoft..... im gunna be quiet now
The 360 could very well fail if it wasn't for the fact that it is owned by Microsoft which can pour all the money it wants into making sure it suceeds.

I will find it funny though if it doesn't end up doing as well as the PS3 or even the Revolution for that matter, I mean for the amount of money Microsoft has put into advertising it would really look pretty bad.
you can power the system on and off from the control.
OMG!!! Who the **** cares? Seriously? It just makes you lazier!

what do you expect besides better graphics, sound, and features.
I expect new unique innovative features. It isn't my job to figure what ones I want, just my job to think "How did they think of that".

what else is there?
Features. Innovative, new, unique FEATURES.

But when i get home and i want to have a deep gameplay experience with graphics that never fail to impress and make my jaw drop. like Elder Scrolls 4 and Resident Evil 5.
I care less about graphics when im having a fun time. When im having a fun time im focused on the game and laid back. It's not about having your draw drop every 5 seconds on the graphics. It's about having fun. Developers are restircted to the console. If Sony and Microsoft would give more things for the Developer to play with, then they would be trying to make games funner. There just trying to make games look better right now.

I've seen the graphic ability in action and this system has the ability to generate graphics that look like real life. and if you can simulate real life, imagine how well it can do cartoon or fantasy graphics.
Omg, graphics generating real life omgg! Yeah thats nice and all but if theres a funner 64 game I'll just go play that cuz when im having a fun time I do not care about graphics. I care about having fun.

I was never impressed by the PS2 graphics, but i am still impressed by the xbox 1 graphics! imagine that times 5.
So what if your not impressed by Ps2 graphics? That shouldn't be stopping you from having fun now should it? Anyway I am impressed with what the Ps2 can pull off. It's emotion engine sure is nice.

Wait till you go to your friends house and see the thing in action. It will change your whole view. It may even change your life! lol
I'd rather go pick up a Revolution and change my whole view on gaming in general, rather than changing my view on how good graphics can be.

I'm not saying better graphics is bad, but im saying that it wont change how fun the game is. I'm not saying all the newer games will suck because they have good graphics, but what I am saying is just because a console can show this and that does not make it any funner than N64 or Ps1.
And therefore the Revolution will be more fun. Or something.

That is what you think, right?

I wish that you'd stop harping on about "fun" for two seconds and recognize that impressive visuals don't negate enjoyment and that in a lot of cases (IMO) they can actually make it more fun.

Emotion engine... don't make me laugh.
" Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer stole much of its next-generation thunder."

Ummm, the PS3 has yet to show me anything at all better than the new Elder Scrolls game
Aye, I was also confused by that one. I don't see how MGS4 stole any thunder, really. At least no more thunder that would have inevitably been lost any way.
Metal Gear Solid 4 ftw.

Honestly, all I even care about right now is Xenosaga III and MGS4. After I beat those, I don't even see the need for videogames to have stories anymore. I've just experienced the greatest story arcs in my lifetime. I'm good.

Onto systems though...

I'll be getting a 360 most definetly and PS3 a couple years later when the price is lower. I will not be touching a Revolution or wasting my money on it.
Dalamari said:
Ummm, the PS3 has yet to show me anything at all better than the new Elder Scrolls game
The PS3 has yet to show me anything better than Pong. Pre-rendered gameplay is worth shit.
Stigmata said:
The PS3 has yet to show me anything better than Pong. Pre-rendered gameplay is worth shit.

MGS4 stuff isn't pre-rendered from what I've seen and heard.

Anyways, I'm not excited for Xbox360 because I don't see enough games in their lineup that are exclusive that I want yet.

IF Killzone 2 is currently looking almost like their pre-rendered video they brought out during E3 and MGS4 is looking that good. I think that's more along the lines of next-gen graphics than what I've seen from games for X360.

I'll probably end up getting Revolution anyways for the unique experience and good party games.
And therefore the Revolution will be more fun. Or something.

That is what you think, right?

I wish that you'd stop harping on about "fun" for two seconds and recognize that impressive visuals don't negate enjoyment and that in a lot of cases (IMO) they can actually make it more fun.

Emotion engine... don't make me laugh.
I'm saying the Revolution will give developers more freedom and more ways to innovate and create new experinces. I'm not saying they will be funner just because of the controller. But Nintendo is actually trying to push Developers innovate.

And no the graphics wont make games more fun just because there better. They may make you drop your draw the first few times you see them, but thats all they will do. Some people expect revolutionized gameplay when they see the graphics, but the fact is games will not be any funner than they could have been before.

Emotion engine... don't make me laugh.
Well no doubt it's pull off extremely impressive visuals for such an old piece of hardware.
I still remember before Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 were released how people from this very website were constantly arguing to Doom 3 fans that graphics don't make the game. Yet so many people were so impressed by Doom 3 in the technological department that they shrugged off Half-Life 2. I think we all know what ended up being a better game however. It just goes to prove that graphics aren't everything.

Great games will undoubtably come out for the PS3 and the 360, however when a console is designed with the only real improvements being graphics it really does nothing to encourage anything new to be made, it just encourages the same old stuff with better graphics. In fact it basically tells publishers that people really do care more about graphics than anything else which of course results in games that simply look good but aren't very fun.
Minerel said:
And no the graphics wont make games more fun just because there better. They may make you drop your draw the first few times you see them, but thats all they will do.

If you can play a game with 8-bit graphics and sprite enemies and get the same kind of enjoyment out of it (and I doubt you can), then your words might ring less hollow.

More freedom? We'll see. I'm personally tempted to say "My ass" in response to that.

The Mullinator said:
I still remember before Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 were released how people from this very website were constantly arguing to Doom 3 fans that graphics don't make the game. Yet so many people were so impressed by Doom 3 in the technological department that they shrugged off Half-Life 2. I think we all know what ended up being a better game however. It just goes to prove that graphics aren't everything.

I don't think you're making a distinction between raw power and visuals. For instance, while Doom 3 may have had more fancy bells and whistles in the visual department, I found HL2's art direction and more conservative utilization of fancy technology made a far more appealing sight. Hence, I think HL2 has better graphics.

Graphics, when used correctly, play a major part in my experience and therefore are a factor in how much I enjoy a game. And I think that if you try to argue otherwise, you're being ignorant. If you wish to brush it off as nothing more than an initial hook that loses appeal after a week or two, then I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could feel for you.
Absinthe said:
I don't think you're making a distinction between raw power and visuals. For instance, while Doom 3 may have had more fancy bells and whistles in the visual department, I found HL2's art direction and more conservative utilization of fancy technology made a far more appealing sight. Hence, I think HL2 has better graphics.

Graphics, when used correctly, play a major part in my experience and therefore are a factor in how much I enjoy a game. And I think that if you try to argue otherwise, you're being ignorant. If you wish to brush it off as nothing more than an initial hook that loses appeal after a week or two, then I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could feel for you.
That is quite true, however before both games were released there weren't many people who realized I think that Half-Life 2 would end up looking better in the end. I remember almost everyone being of the opinion that Doom 3 would look better than Half-Life 2.

Im not saying graphics won't play a major part in how a game feels. Just that if the only thing that is improved is graphics then it will often result in effort being removed from making sure the game is actually fun.
Well, I agree with you there.

I just personally think that the technology afforded to developers this generation is substantial enough for innovation.
I have to agree, HL2 looks far better than Doom 3.
I have to agree, HL2 looks far better than Doom 3.

I'd have thought that goes without saying, but some seem to think otherwise?

And I think it should be noted that graphics tend to look better in darker environments, like most of Doom 3.

Also, I think HL2 does a great job of representing objects and environments that we see in real life, whereas Doom 3 is mostly fictitious locations - therefore making us accept that is what it should look like, as opposed to comparing it to what it looks like in real life.

Anyway, a bit off topic, but hopefully the 360 will have gameplay and groundbreaking graphics, in that order :thumbs:
The Mullinator said:
Great games will undoubtably come out for the PS3 and the 360, however when a console is designed with the only real improvements being graphics it really does nothing to encourage anything new to be made, it just encourages the same old stuff with better graphics. In fact it basically tells publishers that people really do care more about graphics than anything else which of course results in games that simply look good but aren't very fun.

well, it's a good thing those consoles have other improvements besides graphics (especially the xbox360).
Minerel said:
I expect new unique innovative features. It isn't my job to figure what ones I want, just my job to think "How did they think of that".
Features. Innovative, new, unique FEATURES.

I care less about graphics when im having a fun time. When im having a fun time im focused on the game and laid back. It's not about having your draw drop every 5 seconds on the graphics. It's about having fun. Developers are restircted to the console. If Sony and Microsoft would give more things for the Developer to play with, then they would be trying to make games funner. There just trying to make games look better right now.

Omg, graphics generating real life omgg! Yeah thats nice and all but if theres a funner 64 game I'll just go play that cuz when im having a fun time I do not care about graphics. I care about having fun.
Ok, for example take Need for Speed Underground. This game is perfect. The only thing they can do is add more content, more environments to drive on, more cars, etc. with the curent game systems. they have used all the power these machines have.
Many people think the curent game systems are fun. I can have fun playing card games like spades, that came with Windows Xp even.

But ive been waiting for graphics like xbox 360 for over 20 years. I never dreamed they would get this good. I had fun playing the first home entertainment system when it came out and the graphics were gigantic pixels 10 times the size of this . Ya it was fun then, but now-a-days i would have more fun rubbing a cheese grater over my penis.

It's not just graphics that are better in the next gen systems. the game engines are evolving. The programers will do innovative things with the increased power of the next gen systems. Imagine Grand Theft Auto with 10 times better graphics and gameplay, but as a Massively Multiplayer online game, where the people that you see walking the streets and driving around are 1000's of other players. you might get caught in a drive-by from a rival gang (guild) or get run over by some asshole. you could buy automatic weapons on the black market, you can be a cop or a robber. whatever you can imagine, belive they are working on this game. and its innovative. So don't laugh when i say it will change your life. Ok lets just say it will change the face of gaming. I see video games increasing in popularity massively.

You say Xbox360 doesn't have innovative features, but most of the innovative features are in its operating system. You can hook it up to your PC and hook it up to your iPod and do things like copy all of your CD's on to it and select what ones to play during what games in any order, just by pressing the green button on the new "non interference" wireless controller. you can voice chat with anyone in the world for free, and have a party line where several people are chatting together at once, through the headset, or through the speakers. you can contact buddies while they play another game, online or off. this time everyone with a broadband internet connection can do this, not just subscribers. you can stream 5 high def videos at the same time through your xbox. you can record T.V. like tivo, you can plug your digital camera and send your buddies images and create your own gamertag (username) complete with your custom pic. It sets you up with people that are of the same skill level in any game, if you wish. you can connect 2 xbox's together to play co-op, or play split-screen, or play over the internet. You can play 4 player split screen in your room. you can download new content, patches, and buy mini-games and download them and buy cards that will allow you to shop online. like xbox game cards. You can detatch your hard drive, and bring it to a buddies house to hook it up to his xbox. you can bring your controller over his house and not even have to plug anything in. hell, the system isn't even out yet and i know all of this. I don't even know the extent of what you can do with it yet.

See they added features that are very usefull and nice to have. you don't call this innovation.? Maybe if it vibrated your bum you would call that innovation!

In one of my posts I had just got through saying that you can still have fun playing Pac-Man. Sure for a few minutes. whatever floats your boat. But I want something deeper than that.

But imagine Half-Life2 with a Doom 1 or Wolfenstein engine, and then tell me the graphics ( including the resolution, textures, game engine, physics, sprites, blood, weapons, complex city-scape, underwater parts, etc) don't make the game better? Its a great joy when i blast a badguy backwards down the stairs and he flips back spraying blood all over the wall, in quite a realistic manner. I feel more like im in the game. And without the fancy graphics whatever would be of the fantastic storyline. You would have to read text at the bottom and read the story.

Nope. Graphics do not make the game "funner" An example of this is Farcry. amazing graphics, but this game sucks son.

But if you take a really fun game like say Need for speed, which was first released on the PS1. yes it was fun in the first place. fun on the playstation 1. but not anymore dude! not for me! give it graphics 50 times better on the xbox360 with the way the game engine has evolved and its fun again. its got a much deeper feel to the driving now, and the game play all together.

you should get an old atari 5200. Millions of people, like my 40 year old brother preffer the games where you try to get the high score like back in the day. Personally though, I'd rather play a real Pinball machine.

and I'm interested in the Nintendo Revolution. i think that might be a nice diversion. And if i see some amazing things, i would buy one. But its not out for a couple years!

and call me old school but i don't see any way to improve the current controllers when i want to play a driving game or something. i can't imagine how you are going to be swinging your arms around and crap trying to play a driving game. Its not really my thing. I want precise control. but we will see what they do.