23 reasons the Xbox 360 is the second coming of the Dreamcast

VirusType2 said:
By the time GT5 comes out we may be looking at PGR4 at the rate things are going.
I would seriously doubt that given development times for next-gen consoles(yes, even the 360). Both will be very impressive--it just depends on what you like. This argument can't be won here since I like GT gameas and you like PGR games. Microsoft, like they have done with most of the software they put "develop," stood on the shoulders of those who have come before them and either bought them outright or stole their ideas. Their business model is nothing if not shrewd.
VirusType2 said:
If you want the best rally game ever made, i highly recommend Colin McRae rally 2005 for xbox and PC.
I disagree. WRC is the best rally game I have ever played, but the most fun I have ever had was with V-Rally for the PS1. I don't need realistic dashboard controls and 100,000 polygon car models--I just needed 2 player co-op with my brother.

VirusType2 said:
ON TOPIC: my brother says he is hearing from lots of people on other forums that people are preparing to camp out hours early to get in line to buy the xBox360 before stores even open, to make sure they get one. I would say this sounds successful
It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see a relatively small number of 360 fans camping out to try to be among the first to get their hands on the system. Its a pretty dumb move IMHO considering the lackluster games available from now until early-to-mid next year and the cost of the system with "backwards compatibility" and the absolutely terrific state of current gen gaming and garbage Windows Media Center 2005/Extender OS and the cost of Live so you can play with millions of other immature vulgarians and...well, you get the idea.

Try demonstrating a little patience and maturity and justify to yourself, on paper, why this is a good investment for you. I can't imagine it would be given that you no doubt need medication to manage your mental health and have lost so many jobs that no one in their right mind would hire you to mop their floors and you are looking to fleece the government for some free money because supposedly your mental conditions won't allow you to work. Medication for your condition(s) isn't exactly cheap, and without proper health insurance as provided by a quality employer, I expect you are being set back quite a bit, especially if it is so severe that you are not allowed to work. By the way, I have a hard time believing anything you have said about your condition. Although, with the capability to discharge 15 powerful ejaculates a day and maintain 6 hour erections, you might want to think about the p0rn business. There, your mental stability will be par for the course and likely you'll make some good money and then end up like Savannah(worst-case scenario).

I think if you can get your priorities straight (like mental health first, gaming second), then maybe one day in the future you can spend hundreds of dollars on the latest "it" item, but don't risk your sanity and current standing in free society to play these crummy launch titles right away.

VirusType2 said:
Since the console wars won't begin in earnest until the PS3 and the Revolution arrive on the scene, I think this is a ridiculous comment to make (not to mention a ridiculous way to make it given the nature of the symbols).
victimofscience, don't take the interweb so seriously.

you expect to not see things like 'ftw' on a forum, and of all types, one based on gaming ? gee, talk about high expectations.
destrukt said:
victimofscience, don't take the interweb so seriously. you aren't better than anyone else on here, for future reference.
Where exactly am I trying to be? All I am saying is that it is foolish to put money that you presumably don't have and shouldn't be spending on games anyway toward more of the same when you supposedly have a condition that requires serious medication that will cost big bucks if you don't have the proper prescription coverage. Maybe the problem is you and Virus don't take it seriously enough. You could learn a lot if you figure out how to sift through the rubbish and see what is really important in life.

It's not gaming. :|

EDIT: Nice edit Destrukt.
destrukt said:
victimofscience, don't take the interweb so seriously.

you expect to not see things like 'ftw' on a forum, and of all types, one based on gaming ? gee, talk about high expectations.

I don't think he's trying to be, he just is.
^ oh, well, i guess i should give up. :x

hah victimoffcience, don't start on me, my life is good. :)
destrukt said:
hah victimoffcience, don't start on me, my life is good. :)
Don't worry, I won't. And I am even glad to hear that your life is good. Mine is too!
VictimOfScience said:
Where exactly am I trying to be? All I am saying is that it is foolish to put money that you presumably don't have and shouldn't be spending on games anyway toward more of the same when you supposedly have a condition that requires serious medication that will cost big bucks if you don't have the proper prescription coverage. Maybe the problem is you and Virus don't take it seriously enough. You could learn a lot if you figure out how to sift through the rubbish and see what is really important in life.

It's not gaming. :|

EDIT: Nice edit Destrukt.

First off, you can parade around when you get your new game PC or when your favorite system comes out, don't shit on my parade. The xbox360 is what I want.

I didn't say I would stop eating becuase i need to save for it. I mentioned things like selling my WoW account for $400-$2000 or more.
Please don't anaylize me or manage my budget.

I get free medications, but there is no pill i can pop and be normal. not even close. the drugs i have taken had more ill side-effects than the condition itself.

This is a faulty human brain we are talking about, not an upset stomach.

And let me ask you this? what is really important in life VictimofScience?
Here is what is important to me: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
I highly suggest you look up Liberty in the dictionary where you will find it means: the freedom to do what the **** i want. The power to do as one pleases.

I hardly see how becoming a pron star is getting my priorities in order
I have been researching for years on how i can make a living with my conditions and have come up with some things that i can do recently and am pursuing this. Even with money from Social Security (which i am entitled to, having been a taxpayer in the country) I am eligable for a work ticket -- that is-- if i can manage to work on top of the disability than all the power to me. I hate how people think that just because my condition is mental and not physical, that it is any less handicaping
VirusType2 said:
I hate how people think that just because my condition is mental and not physical, that it is any less handicaping
What condition, exactly? I just want to put this in perspective.
VictimofScience said:
I disagree. WRC is the best rally game I have ever played, but the most fun I have ever had was with V-Rally for the PS1. I don't need realistic dashboard controls and 100,000 polygon car models--I just needed 2 player co-op with my brother.
yea i had v-rally that was so much fun i still miss that game a little. but collin McRae rally 2005 is far superior in terms of realism and is just plain awesome and is equally, if not more fun.
They are both alot of fun, which would further support Minerel's stand in that fun is the important thing, graphics and all that are just dressing, but comprimise isn't always necessary. Thats what i was trying to say. Take the best, most fun game and multiply the graphics times 5. You can't lose! Best of both worlds

VictimofScience said:
crummy launch titles
What are you smoking dude? 360 has 15-20 of the latest and greatest launch titles. Expect most of them to receive a review of 8-10, and all of them to get a score of at least 7.5

When was the last time you saw 15-20 games come out in a 3 month period for any other system? I would say maybe the original gameboy had done this about 15 years ago. And how hard could it have been to make little non-color simple games for that system?

Geez, how many games do you need? you can only play 1 at a time--so all it really needs is a small number of great titles. I would get the games that cost $49 like Perfect dark and PGR3

to me the current consoles are pretty lame. I've thought the PS2 was crap ever since i bought it 5 years ago. like i said im desperate for a high resolution, high powered game machine. So trying to talk me out of getting a 360 is not possible

VictimofScience said:
I'm not insane.

Stigmata said:
What condition, exactly? I just want to put this in perspective.

I have Bi-Polar 2 and ADD

big time.

Bi-Polar 1 is the highest meaning a phsycopath, where im borderline

ADD alone is quite crippling

My condition has been assesed by proffesional physcatrists. (VictimofScience disbelived the scencerity of my claim) I only just learned that I could recieve Disability benefits, which is why I am not already recieving them

here is something:
VirusType2 said:
What are you smoking dude? 360 has 15-20 of the latest and greatest launch titles. Expect most of them to receive a review of 8-10, and all of them to get a score of at least 7.5
First off, I completely discount all of the sports games right off the bat because I think they are the biggest waste of money in temrs of gaming. The idiots who invest in the newest Madden 200X every year are lost. Tony Hawk's new title doesn't even look very next-gen at all, so I can't imagine that being stupendously great. The only titles that might be any good are Kameo, PD0, and PGR3 (not COD2 because I also don't care for FPSs on consoles). The jury is still out on Condemned. That will be it for the next few months until games like Gears of War and Oblivion come out. They will only get good scores because they will (in most cases) exhibit graphics and such that we haven't seen before because of current gen system limitations. They will "wow" with their visuals and because they usher in the next generation of videogames, they will be hailed with scores as high as you say. In some cases they will deserve it, and in others, I don't think they will.

VirusType2 said:
When was the last time you saw 15-20 games come out in a 3 month period for any other system? I would say maybe the original gameboy had done this about 15 years ago. And how hard could it have been to make little non-color simple games for that system?
Every new system has a learning curve that goes with it, so when the Gameboy came out, developing games for that was a relatively difficult task that developers had to learn how to accomplish. Technology gets more advanced as the years pass and the learning curve goes right along with it, increasing its arc to coincide with the new tech. In 15 years, people like you might be asking how hard could it have been to code for multiple-threaded apps on 3 measly little cores?

VirusType2 said:
to me the current consoles are pretty lame. I've thought the PS2 was crap ever since i bought it 5 years ago. like i said im desperate for a high resolution, high powered game machine. So trying to talk me out of getting a 360 is not possible
I know you are set on getting a 360, but to say the PS2 is crap is beyond absurd. It has some of the greatest games of all time, but its not much sense arguing with you as you will just disagree and I with you and so forth and so on.

VirusType2 said:
I'm not insane.
I would argue that you are. Insanity can be described as a "persistent mental disorder." You claim to have such a severe case of Bipolar2 that you need to take money from the SSA to help you eek out an existence, so you necessarily have to recognize that you have a "persistent mental disorder" or else you don't have a chance of seeing that money. A synonym is Mania. This can be defined as referring "principally to the excited, or manic, phase of bipolar disorder." Since this is your supposed condition, I would say quite definitively that you are indeed insane.

VirusType2 said:
Bi-Polar 1 is the highest meaning a phsycopath, where im borderline
Please get your facts straight before unleashing their falsehoods on the rest of us. Bipolar1 does not mean psychopath. Psychopathy is even a clinical term--its closest relative is Antisocial Personality disorder, meaning that people with it "Essentially violate social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret in order to take what they want and do as they please." Source.

VirusType2 said:
My condition has been assesed by proffesional physcatrists. (VictimofScience disbelived the scencerity of my claim) I only just learned that I could recieve Disability benefits, which is why I am not already recieving them
First off, what in the world is a physcatrist? Is there a radical new medical discipline that I haven't read about in any reputable journals? And if you have Bipolar2 and want to receive the "benefits," your ability to do the following must be severely hampered:
--walking, standing, sitting, lifting, pushing, pulling, reaching, carrying or handling
--seeing, hearing and speaking
--understanding/carrying out and remembering simple instructions
use of judgment
--responding appropriately to supervision, co-workers and usual work situations
--dealing with changes in a routine work setting
You are telling me (and the rest of us) that with Bipolar2 (thats 2 mind you) you cannot handle these rudimentary tasks? While I think that some of your posts here might exhibit some of the symptoms of your disorder, for the most part, you are more than able to accomplish these menial tasks and meet the criteria for Step 2 of your Social Security Disability benefit endeavor. For those of you who didn't read it, here's step 2: "STEP TWO implies that the bipolar disorder disability must be severe enough to significantly limit one’s ability to perform basic work activities needed to do most jobs." I think the SSA might be very interested in your ability to accomplish all of these on a videogame message board all the while complaining that your disorder severely impairs you from doing any real work for society.
VictimOfScience said:
The only titles that might be any good are Kameo, PD0, and PGR3 (not COD2 because I also don't care for FPSs on consoles)..
That's a bit... well daft surely. O_o
Victim of Science:

Who the **** do you think you are?
You've never heard of a phsycatrist yet you think you can be one?
You don't have the first ****ing clue.
Unbeliveable! So because I can spell and type then I'm completely normal? You are an idiot. Yes im sure people that are phsycopathic killers could not by any means hold a conversation.

How dare you insult me, do you go to a retarted kid and insult them saying,"you should be able to handle such a RUDIMENTARY task as not pissing yourself"

You completely missed the point of my post then. Cool yer jets, and come back later. :)

EDIT: And seriously, calm down. Your getting riled by a discussion over a computer console.
All in favour of giving VirusType2 sedative, stand up!
Victim of Science:
Taken word for word from Websters ninth New Collegiate Dictionary

Psychiatry: a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
Psyco: a victim of severe mental or emotional disorder
Psycopath: a mentally ill or unstable person; esp: a person having a psychopathic personality
Pscyhopathic personality: an emotionally and behaviorally disordered state characterized by clear perception of reality except for the individual's social and moral obligations and often by the pursuit of immediate personal gratification in criminal acts, drug addiction, or sexual perversion

Funny, I see nothing in the dictionary that says any of these people cannot hold a conversation on a video game forum.

You have never heard of a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is the guy that graduated from yale or whatever and gets paid 100's of dollars an hour to detect personality disorders.
Its the guy my father paid 1000's of dollars to find out wtf is wrong with me and he said , "you have bi-polar disorder 2 and ADD"
Wow, you have bipolar AND ADD?
I'm assuming you get medications?
That's usually standard fare for people with bipolar?
I used to be on medication for a short while, not for bipolar but I've had my share of problems.:)
Luckily, over here in Sweden, you don't have to pay for psychiatry, unless it's some special form, such as cognitive, yay for government paying our expenses!:D
Sure... psychopaths, psychologists, and psychiatrists can post here all they want... although the first group might have trouble following some of the rules, depending on their conditions.
VirusType2 said:
Taken word for word from Websters ninth New Collegiate Dictionary

Psychiatry: a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
Psyco: a victim of severe mental or emotional disorder
Psycopath: a mentally ill or unstable person; esp: a person having a psychopathic personality
Pscyhopathic personality personality an emotionally and behaviorally disordered state characterized by clear perception of reality except for the individual's social and moral obligations and often by the pursuit of immediate personal gratification in criminal acts, drug addiction, or sexual perversion

Funny, I see nothing in the dictionary that says any of these people cannot hold a conversation on a video game forum.

You have never heard of a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is the guy that graduated from yale or whatever and gets paid 100's of dollars an hour to detect personality disorders.
Its the guy my father paid 1000's of dollars to find out wtf is wrong with me and he said , "you have bi-polar disorder 2 and ADD"
I still have no idea what your jibbering on about, and it seems your taking things far too personally to comprehend my original intentions. :dozey:
Cormeh said:
I still have no idea what your jibbering on about, and it seems your taking things far too personally to comprehend my original intentions. :dozey:
Are you even serious?
Im not even talking to you Cormeh!

lol :)
if you scroll back one page you would notice i am responding to yet another verbal attack from yet another that would insult, ridicule, and generally just piss me off.

@Victim of Science

VictimofScience said:
First off, I completely discount all of the sports games right off the bat because I think they are the biggest waste of money in temrs of gaming. The idiots who invest in the newest Madden 200X every year are lost

So becuase millions of people think Madden Football or any other Sports game are worthy of buying, that makes them idiots? and even though they are the only video games that are ACTUALLY GAMES in real life, they don't count as video games?

Thats funny.

With all of your vast education do you not see how stupid that sounds? With Sports games being the biggest franchise in video game history, I guess the world is full of idiots!

Sports games are the very key to a successful console, whether you approve or not.

Oh, please tell what your favorite genres of games are, so that we may some day be able to make smarter entertainment choices.


In conclusion:
You are not a doctor, so I'll say again, do not annalyze me, as little as you know about me, you cannot pretend to use that as a basis along with something you read off of the internet to deduct a diagnosis of me.

For many reasons, I do not wish to disclose any more personal information about myself other than my personal opinions about topics in which I post.
VirusType2 said:
Are you even serious?
Im not even talking to you Cormeh!

lol :)

Ach well, let us continue with our lives!
VirusType2 said:
o becuase millions of people think Madden Football or any other Sports game are worthy of buying, they are idiots?
No, I think that buying a new version of a Sports game that is not that different from the previous iteration every year is indeed for suckers (read:idiots).

VirusType2 said:
With Sports games being the biggest franchise in video game history, I guess the world is full of idiots!
Madden is certainly the biggest franchise is gaming history, yes, but that is mainly due to the fact that so many idiots will pick up a new version every year that is not too drastically different or better necessarily than the previous year's version. This only goes to help the argument that you yourself have just admitted to being a part of: That the world is indeed full of idiots.

VirusType2 said:
Victim of Science:You've never heard of a phsycatrist
I've heard of psychiatrists, but no, I still haven't heard of a phsycatrist. :laugh:

VirusType2 said:
So because I can spell and type then I'm completely normal?
You can't. Look at your previous posts and, oh, this one!

VirusType2 said:
You are an idiot.
Is that your professional opinion?

VirusType2 said:
How dare you insult me, do you go to a retarted kid and insult them saying,"you should be able to handle such a RUDIMENTARY task as not pissing yourself"
Well, I find it offensive and insulting that you automatically associated "retarded kids" with "pissing themselves." Not all people who suffer from mental retardation have detrusor hyper-reflexia (sometimes known as an overactive bladder-OAB). Many have detrusor areflexia (Damage to the efferent parasympathetic fibers to the bladder cause a reduction in detrusor activity with incomplete bladder emptying).

And where exactly did I insult you? I haven't called you a "douche-bag" or an "idiot" or told you that you "don't have the first ****ing clue or asked you "Who the **** do you think you are?"

VirusType2 said:
A psychiatrist is the guy that graduated from yale or whatever and gets paid 100's of dollars an hour to detect personality disorders.
There are actually many better schools that offer degrees in Psychology/Psychiatry than Yale. Just because it is a member of the Ivy League doesn't mean that it should automatically be any more respected than somewhere else. George W. Bush went to Yale, for instance--would you let him treat you?? I sincerely hope not!

VirusType2 said:
Its the guy my father paid 1000's of dollars to find out wtf is wrong with me and he said , "you have bi-polar disorder 2 and ADD"
Why in the world is your father paying so much money for your services? Do his benefits not extend to his immediate family? Yes, I am assuming that if he has these 1000s of dollars to pay for this treatment that he has decent job with decent health coverage. You shouldn't need more than a small co-pay, depending on your dad's plan.

This whole discussion seems to have you very riled-up. I am sorry for that, but I'm disturbed that you don't really seem to understand your diagnosis and that it appears that you're viewing it as a meal ticket. I'm also concerned that you aren't using the proper terminology for disorders, symptoms or doctors.

I think that before you look into SSD, you should probably further educate yourself on your condition and work with your psychiatrist to find medications that work for you. Maybe you should spend less time on these forums and head over to www.nami.org (The National Alliance for Mental Illness) to try to help yourself. Good luck.

So, about that xbox 360 and the dreamcast being similar...
VictimofScience said:
And where exactly did I insult you?
You couldn't possibly have been more condescending in some of the things you said.

Here are some of the things that made me go from :angel: to :P to :angry: to :flame: to :devil:

VictimofScience said:
I suspect it involved some sort of spelunking in the region in or around your anus.

VictimofScience said:
Try demonstrating a little patience and maturity

VictimofScience said:
no one in their right mind would hire you to mop their floors

VictimofScience said:
you are looking to fleece the government for some free money

VictimofScience said:
By the way, I have a hard time believing anything you have said about your condition

VictimofScience said:
I think if you can get your priorities straight

VictimofScience said:
I would say quite definitively that you are indeed insane.

VictimofScience said:
wouldn't let me be so ignorant

VictimofScience said:
you need to take money from the SSA to help you eek out an existence

VictimofScience said:
you cannot handle these rudimentary tasks

VictimofScience said:
George W. Bush went to Yale
I can't tell. ;)

VictimofScience said:
you don't really seem to understand your diagnosis and that it appears that you're viewing it as a meal ticket.

I do not fully understand wtf is wrong with me, so what made you think you did? Especially having such little information about me to go on, and likely no education in the world of psychiatry.

Whats wrong with me viewing it as a meal ticket? Thats what it is.

Meal Ticket: One that serves as the ultimate source of one's income -source: Webster's dictionary

Im looking at it as I might be able to live-- you know, food, shelter. I view it as a last resort, a savior.

Even prisoners get some forms of entertainment, so I don't see what I spend my money on as an issue. Its not like Im buying anything illegal. If playing a video game makes me happy, then GIVE ME A VIDEO GAME FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. :P I spend weeks out of every month in an extreme state of depression.

I have tried for my entire life to co-exsist and contribute to society, but I might be better off alone. I can't be around people. I have an assault & battery charge that I am headed to court for in a few days, for example.

I do not want to live with my father when im an old man, in fact he might not be here when I'm an old man. Yet as hard as I try, I have failed at any interaction with society, short of typing messages on an internet, interacting with people. It seems I have failed at this as well.

However, although I have atempted suicide on occasion, it's instinct and people that cared enough to intervene that makes me delay this indefinately. I have not abandoned suicide as an option though. In fact there is rarely a day that I do not act it out in my mind how I will do it.

Just because you seem to have spent a few minutes reading about these problems does not tell you the whole story, qualify you to diagnose me, or make them go away. If you were to experience my conditions yourself, you would quickly realize their severity.

VictimofScience said:
I'm also concerned that you aren't using the proper terminology for disorders, symptoms or doctors.

I am not a doctor, so I do not know all the terminology, but you are right, it wouldn't hurt to know a little more.

I haven't spent much time with doctors becuase the very problems I have with interaction with people inhibit my ability to do so. The last doctor I was seeing, i nearly assaulted him in his in his office. Needless to say I don't go there anymore.

For many reasons, I do not wish to disclose any more personal information about myself other than my personal opinions about topics in which I post.

VictimofScience said:
Maybe you should spend less time on these forums and head over to www.nami.org (The National Alliance for Mental Illness) to try to help yourself. Good luck.
Maybe I can find solace there.

Cormeh said:
Ach well, let us continue with our lives!
You know Virus, I thought the chronicling of your emotions that you demonstrated with the smilies was pretty clever...a bit long though. :)

VirusType2 said:
Just because you seem to have spent a few minutes reading about these problems does not tell you the whole story, or make them go away. If you were to experience my condition yourself, you would quickly realize it is very serious.
Look, I have spent quite a good deal of time investigating these disorders as someone very close to me has both of yours and a couple of others in addition. Granted, your lows might be lower than this person's, but for the most part, you are both experiencing similar issues and I am sorry for that. No one should feel that way without outside stimuli. Chemical imbalances are very strange indeed.

VirusType2 said:
I am not a doctor, so I do not know all the terminology, but you are right, it wouldn't hurt to know a little more.
Well put.

VirusType2 said:
However, although I have atempted suicide on occasion, it's instinct and people that cared enough to intervene that makes me delay this indefinately. I have not abandoned suicide as an option though. In fact there is rarely a day that I do not act it out in my mind how I will do it.
That's never a good option. Sometimes being by yourself is the best thing ever. A few years ago, seemingly out of the blue, I quit a fine job in a large city to go down to the Caribbean to volunteer at an eco-tourism camp and it was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. Sure, I did have to interact with a small number of people to a small extent, but it was mostly just being assigned a task and doing it in the warm Caribbean sun. (If Seasonal Affective Disorder-SAD-is part of your diagnosis as well, then this would be a wonderful alternative treatment :)). It afforded me a lot of time for private reflection and the peace of mind that such tranquility brings. I am much happier now than I ever have been.

VirusType2 said:
I haven't spent much time with doctors becuase the very problems I have with interaction with people inhibit my ability to do so. The last doctor I was seeing, i nearly assaulted him in his in his office. Needless to say I don't go there anymore.
That must make it pretty difficult to get a recommendation. :P (No offense intended here).

VirusType2 said:
Maybe I can find solace there.
I really hope it helps. If not, try getting a 360 then. It will no doubt be a very good system and a hot item this holiday season as I haven't heard of a "Tickle-Me Elmo" craze for this year yet. Just make sure you post a big, fat objective review of the system and the games after you have sat down with it for a while and initial "wow" factor has subsided. :cheers:
Well.... this has been a nice few million posts, think we could get back to the original topic :cheese:
VirusType2 said:
So becuase millions of people think Madden Football or any other Sports game are worthy of buying, that makes them idiots? and even though they are the only video games that are ACTUALLY GAMES in real life, they don't count as video games?

Thats funny.

With all of your vast education do you not see how stupid that sounds? With Sports games being the biggest franchise in video game history, I guess the world is full of idiots!

Sports games are the very key to a successful console, whether you approve or not.

Oh, please tell what your favorite genres of games are, so that we may some day be able to make smarter entertainment choices.
He's not saying that people who buy sports games year after year are idiots. It's not their fault they're misguided, and believe every iota of hype attributed to every sports game every year. EA essentially has a monopoly on the sports-games market, and a huge majority of console owners buy sports games because they're closed-minded, afraid of change, or simply don't care for games that don't cater specifically to their interests, i.e. sports and beer.

Sports games are a cancer in the videogame industry, and are the main reason why original IP's are often dumped in favor of pure profit mongering, which essentially equates to sports games. If more people tried looking beyond EA's marketing campaign and the games that their friends play, they'd find a slew of games that are different, more interesting, and most importantly, more fun than playing the same scenario a thousand times over every day in Madden.

Just becuase there's a huge market for cars, doesn't necessarily make cars the wisest choice of local transportation.
Stigmata said:
Sports games are a cancer in the videogame industry, and are the main reason why original IP's are often dumped in favor of pure profit mongering, which essentially equates to sports games. If more people tried looking beyond EA's marketing campaign and the games that their friends play, they'd find a slew of games that are different, more interesting, and most importantly, more fun than playing the same scenario a thousand times over every day in Madden.
I disagree. You can't blame people for liking sports (it's part of their culture)... in the same way that you can't blame people for liking RTS or FPS games. Also, the statement in bold is just plain false. Sports games being common is, if anything, only a minor influence on profit mongering and lack of diversity. They are the result... not the cause. The biggest reason is, by far, the exponentially rising cost of making a video game combined with the fact that hit games aren't selling many more copies than they used to back in the Atari days (rental services like Blockbuster and GameFly probably have a lot to do with this) even though the total market size is larger. If you have rising expenses and static sales, over time, your profits per game are shrinking. It has gotten to a point that producers like EA need to fill the vast majority of their lineup with guaranteed successes. Those tend to be sequels of big sellers and annual updates of sports games. In the current market there's just no way around it...
Despite all, i understand one point he made about every year they release a next version and sometimes that only includes an updated roster and upgrades that might not even be noticeable to someone who plays the game alot.

hell, alot of the time the next season just fixes balances is somewhat of a patch. This is not always the case though, sometimes the next season is entirely re-worked and they deserve to get paid for their hard work.

An idea that i have just sell Madden Football
sell updated content and rosters every year over xbox live for like say $10 or even $30. thats better than paying 50-60$ every year at least.
Dear VictimofScience,
I think that you'r actions tword Virustype2 were very reprehensible. Part of your problem VictimofScience is that you have to much time on you'r hand just to think and be feebleminded. If someone says that they have ADD then they probably do. I meen how many people want to just say they have ADD, As far as not being able to carry out a coversation on the internet that is mendacious. There is nothing in records that will ever say anthing about talking on these fourms and not being able to talk like you have some pedagogy. Now as far as the Bipolar. Im not to sure about the Bipolar disorderliness. So to ameliorate you'r mind on these Disorders I have some facts for you to read
What is ADHD, or ADD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD, ADHD, or ADD) is characterized by two or more of the following:

* poor attention
* impulsivity
* hyperactivity.

"ADD" is sometimes used as a generic term for these impairments, but "ADHD" more accurately communicates that the attention deficit disorder may take different forms: either inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive. Although children are more often the ones diagnosed with ADHD, we now know that these impairments persist into adulthood for many individuals. See also:

* Causes of ADHD or ADD
* ADHD or ADD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): Treatments and Coping Strategies
* Medications for Treating ADHD - Benefits & Risks

What are the signs and symptoms of ADHD?

ADHD involves symptoms in two main areas: poor attention span and hyperactivity/impulsivity. While everyone may exhibit some of these signs and symptoms from time to time, a person with ADHD is likely to have more of these symptoms consistently since early childhood. Symptoms generally:

* are present in at least two settings (such as school and home), and
* cause significant impairment in daily functioning

Symptoms of inattention

* ignores details; makes careless mistakes
* difficulty sustaining attention or listening when directly addressed
* difficulty following instructions or finishing tasks
* appears forgetful, disorganized, distracted

Symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity

* fidgety, squirmy
* difficulty staying in seat
* in constant motion, often running or climbing inappropriately
* physical restlessness; difficulty with quiet, sedentary activities
* excessive talking; blurts out answers before questions are completed
* difficulty waiting their turn; interrupts or intrudes on others

The diagnosis of ADHD is based on a symptom list developed for children and adolescents. As a child with ADD matures into a teenager and then an adult, he or she often gains self-control over hyperactivity symptoms (although such self-control develops later than for other people). The lack of hyperactivity in an adult with ADD may be the reason that more adults do not recognize that they have or still have ADD. While the hyperactivity may diminish over time, inattentiveness usually remains consistent.
How does ADD or ADHD look and feel to the person with this condition?

There are several experiences common to persons with ADHD. One book, Scattered, by Gabor Maté, describes these characteristics—he uses the heading ADD—beginning with the three main hallmarks:

Poor attention skills

* an automatic, unwilled "tuning out," a frustrating non-presence of mind (causes distractibility, short attention spans, and chaos)
* lack of a mental model of how order comes about (may be able to visualize a tidy and organized room, but missing the mind-set to create it)
* frequent fine motor control coordination difficulties (though some may have well developed mechanical skills)
* inability to form three-dimensional mental representations or spatial relationships
* inability to track a conversation or verbal directions
* inconsistent distractibility (may be able to attend to activities of high interest and motivation)
* hyper-focusing (compulsive, hyper-concentrated attention that excludes awareness of the environment)

Impulsiveness in word and deed

* poorly-controlled emotional reactivity
* difficulty restraining from interrupting others
* torturous to wait for a turn
* often act or speak impulsively, with no forethought


* trouble keeping physically still (toes or fingers tapping, thighs pumping, nails being chewed, teeth biting the inside of the mouth)
* excessive talking
* the mind as a perpetual motion machine
* intense aversion to boredom, and a need for constant activity, distraction, or attention
* unremitting lack of internal stillness
* inertia or procrastination for long periods, with restlessness, and bursts of adrenaline and activity when the threat of failure or the promise of reward is imminent
* hyperactivity may occasionally be absent altogether, especially in girls

Overachievement and social disability

* high achievers despite ADD (with wide variations)
* workaholism and professional success (which can mask serious problems in other areas)
* difficulty recognizing interpersonal boundaries
* an almost insatiable desire for physical and emotional contact from adults
* naive and unrequited openness in approaches to other children (often leading to rebuffs)
* impaired ability to read social cues, often leading to ostracism by peers

What are characteristics of adult ADD?

An adult with ADHD has a different complex of symptoms than a child does. Often the most prominent characteristic in adults with ADHD is difficulty with executive functioning, which is the brain activity that oversees the ability to monitor one's own behavior, to plan, and to organize. As a person matures, the childhood symptoms of ADHD may evolve:

Hyperactivity may evolve into

* uncontrolled arousal
* feeling overwhelmed
* talking excessively.

Inattentiveness may evolve into

* unwilled tuning-out
* the inability to focus on mundane tasks.

Impulsiveness may evolve into

* irritability
* quick anger
* inadequate censorship of rude or insulting thoughts
* poor timing in interactions.

Gabor Maté, and Hallowell and Ratey (authors of Driven to Distraction) also include these characteristics of Adult ADD:

* may be perceived as aloof and arrogant or tiresomely talkative and boorish
* compulsive joking, often about personal life history and feelings
* pressured rapid-fire speech, seemingly random and aimless hopping from one topic to the next
* procrastination - difficulty starting tasks
* incompletions - tasks or book reading begun but not finished before new projects or new books are started, leaving a never-ending to-do list
* insecurity and self-esteem issues because of unmet high personal expectations
* often high achiever, even overachiever, but with poor self-image because of beliefs that more could be accomplished if not for disorganization

What other conditions may accompany ADHD?

A number of other psychiatric conditions may accompany ADHD (such accompaniment is called "comorbidity"). These conditions can mask or magnify ADHD, which must be treated on its own.

Some possible accompanying disorders are:

* learning disabilities
* Tourette's syndrome
* oppositional defiant disorder
* conduct disorder
* bipolar disorder
* anxiety
* depression

A professional diagnosis is the only way to distinguish true ADHD or ADD from other conditions that may cause symptoms that mimic ADHD, such as:

* hearing and vision problems
* reaction to a psychologically traumatic or abusive event
* traumatic brain injury
* seizures
* inner ear infections
* asthma
* allergies
* diabetes
* Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or fetal alcohol exposure
* alcohol or drug abuse
* overuse of caffeine

What are the types (or subtypes) of ADHD?

The medical establishment currently recognizes three subtypes of ADHD:

* primarily inattentive
* primarily hyperactive/impulsive
* the combined subtype.

Over time, the delineation of types of ADHD has evolved, and we can expect to see a different set of subtypes emerge as more research results come in from studies on females and adults. One clinician, Daniel Amen, believes that there are seven distinct subtypes of ADHD, based on his brain scan studies.

The different manifestations of ADHD may cloud diagnosis. Males are diagnosed with ADHD far more often than are females. However, females with ADD may be less visible because they usually have ADHD without hyperactivity. Thus, it really is not known if more males than females have ADHD; the statistic may represent an under-diagnosis of females. The statistics may also reflect misdiagnosis of other conditions, such as relational trauma.
What are the effects of ADHD?

ADHD has serious implications for individuals, families, and society:

* Undiagnosed ADHD can lead to poor self-esteem. A life full of criticism from others for being "lazy," "stupid," or "lacking in motivation to change" can cause the ADHD person to feel like a failure with no possibility of reprieve.
* Students with untreated ADHD are more likely to do poorly in school, get into fights or other trouble, use alcohol or drugs (often as self-medication), get suspended and/or drop out of school, and end up in jail.
* Couples with an ADHD child more often divorce or separate.
* Teens with ADHD get into more auto accidents and receive more traffic citations than those without ADHD.
* Adults with ADD have greater difficulty getting along with fellow workers, following directions from a supervisor, and holding a job, as well as sustaining long-term intimate relationships
And here are some facts about Bipolar

Bipolar Info....

What is bipolar



Famous Bipolars

Bipolar Books

Early-Onset Bipolar

Bipolar teenagers

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorders

Common symptoms of mania include:

* Increased energy, activity, restlessness, racing thoughts and rapid speech.
* Excessive euphoria
* Extreme irritability and distractibility
* Decreased sleep requirement
* Uncharacteristically poor judgment
* Increased sexual drive
* Denial that anything is wrong
* Overspending
* Risky-behaviors

In contrast of the manias, the times of depression can bring great, lasting despair and thoughts of suicide. These depressions can make their victims lose all hope in life, and claim lives through suicide. The depression causes the person to lose interest in things that were once enjoyable, and even makes it impossible to get out of bed some days. Compared to the outgoing personality that is usually seen from the person with bipolar disorder, the times of depression make the individual withdraw. While they are in a depressive state, most bipolars wish they could get back to "normal" which they identify with their more productive manic self.

Common symptoms of depression include:

* Persistent sad, anxious or empty mood
* Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
* Loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities, including sex
* Decreased energy, feelings of fatigue
* Difficulty in concentrating, remembering or making decisions
* Change in appetite or weight
* Thoughts of death or suicide

For some bipolars, mixed states can also occur. In these, the person may have the restlessness of mania, with the blackness of depression. These mixed states can also bring intense anger and rage. Some call these mixed states "black manias" because of the angry, dreary, psychotic, unrestful episode that occurs.

From the beginning of a mania or hypomania to the end of a depressive period is one cycle for a bipolar. Some people have a cycle that lasts several years. In some, it lasts less than a year. In more extreme cycles, now termed "rapid cycles" the person has four full cycles in one year. There are now classed of "ultra rapid cyclers" whose full cycle length is one day or less and "ultra rapid cyclers" go through their full cycle several times a day. Rapid cycling can be present in all types of bipolar disorder. It can sometimes make treatment for the patients very difficult.

There are several classifications that have been added recently to the diagnosis of bipolar disorders, however, they are not widely accepted. The most commonly talked about forms of bipolar are Bipolar I and Bipolar II. Bipolar I, is as described above, with very intense manias and mixed states. Bipolar II less often has the high manias. Instead, people with bipolar II have only hypomanias. Both have terrible depressive stages. Bipolar II's are more likely to be first treated for depression, where as, bipolar I's will be more likely to get treatment because of their psychosis in manias. Another related illness that is worth mentioning is cyclothymic disorder. In this disorder the patient has highs and lows that cycle just as in bipolar I and II, but they are somewhat muted counterparts of mania and depression. With cyclotymia, the lows are not actual depressions, and the highs don't reach hypomania. However, if a cyclothymic patient, within the first two years of their illness, undergoes any manic or mixed states, a diagnosis of bipolar I is given. If the patient undergoes any major depressive episodes as a cyclothymic, there is a diagnosis of bipolar II.

Manic-depression is most likely to begin to surface when a person is in their late teens or early 20's, although it can come out later. Other mood disorders, such as unipolar depression, usually occur when a person is in there thirties, almost a decade later than bipolar emerges. Diagnosis is another problem because not everyone looks for help or treatment when they need it. Some people go through almost their whole lives not knowing. A recent study stated that most bipolars go through 8 years and three doctors before they are diagnosed. The diagnosing of bipolar disorder can be very hard to pin down, however, it is very important to see a professional therapist and psychiatrist if there is any concern that you or a family member has a bipolar disorder.

Though bipolar mood swings can be devastating, there are some ways to cope with it. Many have found that with the right mood stabilizing and anti-depressant drugs to relieve symptoms in conjunction with psychotherapy or counseling, they have been able triumph over their illness. However, there are many people in the world that have no idea that they are afflicted with bipolar disorder. Hopefully through education and support, we can make this disorder easier to recognize and treat, and save lives.

For further information on the latest up-to-date information about recognizing the symptoms of bipolar disorder and getting a proper diagnosis.
Xbox_360freak said:
Well.... this has been a nice few million posts, think we could get back to the original topic :cheese:
thought you wanted to get back to the original topic :P
aight he knows he was just being a dick becuase hes mad cuz i can have a boner for 6 hours

thanks for the info i read it all - made me all teary-eye'd :sniff:
OCybrManO said:
Waste... of... space...
Now, be a good boy and go back to Newbie Central for a while. Perhaps you might even consider introducing yourself before you go off on any more tirades.
My sentiments exactly. 360Freak--don't come onto a board and with your first two posts start being an aggressive flamer. And don't complain about being off topic and then unload a bloated tirade of fancy synonyms/material you copied from some site to which you don't even bother link. Get your sig right too while you're at it. And please don't be another user in disguise...
good laugh and i hope that it does good. that playstation fails and that nintendo rules the earth

that will never happen
That was pretty interesting read there, i think that the 360 will be a big success on the opening days of its existance

Are you still going to be getting a 360 soon... what with the whole having-your-computer-taken-away-for-getting-bad-grades thing? I sure hope so... so I can play it... I mean so we can play it... yeah.
well considering that i have brought up 3 out of 4 "F's" i think that i am going to get one ;), and then we can both play it :D

Kamikazie said:
well considering that i have brought up 3 out of 4 "F's" i think that i am going to get one ;)
Good... but don't screw it up now... I'm... err... we're so close! :p
dont make me come up there...i can be just as lazy as i was at the beginning of the year... :rolleyes:
