23 reasons the Xbox 360 is the second coming of the Dreamcast

VirusType2 said:
and I'm interested in the Nintendo Revolution. i think that might be a nice diversion. And if i see some amazing things, i would buy one. But its not out for a couple years!
A couple of years? Where did you get that idea? The latest rumors suggest June or July of 2006... and, even if that isn't met, I'd say no later than the 2006 holiday season (one year). We'll undoubtedly receive more info at the next E3... but I'd say there will probably be more info even sooner, maybe if Nintendo does another one of their old Space World Expos or has some other event.

VirusType2 said:
and call me old school but i don't see any way to improve the current controllers when i want to play a driving game or something. i can't imagine how you are going to be swinging your arms around and crap trying to play a driving game. Its not really my thing. I want precise control. but we will see what they do.
You haven't seen the mockups of steering wheel attachments for the Revolution controller, have you? Here's one. Here's a site with 25 images of attachment ideas (beyond that, it's old controller concepts). You can't see how that would be good for racing? Oh well...

VirusType2 said:
Don't laugh when i say it will change your life
Oh, believe me, I am.
Driving games are just one genre, VirusType2 - and there will never be a better way to play them than with a decent wheel/pedals. It's also a very 'done' genre - improved graphics/physics/gametypes being all that is left to improve.

I certainly won't be buying a Revolution to play driving games, and fail to see how you can't be immediately struck by all the things the Revolution controller can do that current pads, or mice, can't. We'll be able to control objects in 3d - for the first time :)

Think about it - you could stab someone with a sword and then twist it. Pick up a ball and move it closer to your face for a better look, before throwing to to a mate. You could control an aeroplane with more precision than a joystick could hope for, weaving between buildings and barrel rolling like a stunt pilot. We'll be able to play a fps on aconsole with fast and fluid aiming! - something that we can't do right now, which even the most die hard joypad fan (which is probably me) can't deny.

As much as i'm excited about the 360, which is a great deal, it comes no where the the semi inducing excitement I get when thinking about the possibilities of the Revolution controller (just Wario Ware alone will be amazing :))
OCybrManO said:
A couple of years? Where did you get that idea? The latest rumors suggest June or July of 2006... and, even if that isn't met, I'd say no later than the 2006 holiday season (one year). We'll undoubtedly receive more info at the next E3... but I'd say there will probably be more info even sooner, maybe if Nintendo does another one of their old Space World Expos or has some other event.

You haven't seen the mockups of steering wheel attachments for the Revolution controller, have you? Here's one. Here's a site with 25 images of attachment ideas (beyond that, it's old controller concepts). You can't see how that would be good for racing? Oh well...

Oh, believe me, I am.

You want to insult me? What did i say that you find so funny? The release date of the nintendo revolution? Seems pretty clear to me that you are trolling.

Did you miss the entire point of what i said? I was saying that there is more to the new systems than graphics. and also that graphics is a pretty general term that consists of the resolution, texture quality, game engine, physics, cut-scenes, menus, model quality, shadows, effects, and more. and that better graphics do not in themselves make a game better. But the improved graphics immerse me in the game more. and DO make the game more fun.

I never even said that the revolution couldn't be cool. I said it before, im pretty excited to see what they will do with it, particularly the sword-play games.

Regardless of your claim that it is coming next summer, i still see no proof that it is coming next summer or holiday season. You never really know untill they set a release date. So your guess is no better than mine

No, i wasn't aware of their idea with the attachments.

that link for the steering wheel = access denied

if a steering wheel doesn't come with the system then i wouldn't buy it. you buy a steering wheel and they work for like 2 games and then when u get bored of the games its just useless.

But with the attachment of a control pad that would be one way you could drive
VirusType2 said:
You want to insult me? What did i say that you find so funny? The release date of the nintendo revolution? Seems pretty clear to me that you are trolling.
I must be trolling because I laugh at the thought of a GTA MMORPG changing my life? That's new to me...

VirusType2 said:
that link for the steering wheel = access denied
Are you telling me that both links are broken? If not, check the other page... it has a couple of steering wheel mockups that are pretty much the same as the one I tried to link directly. That's why I gave two links... so if one fails there's a backup.

VirusType2 said:
if a steering wheel doesn't come with the system then i wouldn't buy it. you buy a steering wheel and they work for like 2 games and then when u get bored of the games its just useless.

But with the attachment of a control pad that would be one way you could drive
The reason controllers and peripherals are usually like $20-30 is that they have relatively expensive sensors and other electronics in them. With the Revolution controller, you already have the expensive sensors and electronics in the base controller. Without the complex stuff you could sell a steering wheel addon for it at like $5 and still make a profit. They might even be cheap enough to be optionally packaged with the games they are associated with. Who knows?

If the Revolution comes with the old-school controller shell, as many people speculate, you would have access to all of the buttons/inputs of a regular controller while still being able to tilt the controller like a steering wheel to steer. It could do everything a PS3 or Xbox 360 controller could do... and much more.

Hell, even if you don't want to spend a whopping $5 and it doesn't come with the shell... guess what? You could just turn the controller sideways, hold it like an NES pad, and steer that way. Voila! More realistic steering for $0. Amazing, eh? If you wanted to play a realistic flight sim you could just hold the controller like a joystick.
Anyway, a bit off topic, but hopefully the 360 will have gameplay and groundbreaking graphics, in that order
Thats to the Developers...

Ok, for example take Need for Speed Underground. This game is perfect. The only thing they can do is add more content, more environments to drive on, more cars, etc. with the curent game systems. they have used all the power these machines have.
Yes and I am stilling wondering how Project Gotham 3 will be any funner than Need for Speed Underground. I seen an in-game video of PG3, it looked like something I might pay around $20, but not $70.

hell, the system isn't even out yet and i know all of this. I don't even know the extent of what you can do with it yet.
Im talking Innovative on a DEVELOPERS standpoint.
"trying to push Developers innovate."

But imagine Half-Life2 with a Doom 1 or Wolfenstein engine, and then tell me the graphics ( including the resolution, textures, game engine, physics, sprites, blood, weapons, complex city-scape, underwater parts, etc) don't make the game better? Its a great joy when i blast a badguy backwards down the stairs and he flips back spraying blood all over the wall, in quite a realistic manner. I feel more like im in the game. And without the fancy graphics whatever would be of the fantastic storyline. You would have to read text at the bottom and read the story.
Stop with all this 8bit and pacman crap. Im talking current day games with omfg extremely better graphics wont mean shit. Give HL2 $110 million more dollors to create it, and real life graphics and all in all it will not be anymore fun. It will play exactly the same. Give Halo 1 omfg pwnzers ass graphics and it will not be funner. After the first month you will not care about the graphics anymore because all games will feature those high end graphics and you will just toss the games with horrid gameplay onto the floor.

But its not out for a couple years!
? Summer 2006? How the **** is that a couple of years? Thats not even 12 MONTHS. **** It's out before the Ps3 which comes out Christmas 2006. If you had watched the Nintendo Rev. Trailer you would know, it comes out 2006. Because im pretty sure you havn't which really screws over your judgement because I myself wasn't fully convinced nor were my cousins till they actually seen that video.

Did you miss the entire point of what i said? I was saying that there is more to the new systems than graphics. and also that graphics is a pretty general term that consists of the resolution, texture quality, model quality, shadows, and effects and that better graphics do not in themselves make a game better. But the improved graphics immerse me in the game more. and DO make the game more fun.
Physics != Graphics. There completely different. Just because you have better graphics does not mean you will have physics.
Yeah they will immerse you for the first month or so, but once every game has those graphics they wont seem special. They will seem of average quality, the lowest expectation of graphics. When you have 3 of your buddies over, having a good time it wont mean shit.
You could have a game where it's gameplay just ****ing sucks and it basically has horrid controls and everything with graphics that are basically "Real Life" and it will not be fun. You may play it here and there to wow at the graphics but really all you need to do is take your head from the computer screen and look at the wall for the same graphics.
Don't bother arguing with Minerel any more. He's an anti-visual zealot who views graphics as nothing more than hooks. The PS3 and 360 offer nothing but fancy visuals, and the revolution will open the doors to a gaming paradise for some reason. Your words are lost upon him.
and the revolution will open the doors to a gaming paradise for some reason. Your words are lost upon him.
The Revolution will give developers something to innovate with.

He's an anti-visual zealot who views graphics as nothing more than hooks. The PS3 and 360 offer nothing but fancy visuals,
Graphics are something, but they wont make a game better or worse. Maybe at first but after that......
You this absurd notion that innovation is exclusive to Nintendo property. That's bollocks if I ever heard some.
I think the reasons that it won't be are much more important here than the reasons it will be. Developer support is such a huge factor and there are lots of serious developers backing the 360, so a fate like the Dreamcast is highly unlikely, especially when MS has seemingly endless amounts of money to further their cause: Windows running every household on the planet.

I don't see the 360 launch being anything too special though. AFAIK, there's only one game that has officially gone gold so far which is not a good sign. I just don't see there being more than maybe two execeptional games for Christmas which doesn't bode well. Kiddies who have reserved bundles with like 6 great games will only be getting 2 or 3 of them before 2006 if they are lucky. Plus, not liking Sports games, the lineup really looks quite dismal to me.

We'll see what happens, but I don't expect a lot of fanfare and trash-talking this time. MS knows that the console wars won't actually begin until the PS3 and, to a lesser extent, the Revolution hit the streets.

And if I see one news story about how the 360 is selling out everywhere that doesn't mention the deliberate lowered shipping/production that is so rampant these days I am going to puke. Ugh, its going to be a long launch. :x
Please, don't mention a GTA MMORPG; it'll give me NIGHTMARES, ugh.
Yes i did watch the Revolution Video. thats right it did say 2006 didn't it? Nintendo always releases its systems in time for Christmas here in the US, don't they? I could see that happening. Im betting the Revolution comes out before PS3. at least nintendo has some info about their system on their website.

About the Xbox:
They created a brand new system, started production, and they have to ship 20 of these units to every game store and toy store in the US, Europe, and who knows where else. I am not in disbelief when they say that there are shortages.

Swinging a controller to the left and right to steer a car is not too far from pushing a control stick to the left and right. The difference is; I expect an analog stick to have more precision, and error free. I have tried steering wheels before and they are crap. The steering wheel that guy in the old GT4 demo was using looked pretty good. You won't be able to buy a piece of crap for $5, more or less a quality steering wheel. I don't care if it does use the standard controller for its core
Minerel said:
Yes and I am stilling wondering how Project Gotham 3 will be any funner than Need for Speed Underground. I seen an in-game video of PG3, it looked like something I might pay around $20, but not $70.

PGR3 is a different type of racing game than NFS. PGR3 is a racing simulation. NFS uses unrealistic physics, unrealistic car handling, driving up curbs, stuff like that

PGR3 is about 20 times better than GT4. You are uninformed. It's too bad your going to miss out on all the good times playing.

Heck its not too late for you, you can go and buy a 360 five years from now while im playing my 720 or whatever, and see what you were missing. Then you will be defending the x360 saying,"its not all about the graphics!" :laugh:

It will be interesting to see how precise nintendo's controller is, and how they use it in games. Now that i think about it, it might be a blast driving a car with it. !!
But if it is, you can bet that Microsoft and definately Sony will introduce controllers like this, especially since Sony already has been doing alot of research and has the eye toy.

Microsoft is the king of stealing ideas after all. Windows? They got that idea from Apple. Instant Messenger IM? they got that from America Online.

Anyway, all companies feed off of each other, taking ideas. But I know what you are saying. Its like they just keep making bigger bombs, instead of improving the bomb itself.
Absinthe said:
You this absurd notion that innovation is exclusive to Nintendo property. That's bollocks if I ever heard some.

I agree, to an extent. You must admit that they have been pulling out the stops recently. The DS is the only thing in gaming to have 'wowed' me recently - for the first time in years i'm playing games that actually feel new. The Revolution is also the only thing on the horizon that gets me really excited.

So yes, innovation isn't exclusive to Nintendo, but they have innovated far more over the years than any other developer I can think of, hence the reputation.

Either way, the Revolution launch is going to be quite an occasion :)
VirusType2 said:
PGR3 is about 20 times better than GT4.
What sort of data collection method(s) did you use to gather the evidence you required to come to such a conclusion? I only ask because I suspect it involved some sort of spelunking in the region in or around your anus.
PGR and GT are very different games - it's a waste of time comparing them.
Warbie said:
I agree, to an extent. You must admit that they have been pulling out the stops recently. The DS is the only thing in gaming to have 'wowed' me recently - for the first time in years i'm playing games that actually feel new. The Revolution is also the only thing on the horizon that gets me really excited.

So yes, innovation isn't exclusive to Nintendo, but they have innovated far more over the years than any other developer I can think of, hence the reputation.

Either way, the Revolution launch is going to be quite an occasion :)

I have to give Nintendo credit there.

Nintendo was the first to do the control pad, rumble controller, analog control stick, dance mat, and a number of other things, and now they have this motion controller.
VictimOfScience said:
What sort of data collection method(s) did you use to gather the evidence you required to come to such a conclusion? I only ask because I suspect it involved some sort of spelunking in the region in or around your anus.

I've played both GT4 and PGR2. lets see PGR2 is about 5 times better than GT4, then i just added your IQ to come up with 20. so PGR3 is 20 times better than GT4.

Actually, your quite intelligent, i think i miscalculated. PGR3 is about 1000 times better than GT4. Do the math. happy?

Ask anyone who has played both.
Warbie said:
I agree, to an extent. You must admit that they have been pulling out the stops recently. The DS is the only thing in gaming to have 'wowed' me recently - for the first time in years i'm playing games that actually feel new. The Revolution is also the only thing on the horizon that gets me really excited.

So yes, innovation isn't exclusive to Nintendo, but they have innovated far more over the years than any other developer I can think of, hence the reputation.

For the most part, I see a lot of Nintendo's forays into innovation to be gimmicky and unsatisfying. The DS prompts a big fat "Meh" from me. I think I've stated in other topics that right now I'm more excited about the evolution of game content, like AI, physics, graphics, voice acting, twists in gameplay ideas, and genre-blending.
Playing with a stylus and waving my arm around like a sword doesn't appeal to my mind.
Absinthe said:
I think I've stated in other topics that right now I'm more excited about the evolution of game content, like AI, physics, graphics, voice acting, twists in gameplay ideas, and genre-blending.
You seem to ignore one point: They're not mutually exclusive.

Absinthe said:
Playing with a stylus and waving my arm around like a sword doesn't appeal to my mind.
Then, end of discussion... though, why you've been on an anti-Revolution crusade as of late is beyond my comprehension.
VictimOfScience said:
What sort of data collection method(s) did you use to gather the evidence you required to come to such a conclusion? I only ask because I suspect it involved some sort of spelunking in the region in or around your anus.

Here is the first review i came across. you could say i pulled it out of my ass so to speak. I like the part where he said, "the very best video game ever made"
Mind you, this is PGR 2. i was actually describing how much better PGR3 is. but there is not a review available yet. I'm only ASSuming.

I'm such a smart-ass.
GT4 is getting reviews as low as 1.8/5 here is his general summary of GT4

After playing this for a very short time I can say that I'm glad I have Xbox. Project Gotham 2 is still king of the drivers.
This GT4 is supposed to be a sim? When are these fools who make millions of dollars going to start giving the gamer what he wants for his money?????
This GT4 is terrible from the ridiculous menu setup to the graphics. Do these people think that sliding off a track and bouncing off walls is fun? These cars didn't even have damage! What kind of sim is that? Ahhhh! This game doesn't even warrant a review. If you have GT3, be satisfied with that and wait for the soon to come price drop on GT4, coming to a store near you!

generally the guys in the review are saying PGR is much better.


Project Gotham Racing 2

Reviewed by: ACangial , 100+ Hours Played

Price Paid: $0

Score 5/5

The very best video game ever. I would say it steps on Halo and Halo2 even though we are comparing apples and oranges. But if apples taste better than oranges, then so be it.

Addictative to the point of potentially causing divorce. To boot, the game's longevity approaches infinity with incredible XBOX live play. People who have been playing hours of Halo 2 on-line still come back to play this game on-line.

Second to none. Steps on all other racing games and all other games period. I own Halo, Halo2, bought and sold Fable and can say that this game's graphics step on all of those games.

Sounds coming from each car are so detailed and different that it is incomprehensible how much time and effort must have went into getting each car to have an indivual unique sound. Also depending on the mode you drive, first person or third person the sound will reflect you being seated in the car versus observing from a third person view, thus the sound mostly coming from the tailpipe/s.
Even the music rocks and if you don't like the music that is playing you can literally change the station.
OCybrManO said:
You seem to ignore one point: They're not mutually exclusive.

Nor did I ever make such a stupid statement. I think it should have been obvious that I'm railing against the retarded notion that gaming is in some sort of state of stagnation when it's not, and the idea that the Revolution is the next big step and saving grace for the industry is... well, nuts.

As for my crusade, you should have noticed that most of it is only brought up in response to people who think like what I described above. Excuse me for having a strong reaction to bullshit.
VirusType2 said:
PGR3 is a different type of racing game than NFS. PGR3 is a racing simulation. NFS uses unrealistic physics, unrealistic car handling, driving up curbs, stuff like that
First off, PGR(2 or 3) isn't a racing simulation. They are both arcade racers. Here's a quote from the IGN review: "PGR 2 is an arcade racer so don't expect realistic physics." And where is the rally mode? Alas, its not to be found in either of these two titles. And what about this dubious business from the IGN PGR3 preview: " One more thing, MS wouldn't say whether this is a day and date launch title yet, and it wouldn't confirm a solid, final framerate, either. The MSP producer we spoke with said the final framerate will get locked in somewhere in between 30 and 60 FPS." That doesn't sound too good to me. Let's see if it manages to impress after the next GT comes out. And even then, its hard to compare a racer with a sim.

VirusType2 said:
I've played both GT4 and PGR2. lets see PGR2 is about 5 times better than GT4
I don't know anyone on these boards who would agree with you here. Hold on, what game were we talking about again? :P

VirusType2 said:
Actually, your quite intelligent, i think i miscalculated. PGR3 is about 1000 times better than GT4. Do the math. happy?
My 955 IQ has moved me far beyond the realm of your human feelings, especially 'happiness.' Thanks for asking though. :laugh:

Oh, and it also wouldn't let me be so ignorant as to try to compare a racing game from this generation with a racing game from last generation, let alone a racing sim with an arcade racer, if that's what you were trying to do somewhere in this unorganized argument. :O
Absinthe said:
I think it should have been obvious that I'm railing against the retarded notion that gaming is in some sort of state of stagnation when it's not, and the idea that the Revolution is the next big step and saving grace for the industry is... well, nuts.

As for my crusade, you should have noticed that most of it is only brought up in response to people who think like what I described above. Excuse me for having a strong reaction to bullshit.
Feel free to continue railing against other people's valid (as much as your own) opinions and insulting their intelligence for having them. You've been vocal against it since the moment you first saw it... even though, at the time, you obviously had no idea what it did... nor did you care. You talk about how awkward it is. You talk about how limiting it is. You talk about how gimmicky it is. You talk about how we're stupid for being excited about the possibilities while you are able to assume it's going to suck just from a picture. Look, by now, we all know you prefer sticking with your Xbox controller rather than something you haven't even tried (because, apparently, if it's not broken it doesn't need to be improved upon... that is, unless it's graphics) and, according to what you said right after it was revealed, you made up your mind that you won't be trying it.
Hahahaha that looks ****ing terrible.

*Scratches out the Revolution as a potential purchase*
Then, you proceeded to get angry (or it would seem that way, it's hard to judge through text) at people for not thinking Xbox live is worth $50. We know you're an Xbox fanboy. You know you're an Xbox fanboy (you said it yourself). Your previous posts (which are available through the Search feature) speak for themselves. Just drop it. It's getting tiresome. You don't have to get antagonistic every single time someone says they aren't interested in the Xbox 360 or that they would rather try the new experiences provided by the Revolution. I'm not trying to make you excited about the Revolution, I don't care about what you do with your money or what you do with your free time. As long as you continue railing against other people's opinions... expect other people to do the same to yours.
OCybrManO said:
Feel free to continue railing against other people's valid (as much as your own) opinions and insulting their intelligence for having them. You've been vocal against it since the moment you first saw it... even though, at the time, you obviously had no idea what it did... nor did you care. You talk about how awkward it is. You talk about how limiting it is. You talk about how gimmicky it is. You talk about how we're stupid for being excited about the possibilities while you are able to assume it's going to suck just from a picture. Look, by now, we all know you prefer sticking with your Xbox controller rather than something you haven't even tried (because, apparently, if it's not broken it doesn't need to be improved upon... that is, unless it's graphics) and, according to what you said right after it was revealed, you made up your mind that you won't be trying it.

In insulted somebody's intelligence? Since when? You know, you can't make these kinds of bullshit statements with nothing to back it up. As for that specific quote, I believe that was a mere knee-jerk reaction mixed with being facetious.

Not caring about improvement in other areas except graphics? Now you're a bold-faced liar, as I recall explicitly detailing areas I find worthy improvement, and to be quite frank, I don't recall ruling out control as one of them.

Then, you proceeded to get angry (or it would seem that way, it's hard to judge through text) at people for not thinking Xbox live is worth $50. We know you're an Xbox fanboy. You know you're an Xbox fanboy (you said it yourself). Your previous posts (which are available through the Search feature) speak for themselves. Just drop it. It's getting tiresome. You don't have to get antagonistic every single time someone says they aren't interested in the Xbox 360 or that they would rather try the new experiences provided by the Revolution. I'm not trying to make you excited about the Revolution, I don't care about what you do with your money or what you do with your free time. As long as you continue railing against other people's opinions... expect other people to do the same to yours.

Nice job. Your links are broken. But nice effort any way. You wish to portray me as a rabid X-Box fanboy, throwing around accusations of jumping to the defense of MS whenever disinterest is shown in their console. If you took a good look at the posts in this forum, you'd know that's by and far not the case. You've taken a few angry examples and attempted to stretch them across the board. That's pathetic.
So am I not allowed to think that the reasoning in some specific posts are ignorant? And am I no longer entitled to voice my myself against them? On an internet discussion forum, no less? Get a grip. You made a terrible case against Live and I called you on your crap. Too bad, so sad.

I have no illusions about the kind of reactions I undoubtedly provoke with my abrasive nature regarding particular ideas. I don't expect kind and gentle treatment in return. You're sick of my ranting? Fair game. I'm sick of your Nintendo worship.

Gaming is not in stagnation. This should have been demonstrated with the transition from the PS1 to PS2 and the N64 to GameCube. These were, by and large, only technological improvements, but they opened the floodgates to some excellent, well-thought, and innovative games. There's no reason to think the new generation will be any different. So if you think of the Revolution as some sort of messiah, then I think you're giving it far too much undue credit and, sorry, you're not thinking with your head straight on.
Absinthe said:
Nice job. Your links are broken. But nice effort any way. You wish to portray me as a rabid X-Box fanboy, throwing around accusations of jumping to the defense of MS whenever disinterest is shown in their console. If you took a good look at the posts in this forum, you'd know that's by and far not the case. You've taken a few angry examples and attempted to stretch them across the board. That's pathetic.
Actually, no, it wasn't "a few angry examples." It was links to search terms... like posts by you containing the words Xbox, Sony, or Nintendo.

Absinthe said:
you're not thinking with your head straight on
... and you just plain aren't thinking. It has tons of possibilities.

Absinthe said:
I'm sick of your Nintendo worship.
I have all three of the current consoles and I'm probably going to buy a PS3 when it comes out (not a 360 because Kamikazie lives behind me and is going to get one). In fact, if a game was multi-platform I buy/rent the Xbox version because it usually looks the best and the control schemes are all the same. I also voted on several occasions that the Xbox controller was the best of the current bunch. I'm just excited about the Revolution because I'm easily bored by current games.

Absinthe said:
You made a terrible case against Live and I called you on your crap.
How was it terrible? You ended up saying that if Nintendo or Sony can make a comparable system for free you'd basically take it all back, right? That's hardly "called you on your crap."

... and, at this point, I'm really just off the whole console topic and in more of a mood to piss people off. So, I'm going to leave. Good day, sir.
So if you think of the Revolution as some sort of messiah, then I think you're giving it far too much undue credit and, sorry, you're not thinking with your head straight on.
NO one thinks that, you just think that we think that. You don't seem to get it. I've only said that Nintendo is the only one TRYING to push DEVELOPERS to INNOVATE.

I'm not saying games wont be fun or I wont be getting an Xbox 360, but all i've ever said is that graphics don't make the game and that Nintendo is only one trying to push developers to innovate.

I'm not saying "OMG nintendo's da best cuz dey made a super controller".

I'm not saying that graphics shouldn't be improved on, or that they don't do anything but what I am saying is that graphics do not make the game. They wont make the game, they add little to the gameplay and it's more of the artistic style that immerses you than the polygon counts(Point to WoW).

I personally don't care that Underground and PGR3 are made for 2 different reasons. People say PGR3 is going to pwn and act like it is going to pwn any other racing game ever made. When from a gameplay Demo I would rather go hop on Underground and play that. I don't care if its suppose to be realistic, I care on how fun it is. If it isn't fun, the graphics really wont change that.
VictimOfScience said:
And where is the rally mode?. Let's see if it manages to impress after the next GT comes out. And even then, its hard to compare a racer with a sim.

Oh, and it also wouldn't let me be so ignorant as to try to compare a racing game from this generation with a racing game from last generation, let alone a racing sim with an arcade racer, if that's what you were trying to do somewhere in this unorganized argument. :O

By the time GT5 comes out we may be looking at PGR4 at the rate things are going.
IN my opinion, the rally mode was pretty cool in GT2 except for when u hit jumps you sort of fly away. I do not remember GT3's rally mode. In GT4 for the rally mode--after seeing screenshots, i couldn't wait to get this game, only to find out they had ruined it. Yea the graphics were better -- i guess? all i remember was brown.
anyway, graphics aren't everything = true.

However, there was no traction. You literally had no control over your car besides accelerating. It was like driving on ice! I mean come on these are world rally cars with special dirt tires!
Teh fun was gone. They might as well have taken it out of the game all together. It sucked, and i had to do it to progress in the game.
And the cool dust effect from previous versions of GT had been replaced by an uncool dust effect.

So If i were you I wouldn't even have mentioned it, becuase its just another point against sony for screwing something up that they actually had right.

If you want the best rally game ever made, i highly recommend Colin McRae rally 2005 for xbox and PC. I still play this game every day. one of my favorite games of all time.

ON TOPIC: my brother says he is hearing from lots of people on other forums that people are preparing to camp out hours early to get in line to buy the xBox360 before stores even open, to make sure they get one. I would say this sounds successful

Ha! In ya Face OCybrManO!!

You laughed and insulted me when i described how the next generation systems (particularly the xbox360) could change your life and the future. Popular Science Magazine practically quoted me, verbatim!

VirusType2 said:
So don't laugh when i say it will change your life. Ok lets just say it will change the face of gaming. I see video games increasing in popularity massively.

OCybrManO said:
Oh, believe me, I am

eat your words! mMMMmmm! yum yum!



Popular Science Awards the Xbox360 its innovation of the year entertainment category award.

"The Best of What's New awards honor innovations that affect the way we live today and change the way we think about the future," says Mark Jannot, editor of Popular Science.

Winning the Home Entertainment category is the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
VirusType2 said:
Ha! In ya Face OCybrManO!!

You laughed and insulted me when i described how the next generation systems (particularly the xbox360) could change your life and the future. Popular Science Magazine practically quoted me, verbatim!



Popular Science Awards the Xbox360 its innovation of the year entertainment category award.
"Winning the Home Entertainment category"

Thats not really saying much when I can't even think of what was made this year that could even compete in that catagory. What else was there that could be considered for that reward? Sounds to me like they put the 360 in there due to a lack of anything else.
The Mullinator said:
"Winning the Home Entertainment category"

Thats not really saying much when I can't even think of what was made this year that could even compete in that catagory. What else was there that could be considered for that reward? Sounds to me like they put the 360 in there due to a lack of anything else.

maybe! but that's not the point! :imu:
check where i quoted Popular Science (in bold)

I like how you conveniently ignore what came right before that "So don't laugh when i say it will change your life" and just assume I was laughing at something else. In case you have forgotten, I'll quote it:
Imagine Grand Theft Auto with 10 times better graphics and gameplay, but as a Massively Multiplayer online game, where the people that you see walking the streets and driving around are 1000's of other players. you might get caught in a drive-by from a rival gang (guild) or get run over by some asshole. you could buy automatic weapons on the black market, you can be a cop or a robber. whatever you can imagine, belive they are working on this game. and its innovative. So don't laugh when i say it will change your life.
After you assumed earlier that I was laughing at you over everything you said... I pointed out specifically what I was laughing at in the very next post. Yet, you seem to have forgotten that. So... here it goes... for the last time... don't miss it:

I was laughing at the thought of a GTA MMORPG changing my life.

... and I still do.

You laughed and insulted me
Will you drop the "you insulted me" crap? At most, I laughed at an idea you presented. This is the second time, so far, that you've assumed it was an insult toward you... and the second time I've had to correct you on that. I may not have been insulting you then... but I'm definitely starting to consider it. If I have to explain that one more time I just might break out some insults. So, let's hope this is the last...
but as a Massively Multiplayer online game, where the people that you see walking the streets and driving around are 1000's of other players. you might get caught in a drive-by from a rival gang (guild) or get run over by some asshole. you could buy automatic weapons on the black market, you can be a cop or a robber. whatever you can imagine, belive they are working on this game. and its innovative. So don't laugh when i say it will change your life.
Minus the better graphics part......whats the problem on current gen consoles? Yes they are working on this game, but the fact is it could have been done on current gen and this new gen.

And if this game changes your life in a drastic way get off the computer, xbox, gamecube, ps2, and soon xbox360, ps3, and revolution and go outside and do something.

I guess with my crappy education its too much work to try and explain things any better.

If you stand back and look at it from a different perspective its rediculous the argument we are having.

Put it this way man. You pissed me off for like 5 minutes the first time i read your post, but then i was like over it, and just would rather fight you in street-fighter or something rather than talk about this stupid shit anymore

VirusType2 said:
would rather fight you in street-fighter or something rather than talk about this stupid shit anymore
You crack me up!!:laugh:
i think a city styled mmorpg would be difficult to manage, because of what people would do .. the amount of pure roadrage and total misuse of transport [cars/motorbikes/..] would be astronomical. :)

it would be cool if they can pull it off, just like a matrix mmorpg would be cool (failed), and a star wars one (kind of failed).
destrukt, and considering the amount of people I've encountered in MMORPGs who play'em while severly drugged, let's not consider all the road accidents..
Poor sods who get run over by drunk drivers..:p
hah, made me think of something gargantou.

criminals, cops, and public services (ambulance's, fire trucks and the like), i'd so work for the government.
destrukt said:
hah, made me think of something gargantou.

criminals, cops, and public services (ambulance's, fire trucks and the like), i'd so work for the government.
ROTFL! Same here, definitely!