24: Season 4 Previews Impressions.


Oct 2, 2003
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Looks like the (apparant) last season of 24 is set to be really action packed this time around. I've been hearing rumours about a Michelle and Tony storyline cropping up somewhere along the way too.

I missed the first season of 24, and since it's a serial, it didn't make sense for me to be watching it out of order.

Maybe I should look into the DVDs?
A True Canadian said:
I missed the first season of 24, and since it's a serial, it didn't make sense for me to be watching it out of order.

Maybe I should look into the DVDs?

It was pretty easy to pick up from season 2. I picked season 1 up when I bought the s2 boxset, and I had myself a great time. It was like learning the back story, really.

You could watch 24 Season 4 without watching the others, but it might be worth watching 2 and 3 before you do. Season 1 is the best, but it's probably not relevant to s4.
Kangy said:
It was pretty easy to pick up from season 2. I picked season 1 up when I bought the s2 boxset, and I had myself a great time. It was like learning the back story, really.

You could watch 24 Season 4 without watching the others, but it might be worth watching 2 and 3 before you do. Season 1 is the best, but it's probably not relevant to s4.

i didnt watch series 1. started on series 2, then watched series 1 dvds... then i watched series 3, and now , bring on series 4, :D:D
Kangy said:
You could watch 24 Season 4 without watching the others, but it might be worth watching 2 and 3 before you do. Season 1 is the best, but it's probably not relevant to s4.
But watching Series 2 will guarantee that you'll ruin the ending of Series 1, which pretty much accounts for why that series was probably the best in the first place!

I didn't see Series 3 personally. The BBC lost the rights to show it, and I don't have digital TV... I also can't be bothered to buy the DVD because I hear it wasn't all that good anyway.
I quite liked Series 3. There were a few annoying twists I didn't agree with, but it was certainly a lot better than a lot of stuff showing on TV at the time.
OMG a 4 serie is coming? cool

I hope the 4 still be so good like the befores series
I didn't bother watching that show, it didn't look all that good and I was watching too much TV at the time anyway... Then I saw season one on DVD in a sale for £20 or something and thought I'd try it out.

I've now got three seasons on DVD... really is a great show. I don't know if I could stand to watch it weekly though, and with Adverts!! And if my "friend" sends me "tapes" from America then I'll have some huge mid season gap, no doubt.
I love 24. I won't be watching it on TV though because I can't stand to wait a week between episodes. I eventually d/led all the episodes of season 3.

I personally liked 2nd season best, then 1st, then 3rd (all very riveting anyways). It's gonna be nuts waiting for all those episodes to come out on BT :( Gonna ask for Season 1 and 3 on dvd for Xmas and birthday I think (already own the 2nd).
xLostx said:
all hail elisha cuthbert


Got all 3 series on DVD (series 3 IMO was worst of all, seemed slower paced than rest)

Loved all three series though the consistently high tension was getting a little much. Maybe it's just because we watched each season in a short amount of time. There's also something about the length of the story that sits a little uneasy with me.

Otherwise, love the show.
Series 2 was better than happiness.
If they can make the fourth one half as good, I will die a happy man!
24 is television at its best, you must understand that once you start seeing this series you wont stop ever! good bye Parties, good bye work, good bye college...

Do NOT watch this serie! save yourselfves guys!
its too late for me...

Kangy said:

Looks like the (apparant) last season of 24 is set to be really action packed this time around. I've been hearing rumours about a Michelle and Tony storyline cropping up somewhere along the way too.


This will be the LAST season? please say its not true , where did u hear this?
I dunno. Lost interest after Season 2. I mean how many 24 hour deadlines can one guy get in his life?

It would have been a much better series if they changed the context up a little bit... maybe have a different person facing a different kind of deadline... but c'mon. One guy? Its really all very silly.