Lost: Season 5

It was rushed because they're trying to pick up the pace for the finale.

And daniel is still right, whatever happened did happen. He always got shot by his mother, and that's how she picks up his notebook and learns he's a crazy genius, which is why growing up she pushes him to be a scientist to make him even better. It's also how she knows the women of his life are bad news (his girlfriend breaks her back if i remember correctly). And it also explains why she slaps whitmore when he talks about sacrifice, because she sent daniel back to the island knowing she was going to shoot him.

And I'm betting there's some connection between daniel's mom, the notebook, and how he knows (to the hour) when the incident will occur. Maybe she starts using it as a diary or something...

just a guess.
That was a good episode -- definitely a return to form, much like 'Some like it Hoth' before it, with some interesting developments and character interactions. Eloise stole the show with her performance, which I found genuinely moving, and she gained colossal bonus points for slapping Charles Widmore across the face.

xcellerate: Theresa ended up in a coma due to Daniel's time travel experiments at the University, I believe.
yea I think your right...I forgot which person broke their back...but I guess that makes even more sense, since eloise told daniel that his girls are only 'assistants', because she already knew how the girlfriend would turn up.
Not sure how I feel about Daniel.

They spend all this time talking about his gift and the importance of going back to the island, but it doesn't seem like he's done much. So what was the point of that ending. And what about that comic-con video?
That was a good episode -- definitely a return to form, much like 'Some like it Hoth' before it, with some interesting developments and character interactions. Eloise stole the show with her performance, which I found genuinely moving, and she gained colossal bonus points for slapping Charles Widmore across the face.

xcellerate: Theresa ended up in a coma due to Daniel's time travel experiments at the University, I believe.
Was Theresa the girl that Desmond saw in bed?


What lies in the shadow of the cup?
Does anyone else think Richard is the true leader and all others leaders are merely just temps and if they have to fall out of leadership, Richard would still be there in the background?
Does anyone else think Richard is the true leader and all others leaders are merely just temps and if they have to fall out of leadership, Richard would still be there in the background?
The Island has a long and complicated history, it makes sense for The Island to chose someone to live through it all to give the leader of the Others a first hand report when needed.
Outside of his 'historian' duties I don't see him as their "true leader" rather someone that helps the transition of leadership, the times we've seen him act on his own have all been related to the next leader.
Top episode.

Really bummed out about Daniel, though. He was one of my favourite characters.
i just saw a sneak peek of tomorrows episode, and theres something that richard says in it thats a could possibly be one of the biggest mind****s ever.
and you aren't going to link us to where you found this sneak peek?
Some of you seem to be under the false impression that the next episode is a Richard Alpert centric. It's not.
i think it's gonna be jack centric....looks like he's taking the lead again.

oh and daniel's not dead guys:
A) no one dies that easy on the island and B) he has yet to force Dr. Chang to record that video for the future Dharmas
I don't think it will have centricity -- not as a pre-finale set up.

bear, they confirmed his death in the recent podcast.
bear, they confirmed his death in the recent podcast.

God damn stupid idiots what the hell?

So I guess that video is now confirmed non-canon. It's a shame. I think Daniel could have contributed so much more if he was still with us.
Certainly. To wedge his back-story into a single episode was a mistake, I think; his path could have been a far more developed one, with his relationship to his mother and father explored much earlier. There is definitely wasted potential there, but I happen to feel this way in regard to much of the Dharma period -- the lives of those left-behind should have been at the forefront of the story-telling, rather than having it hazily skipped over.
I get the feeling Faraday invented the numbers though.
No. "The Numbers" were invented by the gentelman called Valenzetti. I'm (not) surprised by how little you know about LOST, hool10...
yea, weren't they part of a formula that estimated when humanity would exterminate itself...or something.
I use sites and my own theories. The LOST Experience I think at this point is non-canon. The writers in the past have said it's canon but they have been know to lie in the past to dissuade fans. Faraday is very good with numbers and was part of the DI higher-ups. When they were putting the numbers on the hatch, the 2 workers said "we just received an order to put these numbers on the hatch". Faraday had some sort of influence or role in the DI. I mean if your still believing the LOST Experience thing, where is Jupe the monkey or that women who was trying to expose stuff? It just gave the hardcore fans something to ponder over.
i can't believe i missed tonight's episode, now i have to wait god knows how long for ABC to upload it.
I was thinking about the show ending and how it would end. What if the last scene is the Oceanic Flight and it just shows everyone going to their original destination instead of crashing on the island. They all look at eachother but don't even know eachother. That is if Faraday's plan works and the last 3 years of their lives are erased
John Locke crashing Richard's party.

In next episode, it's gonna be Jack, Sayid vs. Sawyer, Kate, Juliet and Ben, Richard vs. John.
Doesn't the bomb go off? When dezmond crashes on the island originally doesn't his partner say something about fallout? And that's why he wears the hazmat suit when he leaves?
Why does he want to kill Jacob? Anyway, I don't think Jacob is a kill-able individual.

Terrific episode, BTW, 9.5/10

It was a great build-up for the finale.
They think there doing something different, sadly there not, all this has happened before, and will happen again.
Doesn't the bomb go off? When dezmond crashes on the island originally doesn't his partner say something about fallout? And that's why he wears the hazmat suit when he leaves?

That was all a ruse. Don't you remember that he took off the Hazmat suit when he went out and was away from the hatch?

It was used to confine Desmond probably, play on human fears.

Oh, and also... best quote from last night's episode.

"It's a twelve foot long fourty-thousand pound hydrogen bomb. No, not through the pool."

I can't remember, did he say 40,000 or 4,000? 4,000 sounds more believable but I can't remember.
That was a busy episode. Can't believe that filthy Kate managed to ruins Sawyers 70s love -in and world domination plans with Juliet.....can't a man catch a break?