24: Season 6 Trailer

Jul 1, 2003
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Man. I wasn't as nuts over season 5 as the previous seasons, but I am still very excited for this season. It makes me sad knowing that Jack will almost certainly die at the end of this season ;(

At least he'll be going down in a big fiery explosion of patriotism and badassery.
Yeah I watched that trailer as well. I'm very excited for this season as well. I hope Jack Bauer finds a way to get through this.
Not watching the trailer until I get series 5 on DVD since i watched every episode of series 5 on tv and missed the last three hours which are usually always the best. But if they are to kill Bauer and leave it at that its just.....sly lol. After all the crap he has been through, when they finally end the series (which I think wont be for a long time with the money the mkaers make with them) then they should end with Bauer FINALLY getting some peace in his life.
Bah, the trailer won't work for me, I hit play and it says "Connecting, Opening, Connecting to Media" over and over and then says it's ready.

Rinse repeat. ._.
Seems logical that he dies, after all everyone else did(are you listening Chloe). But I'm going to watch it, excited as always..



Can't wait!
I don't think he is going to die in this season; he signed a multimillion contract for 3 seasons last year...
He should've kept that beard >.< He'd look like a killer gypsy or something.
He should've kept that beard >.< He'd look like a killer gypsy or something.
Ah, but there's a strong correlation between Jack shaving off his beard and some terrorists getting their arses kicked.
I saw another teaser, and it looks like Palmer is assasinated. Does he?
Yeah, Sutherland has signed up for three more seasons; he won't be dying. Looks awesome though.
I'm running through Season 5 this week (ZOMG ITS AWESOMEODMWGHUERBV111O39UIEFNJKV) so I might watch this sometime next week.
I saw another teaser, and it looks like Palmer is assasinated. Does he?

[SPOILER FOR SEASON 5] yeah in the first hour of season 5 which left me completely stunned, then my stunnedness was multiplied when Dessler was killed in the same hour, only to have the legendry tony almeida killed not long after. Its was tragic. [END SPOILER]

I watched pretty much all of season 5 when it was on tv but since so much happens and the story progresses over a few months I forget quite a few things so thats why i have the entire collection on dvd, expect season 5 to arrive sometime next week. Plus yeah sutherland has indeed signed a 3 season contract last year so he wont be dieing, and I will be horrified if they kill him anyway in the final season.
[SPOILER FOR SEASON 5] yeah in the first hour of season 5 which left me completely stunned, then my stunnedness was multiplied when Dessler was killed in the same hour, only to have the legendry tony almeida killed not long after. Its was tragic. [END SPOILER]

I haven't seen season 5 yet, I'm getting the boxset next week.
Well the '[SPOLIER FOR SEASON 5]' bit sort of indicated that it was spoiler for season 5 so its your own stupid fault for reading past that alert
I just finally picked up Season 4, as I never started watching it until the last 5 episodes. D:

And I still have to wonder, why the hell does everyone here like Tony Almeida?...
He's like the Anakin Skywalker of 24.

He'd betray his own country just to save Michelle, ffs.
There's plenty of other fish in the sea.
He's a cool guy, I don't give a **** that he betrayed his own country. Oh, and because of the chinese 24 spoof he was in.
I really like Tony. Great character...


...but man, Season 4 is hella sad. SO MANY DEATHS. Palmer, Michelle, Edgar, that Lynn guy who I really felt bad for when he saved them all, Tony, etc. It's awesome though, as ever.

I really like Tony. Great character...


...but man, Season 4 is hella sad. SO MANY DEATHS. Palmer, Michelle, Edgar, that Lynn guy who I really felt bad for when he saved them all, Tony, etc. It's awesome though, as ever.


Wow the worst hidden spoiler ever....
Oh yeah, Season 5 sorry. My bad.

Wow the worst hidden spoiler ever....

I dunno, I thought SPOILER was pretty obvious really. Unless you mean the worst spoilers ever? Well, again, I dunno, they're pretty big elements of the Season.
I shall be getting my season 5 dvd collection on Monday, cant wait to watch them all again
I watched part of season 5, the first few episdoes and about the last 6-8 episodes. I started gaining interest in 24 from the first few episodes of season 5 but unfortunately I missed most of the episodes from that season. I have the season 1 and 2 DVD and I'm nearly finished watching season 2. I can't help but feel sorry for Jack at the end of season 1(I'm not going to spoil the ending of that for anyone).
And I still have to wonder, why the hell does everyone here like Tony Almeida?...
He's like the Anakin Skywalker of 24.

I wept when he died ;(

I think it might of been because of Jack's response.

But it begs the question, how come did Kim come back for a episode or two after missing a whole season. Was Elisha Cuthbert on maturnity leave or something?