25 fps in hl2/DOD with a x800 pro

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Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score

i have a Powercolor x800 pro, with the latestes ATI drivers and in DOD it get 25fps at 1152 x 864 in d3d and about 50 in OpenGL or what ever it is!!!

What is goin on? anyone got any ideas? other games run very well.

thanks for any help
Yea..whats your cpu?Also how much ram?
oh right yea sorry, 2ghz p4, 750 megs of ddr ram.
bottle knecking that card maybe?,, it would probably increase the fps drastically if you put another 0.8 ghz on the processor, and upgraded to a gig of memory anyway...

how bigs your harddrive too? , you got alot of space left on it?

or are you running DoD off steam? :p
i have about 40 gig on that hdd.

i find it hard to belive its being bottleknecked really, i know its not the best spec ever but surely enough for more than 30 fps in hl :)

and yea its of steam :( i think thats the problem
mutt said:
oh right yea sorry, 2ghz p4, 750 megs of ddr ram.

Jeez my 2600+ bottleneck like a whore....my 3000+ will still do it a little, I can't imagine on that pc how much bottleneck is going on :eek:
lol no way is it because of my other hardware bottelknecking, im on about 25 fps in DOD!!!
mutt said:
lol no way is it because of my other hardware bottelknecking, im on about 25 fps in DOD!!!

Umm yeah, bottlenecking WILL affect fram rates.
bottlnecking will effect fps, but only 25 fps? and with a x800 in dod?!? thats a bit stretch.

try changing your resolution higher or lower and see what happens.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Umm yeah, bottlenecking WILL affect fram rates.

Yeah that obvious, im on about my spec and that a x800 pro will not run a game like dod at 25fps because I only have a 2ghz cpu and 768 meg of ram
nice, lowered it and now i get 15fps! :( thats the 768 meg of ram?
mutt said:
Yeah that obvious, im on about my spec and that a x800 pro will not run a game like dod at 25fps because I only have a 2ghz cpu and 768 meg of ram

Dude I have the same card, don't act like I don't know anything about it.
mutt said:
nice, lowered it and now i get 15fps! :( thats the 768 meg of ram?

No, what do you have running in the the background and how much memory is being used?
dude i wasnt.
u thought i was saying hardware doesnt bottle neck cards, which i wasnt, i was sayin there is no way my cpu and ram are causing 24 fps, (now 14 fps) in dod, and you were
DiSTuRbEd said:
Umm yeah, bottlenecking WILL affect fram rates.
Because bottleneck WILL affect it. I was getting 30-40fps full detail 4xaa 8xaf in farcry, overclocked my cpu to 2.1ghz and got about 10 or so more fps in mp.
Disable any AA/AF filter settings by setting to application preference and Disable Vsync.
You do have the power connector plugged into the Card, right?
Close other applications in the background and run a Virus, Spyware scan and check what is running in Windows Task Manager.
I would just take a run through Bios settings and Display properties to make sure everything is right.

Just have to troubleshoot.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Because bottleneck WILL affect it. I was getting 30-40fps full detail 4xaa 8xaf in farcry, overclocked my cpu to 2.1ghz and got about 10 or so more fps in mp.
can u not see a slight difference between farcry and dod?
Yeah, FarCry is more demanding.

This is one of the reasons why I kept my Nvidiot FX5600XT....so I wouldn't have to search for config stuff...I am a very lazy person....
yea what im trying to say is there should be no bottleneck problems with dod,

thanks for the replies ppl, trying the comments now
thats it i give up
ill have to live with 60 fps in openGL
how do i change AA settings?
mutt said:
thats it i give up
ill have to live with 60 fps in openGL
how do i change AA settings?

i always thought the HL engine just ran better in OpenGL rather than D3D anyways?

i don't know much about the x800 but i've noticed the same differences between the two with other cards i've owned.

you can change your aa settings in your display properties for your card. just change the defaults that aa is set at.
yea i agree, just i didnt think D3d would be this bad! :(
mutt said:
yea i agree, just i didnt think D3d would be this bad! :(

i could be wrong about this, but half life came out in the voodoo era when games where usually more optimized for opengl.
D3D for HL engine wasn't that great to begin with, seriously.
Reformatting does what to frames???? Yeah nothing, absolutely nothing, he needs to tweak some more to get the best performance out of the card.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Reformatting does what to frames???? Yeah nothing, absolutely nothing, he needs to tweak some more to get the best performance out of the card.
Heh, you'd be supprised what reformatting can do.
Be serious, the 2.0 processor doesnt bottleneck the x800 that much. I run DoD on 1600x1200 and it RARELY dips below 120fps. Yea, you need to change some settings in steam that may be causing lag. Change your rates depending on what internet connection you have and see if that helps.
Subatomic said:
Be serious, the 2.0 processor doesnt bottleneck the x800 that much. I run DoD on 1600x1200 and it RARELY dips below 120fps. Yea, you need to change some settings in steam that may be causing lag. Change your rates depending on what internet connection you have and see if that helps.

Look for my link earlier in this thread. You will see the light.
maybe he should get a new mouse. That would probably help. Glad to help. :D
Subatomic said:
Be serious, the 2.0 processor doesnt bottleneck the x800 that much.

You're guessing, I know it bottlenecks on my 2ghz amd, can't imagine on a p4.
DiSTuRbEd, it shouldnt bottleneck to the point till you get 15fps. definately a no on that.
I'm having the same problem... DoD is running like Hell on my brand new computer... so much so that even my mouse and keyboard become unresponsive at times. This is with a mobility Radeon 9700, 1.7 GHz Pentium M, and 1024 MB 2700 RAM... UT2004 and Far Cry are just fine, but the only thing I've actually gotten to help a little bit is setting the Steam process to be low priority... that fixes some of the unresponsiveness, but I still get no more than 60 fps in-game (v-sync is off)! And that's looking at a wall or something... it drops a lot lower...
Letters said:
I'm having the same problem... DoD is running like Hell on my brand new computer... so much so that even my mouse and keyboard become unresponsive at times. This is with a mobility Radeon 9700, 1.7 GHz Pentium M, and 1024 MB 2700 RAM... UT2004 and Far Cry are just fine, but the only thing I've actually gotten to help a little bit is setting the Steam process to be low priority... that fixes some of the unresponsiveness, but I still get no more than 60 fps in-game (v-sync is off)! And that's looking at a wall or something... it drops a lot lower...

Find some of the .exe files for Half-Life and what not and try running them in compatability mode for Windows 98/ME. That may fix your problem.

Basically you right click on the file, select properties and then select the compatability tab and you click the settings you want.
x84D80Yx said:
DiSTuRbEd, it shouldnt bottleneck to the point till you get 15fps. definately a no on that.

Well not to 15fps, but the question is, did he install the right drivers???
DiSTuRbEd said:
You're guessing, I know it bottlenecks on my 2ghz amd, can't imagine on a p4.

oh please stop it now

we dont need to keep goin on about bottelnecking an x800 with a 2ghz p4 to 14 fps in dod, it simply isnt the problem, ok?
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